Ex at wedding
Hi im new to this site.
Im really angry and upset. I am getting married in a few months and cannot believe that my fiance has invited his ex to our wedding.
My fiance has a son from a previous relationship and his ex has done nothing but cause major problems (jealousy tantrums/using their son as a weapon/manipulation etc).
For years I have dreamed about getting married and am looking forward to married life, even though we have lived together for the past 9 years. I just can't seem to deal with the fact that she is coming to my wedding.
My fiance feels that it is best that she comes because their son is a pageboy and plays a vital part at the wedding. He feels that had he not invited her she would stop the son from coming to the wedding.
I get on well with the son although he has cause some problems (adolescence).
I feel so angry and upset and I don't know how to deal with it. I don't understand how an ex would want to come to the wedding knowing that the REAL reason she is coming is to look (very superficial).
I don't have a problem with her per se. I just see this as partly my special day and I know I will feel extremely uncomfortable at her presence!
Can someone pleassssssssse help me with some advice.
- frustrated's blog
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You may not want to hear it.
I would NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, EVER allow this. I would cancel the wedding before I would have the EX there. If you feel strongly enough about this, then you need to 'grow a set' and just say NO. If the boy doesn't come, then so be it. This is your day to shine bright.
Just my opinion, Best wishes, Jo
I agree with Little Jo
That is your day. You are totally right about not having you at your wedding. Why should you feel uncomfortable?
My situation was a bit different. My ex Husbands girlfriend and I over the years became best friends. We still are. She actually asked me to be the Maid of Honor at their wedding. I thought it may be a bit tacky and quite frankly I didn't want to get that close to the alter with him in case we were accidently remarried LOL! I served the cake and danced at their wedding.
Definitely a NO NO NO
I also could not agree to that. I would rather cancel the wedding. That's one perfect example where men are so whipped by BM that they can't even see that's absolutely inconsiderate to you. They bend over backwards to cater to the selfish needs of such controlling women. Hopefully BM behaves herself if the wedding goes on. That's messed up.
Marriage Rule #1No one that
Marriage Rule #1
No one that has slept with either bride or groom is allowed at any wedding. PERIOD
I agree with all above
I would under no circumstances ever allow BM to be present at my wedding. I'd rather not get married than have her there. That's a huge invasion of my personal life and there is no reason she should be there.
Did BF invite her, or did she invite herself and he agreed?
It just kills me how far out of their way our men go to do things they think will keep the bi#$% at bay. I don't see how he could NOT understand that this is hugely disrespectful to you!
*~So sayeth Nymh~*
Yep, I'm on the same page... HELL NO!
Eloping may be an option...
Man has the intelligence to change his life,
Sometimes, he just fails to use it...
getting married soon also
and there is no way in hell the ex's will be there I have to agree with marriage rule no. 1 if you have slept with bride or groom on invite period!!!! I am actually considering the whole eloping thing so not to have to deal with all the drama. Just food for thought
Thanks for your feedback
Thanks for your feedback everyone.
Ex sort of indirectly indicated that she would come when we announced we were engaged. Son has since then stated that he would like his Mum to come.
I am really 'DOING MY NUT' over this. Im trying not to let it affect me as much but its impossible. Im angry at my h2b and im angry at his ex. Im angry at h2b because he should NEVER have invited her in the first place. When we discussed it he knew I definitely didn't want her there. He explained everything from the son's point of view (that my relationship with the son would deteriorate, that the ex would cause problems for him as he has no legal firm standing and that the ex would stop the son from coming to the wedding PERIOD. We sort of left it at that). I am angry at the ex for not saying THANKS BUT NO THANKS, I WOULD LOVE TO BE THERE [SON] BUT I CAN'T MAKE IT! Has she no shame! I honestly thought that she would have some consideration and say NO!
Im so angry about it, its causing daily arguments between me and h2b. Friends around me tell me that they understand how I feel but just to show im a bigger person and just ignore the fact that shes there (as I will be walking down the aisle etc), but how will I be able to ignore her. Her son plays a crucial part and she will linger wherever her son is.
