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I've Been Outted

FinallyFedUp's picture

So, I should have known that this would happen. DH knows everyone. Someone finally messaged him on facebook and told him I'm looking for a job. I wasn't ready for this conversation yet...


FinallyFedUp's picture

Not ok. I haven't had 'the conversation' yet b/c I've got soccer games all day. I'm not sure what DH thinks. He came to my son's game and asked if I want to eat at a new restaurant after our DS game. Denial maybe? Dunno. And no, I can't afford to just pull the plug yet. I have no job and no money. It might be different if DH really really worked on things, but it would require almost a full 180 and I don't think he's capable. It's just how he is. Classic NPD. NOT a good day.

But at least my son won his game 10-1, so there's that. lol

uofarkchick's picture

Who in the world would tell your husband you were looking for a job? And unless that person is the owner of an establishment that you applied at, then deny it. And make sure to stop the information train with anyone that likes to tattle.

FinallyFedUp's picture

It was someone that works at one of the places I applied at. It was highly unethical if you ask me. While DH is not physically abusive, imagine if he was. She could have gotten someone killed. I wish I knew who did this or could find out. They should definitely be reported.

FinallyFedUp's picture

That's why I DIDN'T tell anyone except my mom and my sister. I'm so frustrated right now I could scream.

uofarkchick's picture

Dang, girl. Maybe pull a page from an emotional abuser's play book and turn it around. Like, "Wait, why is a girl messaging you? You cheating SOB!".

I always wanted to do that to my ex just to show him how ridiculous that shit is. But I just couldn't pull it off.

FinallyFedUp's picture

Thank you. Mine is not physical either but classic NPD. Thinks he's smarter than me, but he is oh so wrong. If you tries to play dirty, I can play dirty. At this point, I just want out. But he better agree to my terms. I will screw his world up when I leave if he tries to throw punches.

Acratopotes's picture

Well if DH asks you if it's true, laugh and say yes I'm testing the waters, but it's not to say I will leave home and go to work.....

or simply say, Oh dear some one must be using my name.... this person is talking dung.....

Why do you worry if DH finds out if you are looking for a job or not, maybe if he knows the truth he will start treating you better and realize you are not a possession he can keep in the house?

Just be honest and say, yes I'm looking for a job and what's the problem with it?