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i seperated last night

enoughisenough2me's picture

he went away to an interview, i took off work and got mine and dd's things. yes shit hit the fan when he got home. part of what made me leave is he made a vandalisim threat, and i'm just not ok with it up on top of the suicide threat.


majka's picture

Good, I am very happy for you, stay strong and find a good support system... BTW, was your work able to work anything out with you? I remember another blog you said you were going to talk to them.

enoughisenough2me's picture

no, but i did find a baby sitter out there, and the school is working with me. because of the circumstances, they are letting dd be released as early as they legally can which is 2 weeks. the biggest part that sucks is it's gonna take me 2 hours to get to work every day but - all the bills we CAN'T afford i have all kids off spending $$ right now lol Blum 3

overworkedmom's picture

I hope you are able to stay strong and do what is best for you and your daughter!! I wish you luck

morgan_minx80's picture

Good for you hun. Think of you and your dd first. Your ex is a selfish ass. Im so pleased for you, have been following your blogs for a bit now.

ctnmom's picture

So happy for you! I absolutely believe you made the best decision. God bless.

3familiesIn1's picture

You are showing your DD what it is to be strong and stand up for yourself - good for you!!!! She must be so proud of you right now - its the best thing you could have ever given her.

StarStuff's picture

I'm glad to hear that you're getting out of this situation! I hope you and dd are able to get settled again soon. Sending positive vibes your way Smile