Child or no child, my h2b, should NOT give her the benefit of coming. He should NOT have invited her.
Im trying so hard to just focus on other things (goodness knows that with the wedding this year, I have much more important things to focus on) but I can't. Im just so angry and upset. Its not good to have all this negative energy.
I love his son very much and we are close BUT I feel as if I have sacrificed so much over the past few years in every respect that this is TAKING THE BISCUIT!
How can an EX want to come to a wedding, child or no child? How can my h2b want her there! Don't get me wrong I know he has no feelings for her and there are no feeling threatened issues on my part, its just as if he practically KISSES HER TOE NAILS to everything she wants (says it for the child but is really for her needs) all because she has a child! I think thats cruel to use children as a weapon.
She has caused problems in the past and I like to keep a distance simply because she is his EX! However, its difficult being in an extended step family unit. Anyone would think that it would get easier, since I have been with h2b for several years, but its getting worse for me!
I know for a fact that his ex is JEALOUS of the fact that he has a stable longlasting relationship and she never has had, but thats not my problem. She wouldn't want him as she dumped him years and years ago because he wasn't 'materialistic and superficial' enough.
Its hard. I have no children of my own, but im wondering how are things going to be when we have children together. I truly believe that there is a BOND there between h2b and ex and I know its because of the child, its just annoying that child is used as weapon because of that!
I don't want to argue with h2b anymore. Its been affecting our relationship so much and he is such a good, loving man. Its just I don't know how to deal with all this anger and frustration. I don't understand why he is being so inconsiderate. He says its not because he wants to hurt me and that he would rather she wasnt there (he thought she would say no!!!) but he said to please the child and ensure the child comes to the wedding he invited her.
Has anyone ever experienced this situation, where the ex came to your wedding? Am I overreacting and being selfish for feeling this way?
His family seem to think that its a MUST but its not anyone elses wedding but ours. I wish people would understand that.
Please help I feel im losing my mind!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh boy....
I don't know what to say....except I put my foot down and took the chance of saying no way to her coming to ours and I do not regret my decision. Although the woman still managed to make her presence known because she sent the kids with a very intimate gift for us. (I almost vomited. DH thought it wsa sweet, I thought it was unnecessary.)
But, I will say that there was a situation when we were engaged where he could have either stood up for me...or let ex and kids get their way...and DH chose the ex and kids and guess what...That was a mistake. I should have given him back the ring and said..when you are ready to be divorced from that woman and to put my feelings as a priority than and only then will we get married.
Seriously, if you aren't a priority now...you never will be...and I for one, should have known that my feelings need to be priority in my marriage (as I put my hubbys feelings first over anyone elses.) and we are suffering big time now. I set the precedence that it's okay to not consider my feelings first...please don't do that. Your feelings need to come first..whether you are right or wrong...whether the ex is the sweetest bestest friend ever at this point....whether there is bond, or history etc. Let him know there will be no future history with you if he chooses to invite her for the sake of the kid. The kid doesn't need his mommy there.
I feel horrible for you....cause I know how it feels.
Bonus wife is right...
If your wishes don't take priority on the WEDDING DAY, it's unlikely they will EVER take priority. I'm not saying don't marry him, I'm just saying that you really don't want to step off on the wrong foot when you walk down that aisle, because it won't change after the wedding. You guys have to come to a meeting of the minds on this ASAP. Don't start your new life together with any misgivings.
~ Anne ~
Ladies and gentlemen, take my advice: Pull down your pants and slide on the ice! -M*A*S*H (Sidney Freedman to the OR staff on dealing with stress)
Thats exactly how I feel. I
Thats exactly how I feel. I have told him that he is NOT regarding my wishes as a priority. He says he just wants peace! He says he doesn't want to find that my relationship with his son has changed for the worst. He says he doesn't want to find that he loses all this flexibility in seeing his son whenever he wants and being generally involved in everything (schoolwork etc) (they were not married).
I will try and talk to him about this all today. I really want to be clear about everything before I walk down the aisle. Its a big step to me, and its not something I take lightly.
