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The end of Days.

Evil stepmonster's picture

I survived!! Mental high five!!

It was a daunting weekend. I don't know if it's because puberty has set in or if it's because he know's Redfaces antics aren't looked upon with favor at our house but STA was not having any of it this weekend.
Normally he's usually very passive towards RFM, to the point of major annoyance. I've asked him several times why do you let him talk to you like that or why do you give in to every things he wants? He's always said because mom says he's different and I have to.
Different? Oh boy there's some sugar coated shit right there.
Well this weekend he wasn't having any of it.
RFM wanted to play video games STA told him to wait his turn. RFM wanted something to drink or eat, STA told him to get it himself. And one point in time he said "I'm not your servent, do it yourself."
It went on and on. DH was a little surprised himself but didn't force STA to give in. Oh the shades of red that kid turned. Sunday was the funniest though.
RFM - I said make me some eggs.
STA - And I said no.
RFM - I don't know how to make eggs, mom won't let me cook.
STA - She just doesn't want you around anything sharp, that's why you're not allowed in the kitchen at home.
RFM - That is not true.
STA - *giggling* Yes it is. If you can't make eggs then make something else. I'm not your server.
RFM - Yes you are, mom said you have to.
STA - Yeah, at her house. We're not at her house.
RFM - If you don't do it I'm going to....
STA - What? What are you going to do? Kill me in my sleep? Yeah I've heard it all before, that's why mom put a deadbolt on my room. All you're going to do is sit there breath hard and then bitch and moan to mom.
I couldn't help it, I real lifed LOLed.
And there he went....even his ears turned red. DH told RFM to calm down and he would show him how to make his own eggs. Now, would I ever leave anything unlocked for him to try and cook by, but maybe him thinking he would be trusted with that would give him a little grow up booster.
So DH stood and watched but RFM did it all by himself. After which he came back into the living room with his plate of hot eggs and threw them at STA's head, and it hit him on the side of the face.
OMG I've never seen STA get that pissed since I met him. Infact I've never seen him get pissed but oh boy did he ever!! He got up super fast and smacked the hell out of RFM. Right across the face, knocking him on his ass.
By now I was getting the dogs to clean up all the eggs on the floor, and DH stood there like a deer in head lights. And that was that. STA sat back down and continued playing his game, DH picked up the plate and threw it away, and RFM was sitting on his ass crying.
RFM - Aren't you going to do something to him? He just slapped me and it hurt.
DH - Nope, son this a life lesson for you. If you throw hot food on someone they will most likely beat your ass, which he just did. Now go make some cereal and get over it.
RFM - I don't want cereal. I want eggs.
DH - You had eggs, and you threw them. Eggs cost money, and you just wasted two, I'm not letting you waste two more. Either eat some cereal or wait till lunch.
I'll admit, as soon as the smack happened I was inching towards my hidden screw driver incase it came to that but I think it was all handled quite nicely. STA has been upgraded to SS12. And DH went and called BM1 before he dropped them off and told what happened before RFM could twist it into everyone smacked me because I wanted to eat eggs then dad told me not to eat at all. I don't know what her reaction was but I'm sure she wasn't too thrilled with the fact that SS12 didn't bow down to master Redface.
But hey...we survived!! Mental high five!!


classyNJ's picture

Doesnt seem so scary when everyone on the house is on the same page and have each others backs. Hoping one day you wont have to have hidden defense weapons!

Evil stepmonster's picture

Until his parents stop making the "He's specual" excuse and get him the help he really needs I don't think I'll ever feel safe around him.

Evil stepmonster's picture

As soon as the eggs were launched DH had gotten up but SS12 beat him to it. Besides the feeling off SS12's hand smacking him hard across the face and his butt smacking on a wooded floor hard, the best punishment for Redface was to watch SS12 not get in trouble for smacking him. That got to him worse than anything. Plus he was not allowed on any electronics for the rest of the day at dads house.

Evil stepmonster's picture

When DH took them home, he made it a point to bring it up to BM1 infront of both kids. Not to mention the burn on SS12's face was much nastier looking than Redface's face. He told her that Redface had it coming and if she really lets him throw hot food on his brother than authorities need to step in and give her a hand.
He's going to call SS12 tonight and see how things are going. If he keeps this up at his moms house, we might just be getting yet another teenage boy under our roof full time.

Evil stepmonster's picture

He is not allowed there when my kids are there. We coordinate weekends as much as possible so that we can get some kid free weekends, but since he can't come when my kids are home we've rearranged some more giving him mostly one but sometimes two overnights a month. I've told DH I can't control if you are willing to put your kids in danger because of him I can only control the danger I do and do not let around my kids.
This was however the first time DH has heard about Redface threatening to kill SS12 while he sleeps. If BM1 installed a deadbolt I would think it was used more than a few times, and maybe even slightly acted on. The deadbolt is shocking to me, she was quite upset when Redface told her we had put a chain lock on our door so he couldn't get in there while we asleep, so to do that in her house where Redface's word is law I'm wondering what really happened to get that put in.