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He's Alive!!!

Endora's picture

DH called and Zippy16.5 made it through dental sugery. DH has Zippy happily ensconsed in the family room on the lazy boy, with blankies and pillow -TV remote in hand happily playing nursemaid to his "only baby" all afternoon-

DH made sure to buy all the foods etc. and will be at Zippy's beck and call until I get home to a list of things that need to be done for Zippy16.5 tonight.

Zippy is in for a big surprise when I get home-he is NOT taking over the house as an invalid for the next 3 days-I will have him comfortably resting in his BEDROOM, meds, water, barf bowl etc. by him-hopefully sleeping as he is supposed to be tonight-

DH wasn't too bad last night with Zippy-just gave him extra time to game last night and a hug to tell Zippy things won't be so bad-AWHHH-

My husband is such a "Jewish Mother" (he is Jewish-so I guess it is appropriate)!


Endora's picture

Zippy LOVES that-it's his favourite non commercial food-tonight I would have to puree it into a boullion type consistency while rubbing Zippy's feet (or something to that effect from DH nursing instructions I will be left with tonight)

Step Parenting – you might need to step back before you step in something!

Sasha's picture

OMG that is awful! Do people really listen to that kind of music?

Sasha's picture


I had an impacted wisdom tooth removed in February. Although I almost passed out afterward, it was nothing. I was expecting much worse and was amazed they only gave me motrin for the pain. I was so tense and nervous before hand (I think that's why I almost passed out) and was so relieved that I worried for nothing. About a month later I spoke with a girl who was going to have one of her's pulled out and she was scared and nervous like I was. I was so glad to be able to tell her about my experience, that it was not nearly as bad as I had anticipated and it helped to ease her mind.

Honestly though, I don't know how you manage not to puke when your H babies Zippy the way he does. I bet Zippy gets a good laugh about it behind your H's back.

Endora's picture

Poor Zip has to put up with me tonight as Daddykins has a gig }:)

Hey someone has to put the evil in stepmother.... Dirol

Step Parenting – you might need to step back before you step in something!

secondwife20's picture

Zippy is okay!! I was SO worried! *sarcasm*

I knew he would be okay... after all, getting wisdom teeth pulled is practically a piece of cake for dentists... especially for the ones that have been doing this for years.

When I was six years old, doctors had to drill into my head... and even then my dad didn't act the way your DH is acting about wisdom teeth.

Serena's picture

You should stop by the bookstore on your way home and pick up some light reading for him. For his sake you should probably unplug the gaming system. Too much gaming excitement will get his heart pounding and cause his giant mouth craters to throb. Really, it's been a traumatic day, Zippy should take it easy! Just take home a biography of Mr. Rogers.

bewitched's picture

"To Thine Own Self Be True" William Shakesphere

It was not major surgery! I had an impacted, upside down wisdom tooth removed this summer & still have a hole in my mouth from it. I stayed at H's apartment, because it was close to the city I had to see the surgeon at. I had my jello, my soup, and a bed. That's it. No babying, and I wouldn't have wanted babied if it was offered!

Anyway, if your H is too overbearing on this one-suggest a Home Health Nurse for the patient! Wink

now4teens's picture

Maybe I just have a higher pain tolerance than others
(having 5 teenagers will do that to you. I guess I'm "naturally numb" at this point! Wink )

But I had one of my wisdom teeth pulled just this past December. They just used a shot of novacaine. Three stiches later and I was out the door in 20 minutes.

And then, with a wad of gauze in my mouth, I drove myself to Walgreens to fill my Rx for my pain medication. No biggie.

I'm glad the worst seems to be over for Zippy. He SHOULD be much better today- mostly sleeping it off (hopefully, for your sake!)

"Of course things worked out nicely for Carol Brady...she had a live-in maid and Mike's first wife was DEAD!"

Endora's picture

After DH left for band practice-Zippy16.5-zipped downstairs and X-Boxed his brains out hooting and hollering!!! He is 100% back to normal!

DH was shocked that he was that much better so soon (aw-good immune system and youth!)

So it will be a weekend of Zippy Xboxing frenzy (gotta make plans to get out of the house-already booked a BBQ for DH and I on Saturday night-)

Step Parenting – you might need to step back before you step in something!

now4teens's picture

and that you, Endora, didn't have to endure the continuing "health scare" :barf: specatcle between Daddy Dearest and the Zipster.

"Of course things worked out nicely for Carol Brady...she had a live-in maid and Mike's first wife was DEAD!"