I feel as if ive taken on so much DRAMA! Its so upsetting.
First of all, you definitely
First of all, you definitely need to lay down the law per se and tell fiance she is NOT invited to attend your wedding. No way, no how. I got married last August and I would have thought my husband was smoking crack if he insisted BM attend our wedding. I mean, the wedding is all about the bride, right? It is your say, honey, and you need to milk the fact that you're the bride and you NEED to get your way!
I'm sure once he realizes how upset you are, he will understand.
Now, as for how to deal with BM not attending...How are you going to announce your engagement? Through a newspaper or something? You should maybe state in the announcement that "so and so will be married on mm/dd/yy in a private ceremony." Don't include the name of the church or the time. And then definitely do NOT send her an invitation. I mean, I've always been raised to where you do NOT attend unless you get an invitation. And maybe get your fiance to discuss arrangements for SS on the day of the wedding - have him ask who will be "dropping him off"...that should be crystal clear that she is not invited.
I know how stressful planning a wedding can be - go ahead and get this mess resolved so you can start enjoying some of it! Good Luck!
Thanks New Stepmom but h2b
Thanks New Stepmom but h2b already gave her the invitations. She has already submitted a YES!!! I am definitely going to put my foot down and get this sorted.
Im not having her there and thats the end of that!
Oh no!
Are you serious!? That would be horrible. I don't even know what I would do with that man! Just kidding...that is bad though. And I take it he gave it to her without letting you know?
I knew he was giving it to
I knew he was giving it to her DESPITE me not wanting him to.
Exactly Why on earth does she need to be there! There is no need. Its just a means for her to have an upper hand (as usual!) and has usual as much as I love my h2b and he is a good man, he NEVER stands his ground with her.
The son is 12 years old! Not a baby!
I am like a raging bull inside at the moment! Im so upset im even considering calling the whole thing off (even though I know its not what I really want). I just want him to REALISE that this is NOT right.
I know h2b thought she wasn't going to come BUT she has indicated she will definitely come. It was one of the FIRST responses we received!!!! How great is that!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love this man very much. He is everything that I want in a man and we have shared our lives together for several years, living together. However, just as any human being, he has his flaws. His flaw is that when it comes to his EX 95% of the time he won't put his foot down! The hold she has on him is annoying. Its doing my head in.
Im supposed to be focused on this wonderful wedding, but instead im stressed.
I don't know if I will be able to forgive him over this. Its hard. We will have to talk about it. Its not just about the wedding, there is a bigger picture here. Is she going to have so much control over EVERYTHING .....is that going to continue.
She is a very manipulative person (this I have found out from my h2b), that won't change. I know she is doing this JUST TO BE spiteful. Just to look. She IS NOT doing this for the sake of wanting to see her son as a pageboy! GOODNESS NO! Thats the lie! Shes doing this to be nosey, to say oh I wonder how much X must have cost and did you see.........Petty smallmindedness doesn't bother me, people will say whatever they want at weddings. What BUGS ME is her presence!
Thank you everyone for offering your feedback. Its really helped to have other people's perspectives. I thought I was losing my mind and perhaps being pedantic! People in his family say, oh don't worry about it, its not an issue, hes marrying you. Well im sorry, im HUMAN and its partly MY wedding, not theirs! Not his sons, not his ex's but partly mine. This is my first wedding, why is it so much grief!
This is pure heartache!
I hate to say this...
But it sounds like this is not going to be the only hurtle. This is going to set the stage for your marriage. And if you aren't willing to accept this as for what it is, then you shouldn't be getting married. This will fester and develop into something else. This will always be in the back of your mind, and something you will draw on when things get rough. If you can learn to let it go, you'll be okay, but you have to work through this one way or another.
Now, is there someone that can keep BM occupied, bombard her with 'family' that can handle her and keep her so consumed that she will be in the distance? Have people take turns with her? That may be something to consider and she will be in a 'controlled' environment.
I really see your side of things, and I also see the other side of things. But I would be very alarmed because this is setting a precedence for your marriage of how things are going to be unfortunately.
