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"Transition Time"

fractioned's picture

Since I started seeing SO I've noted a sporadic co-sleeping thing. At first, it never happened when I stayed at the house when SS8 was there. I did notice that it was happening a lot when I wasn't, and I brought it up to SO saying that I wanted to be damn sure that I wouldn't be put into the position of "taking something away" by my presence. SO seemed to listen, but I don't think he quite "got it" because he doesn't see any potential for a problem here. He did say that when BM first moved out (a year and a half ago, plus) SS8 took it hard and slept with him every night.

Back a few weeks ago, before the divorce was finalized, SO had a talk with SS8 and let him know that while things in general wouldn't be changing for him, Mom and Dad were going to court, and that after that day, it meant that Mom wasn't ever going to move back home. Even after a year's separation with BM moving in with her boyfriend (and SS8 meeting/spending time with him even before she moved out) this was never quite said this way, and I know it was a blow to him.

A few days after that, SO and SS8 crashed out in the bed after a long day while I was still up. I didn't quite know how to handle it and was upset. SO and I had gone through a few emotional but rewarding conversations, and I was looking forward to some adult time to bond. Since I was still awake I sat up for a while getting more upset, and lo and behold SO woke up wondering where I was. We talked and I found out about their conversation, I felt a lot more understanding, SS8 was put into his own bed, and we went to sleep. Surprise - I woke up that morning with SS8 curled up in my arms, fist tangled in my hair. It touched me, but it also made me sad - in the middle of the night, was it me he came to, or was it his mom who he really wished was there? Sad

Since then, it's been every time I come over that SS8 has been sleeping in SO's bed and not his own. It's only been one more time that he slept with the both of us, and the night after (a school/work night) he feigned nightmares to try to get us to let him in again. I had told SO earlier that I needed to get some sleep that night so he stood firm, but I could tell that it wasn't what he wanted to do.

SS8 is an only child and has all the things that go along with it, plus the fact that he's still absorbing his parents' separation and newly divorced status. I understand that he's kind of reliving the separation over again, and that there's going to be a period of time where he needs the extra comfort and attention. He and I have a good rapport and he acts excited when I'm over, SO tells me he gets bummed when I'm not. I want to make sure that I'm not put in the position of being the bad guy here. I think SS8 would be better off being told that he's a big boy now, and big boys sleep in their own beds. Make him feel more grown up, and he'll be better able to cope with the big boy stuff coming his way. SO just wants to make the boo boos go away (well, of course, who wouldn't?).

What I want to know more about is when there's a difference between giving him what he needs and feeding a want/fantasy that shouldn't be encouraged. When does it cross that line, and how do I react to it? I don't have kids of my own yet and am still trying to gauge what is healthy and what isn't. SO doesn't give in to the tears every time (and he does explain in the moment that there are better ways to handle disappointment), but when does it get to the point that SO is fueling his neediness?


oneoffour's picture

2 words... Body Pillow.

Get him new bed linen of his choosing and new PJS and a nightlignt. Put a shirt his father has worn on the body pillow and give him some sharpies to draw a funny Dadface on the pillow. Then he is more likely to stay in his own bed.

I would maybe put some bells on your door so you will hwear him come in. And maybe some melatonin to keep him asleep.

I suspect his little body has got used to this nightly ritual. Go to bed, wake up, snuggle in with Dad and fractioned, go back to sleep. I would start with redoing his bed and PJs and a body pillow.

YoungandConfused's picture

Yeah I felt bad when my ex's kids were eight and nine and they ended up still sleeping on our bedroom floor four years later . End that stuff now

Lalena75's picture

When my ex and i split I went through a time where my ds would either ask to sleep with me or sneak into my bed in the middle of the night. I let him sometimes he was 8 and having a rough time sometimes my dd would be in the bed to (14yr) after a bit i realized I was allowing a situation to occur that could be unhealthy for them and sat them down for a talk. My ds said he was wanting in my bed because he didn't want me to cry (I didn't know he could hear me and I tried to keep it together in front of them ) and he didn't want me to be lonely. And dd didnt want me crying and knew I wouldn't if she was in my bed if ds wasn't. I let them know it was okay for me to cry ans crying is sometimes necessary to get to healing and that I had to learn to sleep alone and it was time for them to not worry about taking care of me because it's my job to take care of us. I said no to all requests to come into my bed after that and ds only comes in now if something really freaks him out(he's 10 now hates thunderstorms )or if hes sick. Sometimes asking them why thwy so it can be really helpful in breaking the habit. Wose case you start locking the door which would of been my next step but never had to. SO's kids were told by SO the first night they stayed no kids in the grown ups bed. They can wake us if they are sick or have an accident. We haven't had an issue with that and however I've gotten up to find SO's dd curled up in bed with my dd it's kinda cute bed we've encouraged my dd to make her get back in her own bed and told his dd only the grown ups share a bed they all handle it well. Hope this helps.

overworkedmom's picture

My FDH and his son used to be the same way. They just always seemed to crash together. Once we got serious I put my foot down and basically said he has to sleep in his own bed or I am not going to stay. I have never let me kids sleep in my bed (with the exception of a really bad nightmare or something-- very very rare). I think that kids need to learn to sleep in their own. But the point is, if he wants you to be over his place overnight, the kid has to stay out of the bedroom.

At this point NO kids are even allowed to walk in our room. Not even if the other bathroom is full and they have to go. Mom and Dad's room is off limits!