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FeelinTrapped's picture

get pregnant on it? I dont want anymore kids right now...thats why i got the 5 year mirena....

well my boobs are getting bigger and not milk but kinda the same looking stuff coming out....OMG

I read though that if you have had a child and breast fed and are under severe stress....which i am it can cause you to "remilk" becasue of too many hormones going through your body...idk

i always get morning sickness...not sick not late yet.....

I need to know if anyone else has had this happen


stepoff's picture

I don't think that panicking at this point is necessary. Just contact your doctor and see what they say. Did you check the manufacturer's website and see what the side-effects are?

justbdais's picture

panicking probably isn't the greatest idea. I wasn't on mirena but certain birth control pills cause this to happen to me. When I was 13 years old and taking a low dose pill for severe cramps my 'milk' came in. Talk about a freaked out 13 year old. I was definitely not pregnant but couldn't figure out why this was happening. My doctor told me it was because of the hormones. It happened 2 years later when I was on a different pill.

FeelinTrapped's picture

thank waiting on my hubbys new insurance to take affect....till then i have to wait