I feel for you. This would have been a deal breaker for me. If this happened to me, I'd call the wedding off. Eloping would be a good idea! But that is me. You will have to really search your heart on this one. Keep us posted. I am with you on this. I would be very upset too. Hugs to you.
Man has the intelligence to change his life,
Sometimes, he just fails to use it...
Thanks Stepmom, I am trying
Thanks Stepmom, I am trying to work through this...somehow.
There is noone there that can really keep her in the distance. As they have a child together, attention will be drawn to the EX (you know, ahh doesn't he look like his Mum etc etc).
Im really doing some deep thinking to figure out what to do. Its a tough one.
If the majority of things hadn't been paid for (on the wedding) I would definitely elope. I wish I had gone abroad but can't lose the thousands that has already been spent. Invites have already been distributed.
I really don't know if I can handle this but your right I have to search my heart on this. I will definitely keep you posted.
Honestly....I have
Honestly....I have contemplated several times about calling the wedding off but I really love this man. If she wasn't coming I would be a happy bunny (still stressed and nervous but thats natural).
I really have some long hard thinking to do.............
Think Long and Hard Frustrated.....
and then tell hubby in no uncertain terms will you marry him while his exwife is witness. I swear to you....I made the mistake of giving in once and Stepmom hit the nail on the head!!! I always draw on that incident and it still hurts to think he threw me under the bus when push came to shove! And yes, he is a wonderful father and has a good heart; he did it for "his children" because he has the guilt that divorced dads have, but that memory may really never go away for me (and you if she is at your wedding)..and how crappy is that to start a marriage off with that memory? You'll always know he put her desire about yours? NOOO NOOO NOOO.
And the kid is 12!!!??? Holy crap. Don't buy into her b.S. My hubby also thought his ex would love to see his kids in our wedding party...Give me a break!! See a photo when it's over....This exwife also wanted to go to the same vacation spots with them (diff. hotel room) when their kids were little because she didn't want to miss any of their experiences....DUH....And DH went along because he felt sorry for her and accomodated her cause HE wanted the divorce..not her. AGH.....When does it end? When do YOU come first? I am begging my hubby not to still has visitation at the exes house (they are 15, 16) and he still hasn't accomodated my wishes yet! I am just afraid for you. IF he can't accomodate your wishes before you get married...he won't do it afterwards. That's fact.
Do NOT let this happen - it will set the stage for your marriage. Hold firm - the ex has no right to expect to be at the wedding. However, YOU HAVE THE RIGHT to say to your fiance that this is your day and ex wives, ex girlfriends, ex infatuations make you uncomfortable. It's OKAY to stand your ground and it's OKAY to feel the way that you do. The skid will be okay-you can involve him in the wedding and believe me he will forget all about his BM during that time. This is the time to create and solidy your partnership with your new DH and your new Skid. Tell your fiance that it's about new beginnings and that this is the time for the two of you to start that new beginning.
It the BM has been invited then UNINVITE HER - again it's okay. I personally uninvited BM to our wedding reception and a couple of family functions b4 she took the hint. Expect that BM will argue back: she has rearranged her schedule, she's there for support, etc. Hold firm. Now is the time to be vunerable and tell your fiance how important this decision is to you.
I agree with Bonus Wife - if fiance won't support you now he won't in the future. And if that is the case: run like hell!
Just a thought...
got any exs around? I think you should up the anty by inviting one of YOUR exes... without informing your fiance until after the fact...
Oh, but honey, he's my best friend. He HAS to be there. He knows EVERYTHING about me.
Man has the intelligence to change his life,
Sometimes, he just fails to use it...
There is only one ex whose
There is only one ex whose contact details I have (definitely don't use them) and he was a psycho! Physically and mentally abused me! Definite no no.
Make One UP!!
Oh honey...make one up!!! Say it slipped your mind to mention him all this time....when you broke up, it broke your heart and you tried to forget him...Anyway, he recently called to catch up...and he'd like to come and bring his new fiance!! Hee hee.......
