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wow o wow, can't wait til end of school

enoughisenough2me's picture

so i was talking to him this weekend just to keep things somewhat similar. and he said "well i went to wal-mart to put in an application and i stopped by the lap tops and they have one for 399 with a cd dvd burner and much bigger than yours (of course i don't respond much to that conversation). mom suggested i dare him to go buy one and if he does to file an immediate seperation and then just get out what i can live without and stay there til dd finishes school. (which is the plan any way) she also suggested to have him pull his credit (and me pull mine) so i can see if he has taken out anything i am unaware of, and if he has-file for an IMMEDIATE seperation.

of course, also during our conversation he said "i don't know why you are staying at your mom's for the entire week, and if i get a laptop i will have a web cam and we can still see eachother while you're at your mom's for occasions like this........................omg DROP THE FREAKING LAP TOP ISSUE ALREADY! i really think he's going to get one, which will be STUPID because there are so many immediate bills that are due that makes it where we CLEARLY cannot afford a fucking computer. then he tells me "well the dell isn't starting up for some reason which is another reason why i need a lap top, so i can do school work" i told him "get the computer from dd's room, that'll work and she's not using it" but that too went in one ear and out the other


enoughisenough2me's picture

probably, but that's ok, mom suggested (to give me excuse to get things out of the house-which i LIKE) that i'm going to pawn off our big electronics to help me pay bills and just take them over to her house (we worked on getting me room at her house this past weekend)