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Lice yet again...

Exhausted820's picture

So SD5 comes home second weekend in a row and has lice yet again...her head was spotless when she left and of course she comes home from her disgusting mothers house with lice. I am so upset. It took me over 4 hours to get her head clean the last time. Now I have to do it all over again. I know a bunch of people on here said lice only like clean hair well you all are wrong. She came home smelling and feet were all black. She was so dirty. I am so pissed off and upset. All her mother could say was I don't know where she got them from. She got them from your dirty house you dumb b! It is not fair to this child nor is it fair to me.


oneoffour's picture

The only way I got rid of the lice in my sons hair was to cut his hair VERY short. I am a very clean person and would work my kids hair through every morning and night. It could be just one lice left from when you cleaned her hair ... I am sorry you have to deal with this again and again. If her mother is stupid and won't do anything, are you able to sut SDs hair to a more managable length? It will grow back.

kimberly's picture

Try using Campho Phenique. Soak her head with it and wrap in a towel over night. This will kill the bugs and eggs. It will also sooth the bites from the bugs.