Thats a greeeeeeeeeat idea
Thats a greeeeeeeeeat idea Bonus Wife, good thinking!
Nonono, he can't be engaged!
Say that he's single and lonely and misses his best friend. He really wants to be there for you in this stressful and difficult time! You guys were so close and he knows everything about you, why wouldn't he come? Hell you could even say he wants to take you out to dinner a few weeks before the wedding...
But seriously, hun, I agree with Step Mom and Bonus Wife. Listen to what Bonus Wife is saying. She made the mistake and now she's still trying to fix it. It may never get fixed. I just don't want to see you five years from now on here saying your husband invited BM on vacation with you guys.
There are things called "deal breakers", the one circumstance that decides whether you do or don't do something. One of our best customers got to talking to me one day, and we got on the subject of marriage. She brought up her first husband and how he cheated on her. She put up with it and pretended she didn't know for a while, which of course only made things worse and made him more bold. One summer, her husband asked her if he could bring his girlfriend on vacation with them. That's when she filed for divorce.
Now I know he's not cheating on you or anything but considering how he has a habit of bending over backwards for her, I really see this wedding as the fulcrum which could either be the turning point or keep things on the same track as they are. The precedent will be set either way you go. If you allow her to be there, the precedent will be set that her feelings come before yours. If you find a way to not let her be there, hopefully your fiance will grow some balls and stand up to her a little more after that.
And then there's always the option that you could just let her come anyway and "get over it" so-to-speak, make the best of the situation as it stands...but with how upset you are I really don't see that as a viable option because you'd probably still feel slighted and disrespected.
This is a really crappy predicament for you to be in. Keep us posted because we all care about you!
*~So sayeth Nymh~*
Totally agree with Nymh
I agree with Nymh. If he bends over for his ex during YOUR wedding then what is to say he won't invite her everywhere you go. Heres Your Sign.......
Thanks Nymh and Cruella.
Thanks Nymh and Cruella. Its a really frustrating experience.
I REFUSE to be disrespected by any man again (after the psycho I was with before) and im going to get this sorted! He has to uninvite her. Its as simple as that. He needs to sort out his priorities!
We argue nearly everyday over this and its crazy considering its over an EX! He has said that he will univite her BUT he says he knows she will do something vindictive such as just going abroad without telling him (shes done that before with his son. As I said hes one of these pre 2003 Dads so he cannot benefit legally from anything without her consent). He also said to be prepared for the fact that my relationship with the son would go from being great to very poor. Whilst I love his son and would never do anything to hurt him, I have to put myself first for once and how I feel. I have to honour my feelings! I have sacrificed so much in this relationship for him and his son, im not bending over backwards anymore and definitely not for someone who is HIS EX!
Im so low about this and it needs to be sorted. Im not a MUG and im not allowing MYSELF to be controlled by this person!
He has a clear choice. Its as simple as that. Otherwise imagine how I will be on the day if im like this now!!!
Sore subject..I asked my DH to please not bring me anywhere he brought his ex in the past. I wanted OUR experiences to be completely new. But I love him and he wound up sweettalking me into going to Disney for our "family honeymoon." Of course I knew he had been there a few times before with the ex and kids when they were little, and even his ex gf and kids and then a month just before we met, he said the ex was on a business trip and he also went - stayed in a diff. hotel..and when she was in business he took the kids...they traded on and off....I asked if they hung out together.."Of course NOT!" Well, lo and behold on my family honeymoon, dribs and drabs of the truth came out..Not only did the share similar itineraries but it fell on his birthday and the ex bought champagne (at the kids request for daddy) and the had a little party together in her room. They did dinner together a few times but it was also with her coworkers (so that makes it ok I guess) and they went to the park the same nights. I was shocked.....he blatantly didn't tell me the details of that trip and he lied. Am I that gullible and naive? Why don't we ever go with our gut instincts? I knew something didn't sound right when he first told me.
What does that tell me? That he didn't give a flying fu** for my request...he figured, what I don't know, won't hurt. Now my honeymoon memories are tainted. My point is RESPECT. He needs to respect your wishes.....no matter what!!
