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SKids and Chores... and entitlement!

Freedom2005's picture

Ok so not a good weekend! The SKids decided they did not have to do their chores. BF was working 12 hour night shifts. My 2 were at their Dad's. SKids spent all weekend playing. Every time I asked them to do the chores THEIR dad wanted them to do, they said, "Yeah, I will get to it in a minute." That minute never came.

Now, if I had not had to have clean clothes, I would not have done the laundry (SD11) and if it had not stunk so bad, I would not have taken out the trash(SS13).

I can say though, I had BF's FULL support on this one though. He is all for taking everything away for a few weeks. Yippie! So tonight we tell them the low down on no TV, no games, no Computer time... no friends staying over, no going over to anyone other than BMs which is only 8 hours a week!

The thing that sets me off though is that SD11 tried to walk all over me Sunday. She wanted to go to Aunt Perfect's house for trick or treating. She didn't ask me, she stated to everyone in the car on the way home from church. "I am going to call Aunt Perfect about trick or treating!" I reminded her she had laundry to do. "Oh, I will do it before I go" Being 1 O'clock, I had hoped she would. She did not. Anyway, I had a headache, so I took some motrin and went and laid down. BF was already in bed since he is on nights. I wake up 1 1/2 hours later, BF is awake. I walk through the house, all kids are accounted for but SD11. I ask BF where she is. He states, "apparently, she went to Aunt Perfect's" Uh, he did not know about it? Ok, so she SAYS she came in and talked to us. I don't remember it. He does not either.

A few minutes later, Aunt Perfect calls. "Did SD11 talk to any of you about when she was coming home?" Uh, no, we did not even say she could go. She told Aunt Perfect that she could go and Aunt Perfect came and got her!.

BF says no, that he will call her back later. We get our stories together and figure out that even if SD11 did come in and talk to us, she should not have left with out working all this out. Aunt Perfect and BF had discussed it, but Auntie was not feeling well, she would have rathered that SD11 not come. But SD11 had the sob story that she would not be able to go unless she came over there. Once again, not true, we were going to send her out with SS13 on our own street. So, we all got conned.

A little while later, after BF had left for work, I was on the cell phone with him when the home phone rang with Aunt Perfect's number on caller id. I answered it and SD11 was on the other end. No "Im sorry," or anything, but "When can you come and pick me up?" I thought about saying, "right now" cause it was before trick or treating. I told her I would call her back after discussing it with BF. He was not happy about her rudeness either. He said it was up to me, but that I should calm down before going to get her.

I am happy to say, he is backing me up for the most part. I can say that we are all going to be a bit more strict on the kids the next month.

Later, when I picked her up, she would not talk to me. This of course is out of character for her. She usually can't stop talking about herself. When we got home, I took her aside and tried to talk calmly to her. I told her I was deeply hurt by what she did. She tried to claim innocence, but I asked her, "well, what can you do different next time?" She said, "wake you up?" I said, "yes, that is a start, but how about asking as well instead of assuming I will come get you."

I can't wait to see how she takes her computer and TV taken out of her room. Along with not going anywhere the next month...

