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went good at home

enoughisenough2me's picture

i went home friday night, and i can't wait til i can make my move, i just feel so angry at home. we went to church sunday and the low tire light came on on the way there, and was flatter than a pancake by the time we got ready to go. thankfully church members tried to help us because we don't have a spare (that got worn out a LONG time ago.

he went to take sd home i told him we couldn't afford to drive the 60 miles to fully take sd home but bm called the house at 6:20 "he was supposed to bring her home" so i called him and told him "make her come get her because we DONT' have the gas. he was driving my car. but surley enough he doesn't have a back bone to her, so he took her home. bm put 10 in gas accordign to dh, but i betcha he just told me that to get me to not blow up.

i'm just waiting for the kids to be out of school, and be with the op's so i can make my move, o and apparently he now has 2 possible employers looking at suggested i stay and let him pay my living for a while, but i'm not one to be ok with "using" someone even if they "used" me so not sure if i'll do that or not-i doubt it


WTH Happened's picture

You might be able to recoup some of your money that way...BUT...what good will it do to you when you are going to be angry from the past.

IMO, best to take the financial hit and get out on your own where you can be HAPPY!

enoughisenough2me's picture

that's what i was telling my mom cause the whole point in waiting til the kids are out of school is to keep my dd from having to transfer in the middle/end of a school year, so i told mom if i DID wait, i'd need to wait til next year to make any moves, not worth it and dd already knows where i the sooner the better (mom doesn't know she knows, dd is good at keeping mommy dd convo's between us)