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I really shouldn't be pissed but...........

snoopyinoz's picture

Once again Stay Puff (BM) has come through with her winning personality of lying manulipitive bullshit! The kids had an ordered visit with her tonight and last night. Well last night Stay Puff promised them that she would take them to build a bear. So tonight after the visit, the kids come back with........ You guessed it! Nothing! Stay Puff "forgot" about it. Ha! Bullshit! She also told the kids that DH and I were "keeping her from them and SHE was the best parent" really? Then why in the fuck have you NOT bothered to see the kids but 5 times in the last 2 years?! Dis you also "forget" that your a parent? She also can't make her mind up as to where she's "working" she told her atty and DH yesterday she's working at a group home, then told DH tonight she's working at a fast food joint then changed back to the group home story. I am so livid at this woman right now, I just want her to "forget" everything and leave!


sassy lou's picture

I completely sympathize with you. Being a step parent is hard as it is but having to deal with the ex is a lot tougher. Especially when they are lying manipulative bitches. All I can say is ignore her when the kids come to you for condolence just hold them try try try not to bad mouth her too much in front of them. Those kids need need stability in their life even if it doesn't come from the bio parent.