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The newest drama!!!

Freedom2005's picture

Ya know, my BF states that he does not like drama, yet when it comes to his lovely daughter, he is so wrapped up!

This morning is an example. My daughters, BD10 and BD8, and SD10 were getting ready for school. As they were walking out the door, I noticed that SD10 had one of my daughter's backpacks. Now, I know that SD10 does not have a backpack of her own, and I would not have said anything, but this was my BD10 backpack. Oh, and SD10 had been giving one of my BD8 back pack a few weeks ago!

Uh, ok, so now she has 2 of my daughters' backpacks. I asked my oldest, "did she ask for it?" BD10, "yes, she said she didn't have one" ME, "Remember she was using BS8's"

My daughter then looks uncomfortable like she was in trouble. I told SD10, "I will be talking to your father about this" and she gave me the pout.

Ok, so that was just the beginning. I get them out the door then BF calls from work.

"Did SD10 get into bed with you this morning?"

Me, "Uh, no, why?"

BF, "she came running out to me before I went to work and said she had a bad dream and was crying"

Me, "Well, no, I got her up 15 minutes after you left and she was fine. I even asked her about her night last night and she said it was fine."

BF, "oh, well, she was cring and I told her to get into bed with you."

I gave up... Obviously she wanted Daddy.... :barf:

Some more history on this. Back in May, SD10 wanted to listen to a CD but did not have a CD player, so I offered her mine. My girls and her shared a room at one time and my girl's TV was in that room, a nice sized 19 inch. My girls moved into their own room and now have a 8 inch and she still has their 19 inch. I keep asking BF to move it. THEN BF took SD10 to get her hair cut and the hair dresser said for her to use a blow dryer to make her hair look nice. BF mentioned getting her one right after saying we were broke. So I offered her my travel one. This is not a one time shot. It may look like I am just generous, but even clothes, I keep seeing my daughter's clothes on SD10 and my girls don't have as many clothes together as SD10 does!

The point being that she is not happy with just having people give her stuff, but give her THEIR stuff. Her grandmother took her out to get my daughter a present. When both coloring books ended up in the gift bag, her retort was "you gave her BOTH?!" with the pout. We go shopping and as soon as I buy her something and she knows that we will be going to more stores, "can I go home???" Me, "no we have more shopping to do," her, "I am tired!!!! I wanna go home! Can I go to Paw Paws (grandfather)?" Me, "I am the one watching you and I have more shopping to do." "Can I call DAddy???" me, "Sure..." So she goes to Grandpa's... Grandpa will even meet me to pick her up.

Now, yesterday, BF and I went to separate counseling with our counselor. The appointments were back to back. BF was after mine, he stuck around in case the counselor wanted him to oome in too with me. I asked counselor, "What can I do to help myself in this issue?"

Counselor, "I will be talking to him about this, it won't happen over night, but I think it will happen. He wants to be a good father to his kids."

Me, "well, what if he rebels about de-princessing SD10?"

Counselor, "Lets go with for now that he gets on board with it"

Me, "Well, I will tell you, if it continues, I will not be able to live with it. It is a deal breaker for me"

Counselor, "I don't think it will come to that, lets just try this for a while ok?"

I was so hopeful, I still am, but I am becoming more and more resentful of SD10.

Counselor has warned me that this will not be easy. SD10 has been on a pedastal for long enough now that she will rebel about being taken off of it. I can understand that. I want BF to love his daughter, but not make her into a monster.

I keep praying about it....


jojo71's picture

We are going through so many similar issues right now. I feel resentful too, and then feel guilty for feeling resentful. SD8 has been on a pedestal for so long that lately, even though FH and I have been a couple for 2 years now, she is started to become so competitive with me and hates not being the center of everyone's universe. I swear I think this is why she's been "sick" lately.

I want to get FH into counciling so bad. He's agreed but hasn't made any appointments yet. I feel like our relationship is walking a fine line right now because of all the crap that's going on. He thinks I'm jealous of all the attention SD8 is getting right now and that I don't care about her. It's not that I'm jealous as much as I just think it's so ridiculous because I think SD8 is full of crap.

Oh, and SD8 pulls that same scene when we go shopping. She's all into going somewhere with me as long as it means she's getting something. I took her and BD14 out school shopping and we did her shopping first. She was having fun until it was time to shop for BD14. She didn't ask to go home, but she wanted me to buy her anything she saw. We were in Hot Topic (a place that BD14 loves and SD8 is SO out of place in) and she was trying to get me to buy her all kinds of things that she would never wear...she just wanted someone to spend money on her. All I can do is calmly say, "SD8, we did all of your shopping and BD14 was patient while you got all your stuff. You need to show her the same courtesy and be patient while we get BD14's clothes now."

Why am I so much nicer to SD8 than I am to BD14? If it had been BD14 acting this way, I would have said, "BD14, that's enough! If you run your mouth about it one more time I'm taking all the crap that we got for you back to the store!"