Oh yes! I agree with you.
Oh yes! I agree with you. If he can't respect me enough to uninvite her then whats the point!!!
Hi Everyone,
I just wanted to say a special thank you for your support these past few days. The responses which I have received have helped me during a very difficult period.
As agreed, I said I would update you on the situation.
My h2b is no longer my h2b, he has decided to call the wedding off. He says that he cannot manage it financially and hasn't achieved other areas in his life.
I am devastated, heartbroken,angry, confused, suffering and feel humiliated. He is, however, adamant and the "situation is as it is" (so he says).
I have lived with this man for several years. I have sacrificed so much for this man. I have compromised. I have been a support system in every respect through good and bad (death, redundancy etc). I have been a rock. I have shown nothing but love to his son and made him in turn feel like part of an extended family.
I don't know how im going to tell my family so I have told him to break the news to them. My dress and accessories have been brought, the church has been paid for, catering has been paid down on, beauty treatments have been paid for , decorations, the reception venue etc. I feel as if someone has just stabbed me right in the heart.
Part of me is saying you must leave this household and get on with your life alone. Part of me is saying despite all this I love this man and this is also my home.
I feel so humiliated. I know for a fact that his EX will be having a field day when she hears. It will be a case of ha ha, they are having problems.
Sounds crazy and weak to some but all I can do is cry!
How could he do this to me and after so many things have been paid for.
I am thinking long and hard and having some ME time to decide what my next move is.
Help please...................
Not sure what to do!
definitely leave him for
definitely leave him for some aloe time...I'm not saying permanently but long enough to get YOURSELF together. This is devastating and you have every right to take a break from it all to clear you head and heal your heart a little. No major decisions need to be made while you are upset and while your friends and family are a good support system you don't have to do or feel EVERYTHING they suggest.
This is about YOU and only you can deal with this in a way that you can be comfortable with for the rest of your life.
Good luck my prayers and thoughts are with you, heartbreak is a hard wound to heal. We are all here for you.
God Bless
Lisa Dawn
Im so confused.
Im so confused.
First thing is YOU have to take care of yourself....The last thing you need to be thinking about is the ex...Oh boy do I know how you feel re: her having a field day...but we can't think like that. Screw what she thinks...YOU are what's important here....
Can I tell you that planning for a wedding is VERY VERY stressful - My DH and I also had last minute hesitation. I am sure I flung the ring (that I even paid for!) a few times at him -- oh my gosh...we had a fight the day before going into possibly that morning!!!
As hard as it is......please act as if this isn't going to destroy you....have the attitude like maybe he's right...Maybe he isn't the man for you and this could be a blessing. (Doesn't seem like it now...but you don't know.) He may or may not be serious and by later today the wedding could be back on. It could just be all stress-related.
Please remember to just keep everything in TODAY...tomorrow may be different...But for today, you can handle whatever happens.
We're here for you!!!
The ex isn't the problem...he is!
The ex might be the scapegoat for the problem but she isn't...he is! After he disregarded your feelings, organized this wedding with you and then dropped everything out of the blue...which part of this is it that you love? You deserve better!
Thanks. I really appreciate
Thanks. I really appreciate your kind words.
At the momemnt im just getting apologies and begging me to stay, I can't take it all it. Thousands have pounds have been spent already on this wedding. How can he do this to me!
I do have to do whats RIGHT FOR ME and thats what im carefully thinking about.
Oh, honey!
Does he really feel this way or is this just his knee-jerk gut reaction to all the upset over the ex being at the wedding? Does he mean it or is he just trying to blackmail you into marrying him on the ex's terms? This might not be the end... marriage is a huge step, it's very stressful and he's under the wire right now and caught between you and the ex. If he makes this choice, then he's not the man for you. Doesn't make it easier to bear, I know, but just be glad that you found out BEFORE you married him rather than after.
