I Get It!
I now understand why some animals eat their young...
We had SD overnight again Fri/Sat. The child is an unholy terror and I have come to the conclusion her birth had to have been like that scene in Alien. First of all, we had MIL, BIL, and SIL + her kids and hubby over for dinner. SD kept walking around telling them that she wants daddy and mommy back together and that it is illegal for me and daddy to be married. Then when she didn't like what was for supper she chose to throw the entire plate on the floor (staining the carpet). THEN after they all left, she was mad because she had no one to play with and because they are not allowed back over (I'll get into that next), so what's she do? She pees her pants 5 times, and craps her pants twice. So she soiled herself (and my couch and carpet) 7 FREAKING TIMES!! DH made her put a pullup on (this upset her because she knows they are for 'babies') and DH told her if she wanted to ACT like a baby then we would TREAT her like one. Then DH made her go to her room for the rest of the night, took away her TV and favorite dolls, plus he told her her bike was going in the shed and she is NOT going to get it back for 1 month. *applause for DH* Throughout the night she repeatedly came into our bedroom and kept saying that DH could not sleep with me because he is only to sleep with mommy and insisted that she sleep between us. Each time DH hauled her ass back to her room and took away more privledges. This occured about 5-6 times. The next morning SD was pissed off because she had no toys to play with, couldn't watch movies, couldn't draw, couldn't watch cartoons, and was allowed only cheerios (no sugar) for breakfast (instead of her favorite: Lucky Charms). When we took her home, we talked to BM and her DH, they said SD has been doing the same thing to them about the sleeping arrangements thing...Hmmm...
Whoany, back to Friday nights dinner with SIL's little demon spawns. These kids are AWFUL. The little BRATS destroyed my new house. Here's just a SMALL list of what they did:
1)Her youngest (2) POURED his juice all over Sd's dollhouse, carpet, bed and dresser. Mind you this was BLUE juice that stains.
2) Her eldest (4) pulled the curtains off of 3 windows (anchor and all) which tore the wall up completely and it now has to be SPACKLED in order to REHANG the curtain rod.
3) Her youngest went INTO the dishwasher and got out a steak knife and carved up the walls and our new couch.
4) Her youngest yanked my computer cords off my new 1200.00 computer and broke 2 of them. (Mind you the door to the computer room was SHUT but the shit still got in there).
5) Her youngest pooed in his diaper and proceeded to wipe it on the walls/windows/doors/etc.
6) Her eldest broke SD's bed by jumping on it (its a futon, thats what she wanted)
And like I said that is a SHORT LIST. That isn't all of it. I am sick of kids period. UGHHHH. And SIL did nothing about it. At all. Her hubby cleaned up what he could. But didn't yell at the kids either. F*ckin brats.
- Fading's blog
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OMG, that must have been the
OMG, that must have been the dinner from hell! Too bad you couldn't have sent your SD with her aunt - sounds like she'd fit in perfectly. Considering all the damage SIL's little angels did to your new home, I'd be sending SIL a bill.
OMFG!!!! What in the hell is
OMFG!!!! What in the hell is wrong with those brats?!?!?! I would have flipped my bitch switch and gone postal on kids and family too! That is craziness at it's best it sounds like! I hate that for you!
****I can do bad all by myself****
what did their mom say?
what did their mom say?
Ohhhhhhhhh Myyyyyyyyyyy
Ohhhhhhhhh Myyyyyyyyyyy Goooooooooooosssssssssshhhhhhh! I would kill them! DH has an older sister, her son is the spawn of satin. One year he chased SS with a knife at his BDay party because he wanted to open SS's presents. That kid is OUT OF HAND!
The strange thing is, we babysat him one day, a few years ago. He was a perfect angel. Not ONE problem all day long. When SIL came to pick him up, he started acting like a wild child. He only acts that way around HER! He only sees his dad once a month.... and his dad is a POS. That boy needs a FATHER FIGURE and QUICK.
I think after any one of those incedents you listed, I would have asked SIL to leave.
~You have to BE crazy to UNDERSTAND crazy!~
i discipline other people's
i discipline other people's children the same I would my own in MY home and SIL and her kids would have been out on their asses the first time they acted like animals and no one corrected it.
"A pessimist complains about the wind, an optimist counts on the wind changing, a realist adjusts his sails"
There IS a difference between having a different opinion and being an asshole, find it.
OMG. I'm not a fan of
OMG. I'm not a fan of hitting children but all of those kids could use a spanking, including SD. Each one of them was out of line.
That is why SIL's children
That is why SIL's children are never allowed at our house again.
*: (=’:’ ):*
What the hell is wrong with
What the hell is wrong with your SIL? They would NOT be allowed in my house ever again & they would have to pay for all damages, spackle, rug cleaning, computer cords, etc. Seriously, people are freakin' idiots.
"There are two things over which you have complete dominion, authority, and control over - your mind and your mouth".