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Advice on how to gain custody

Everyones Interest's picture

I thought this may be interesting for those who are trying to or thinking of gaining custody of their Skids...


LotusFlower's picture

Awwwww...ty EI...I think its a great article...I have already gone thru that custody battle...and as horrific as it was...we did obtain custody and have been working very hard to produce strong upstanding little citizens...I hope that more men realize that they are as entitled to their kids as the BMs...and honestly...I don't care if its the BM or the BD...whoever provides the best environment should have primary custody, imo....thank u for the article...I know it will be helpful to those who may think they cannot win!!!

A mother is not defined by the "b" or the "s" in front of her name, she is defined by how she handles the "mother" part.....

Everyones Interest's picture

You know...I knew that you have custody. I've read your blogs. It's just hard to keep all the names straight. Smile

Therefor, I will change the title of this blog.

***Life - It's not a rehearsal***

luckykell's picture

Thank you for posting this!! We start our battle next month for SD5, and some of the tips in that I believe will truly help us! Thanks again!

"Live well, Love much, Laugh often."

stepmom2one's picture

I never would have thought to keep the to small clothes or soiled underwear (some SMs have recieved skids like this)....keep it and label it with the date. An interesting tip for the ladies and men here.

evilstepmummy's picture

Thank you for the tips!! thank you for letting people know that it is possible!!