I think you should calmly and rationally talk to him about this and tell him that you guys CAN have the life together that you've been dreaming about and planning for. That it's all just an I DO away. That if he truly loves you and wants you, all he has to do is say the words. He has to be willing to put the marriage first, though, and understand that your wants and needs will ALWAYS trump the ex. If he can't do that, then he shouldn't be married to anyone. No wife should ever have to take a backseat to the ex. To the skids? Maybe sometimes, but never to the ex and never on your wedding day.
You absolutely cannot make decisions based upon an ex and if he can't see that, then I feel sorrier for him than I do for you right now, because that means he'll always be living half a life with her at the reins. You, on the other hand, will be free of her. And while it hurts like hell now, there will be love and happiness in your life again. The same may not be true for him, if he can't put her in her place.
Take all the time you need to work through YOUR feelings on this. Decide on a plan that will be best for YOU. Make your decisions based on careful thought and consideration, not based on raw emotion. I think he probably just freaked and this is probably not what he truly wants, so don't give up the ship yet, but definitely take care of yourself right now and do what you need to do for YOU. Bonus wife is right, the very last person you should be thinking of is the ex. If this is the end, then who cares what she thinks? You'll never have to worry about her again. And if you do marry him and she's not there, then you will have "won," for whatever that's worth.
You should get in touch with trepidation, she's going through something similar. You are both strong women with good hearts and you will get through it. Just take it one breath at a time and take care of yourself. And I agree, if he wants to end it, then he has to take care of telling everyone and making all the cancellations himself. I'll be thinking of you!
~ Anne ~
Ladies and gentlemen, take my advice: Pull down your pants and slide on the ice! -M*A*S*H (Sidney Freedman to the OR staff on dealing with stress)
So hard to think straight
So hard to think straight about what to do.
Thanks Anne.He has said
Thanks Anne.
He has said that the reason he is cancelling it is because it is causing him heartache (this isn't the first time but he said he was getting cold feet so I thought it would pass after he said he definitely wants to get married). I have just been made redundant and thats part of the reason (although 90% of the expenses for the wedding have been paid for - thousands down the drain). In addition he says he can't do what he needs to do financially to fulfil the wedding (which is literally to just get a suit!!!!). He is working full-time and is in a good job so I see this as an excuse.
He has already told his Mum and she is frustrated. She came back early from her villa abroad to help out with arrangements (months before).
He says it has nothing to do with the ex.
Thanks for your support. I will try and find where trepidation is so that we can liaise about this.
I feel your pain
I've been married 14 months and I always feel like my feelings are put second to my ss and his bm. My husband says that me and are marriage come first but sometimes thats just not true in my eyes. There will always have to be compromises and believe me you will have to deal with hurt feelings when it comes to ss and bm. But, your wedding day should not be one of those situations. Is there any way you could talk to BM and explain how uncomfortable you would feel with her being there. Try talking to her in a way that she doesnt feel like its a personal attack towards her example: don't say: "I dont want you at my wedding because your my h2b ex wife." Try explaining how uncomfortable it will be for you and possibly your guest as well. Tell her how much you would appreciate it if she would let her son come alone. Tell her that you will get tons of pictures of her son and would be happy to give her as many as she wants. As a woman with any sense in her head she should understand its your wedding day and it should be all about you. I think she may take it better comming from you than your h2b. If he tells her dont come because my w2b doesnt want you there I'm affraid she is going to make things very difficult in your marriage. Good Luck!
He's Very Immature
I think its very irresponsible since everything has been arranged and apparently he's had years to figure all this out. Although we hear about men ditching or backing out at the last minute I think its horrendous.
Ok so his excuse is expense is it? Well then I would say fine we'll cancel and get married at the justice of peace and go on a small honeymoon. If he refuses, then you know something else is going on and I would start packing and come to the realization its over. It sounds like you've wasted too many years as it is, and if he won't set a date then its clear he doesn't want a future with you. I always think woman who live with men for years on end really make a grave mistake. Its that old saying, Why buy the cow if the milk is for free. The man gets all the benefit. People who say marriage is just a piece of paper seriously crack me up! You have no benefits or rights as a live in gf. So I understand you love him, but this is the final test. You don't have to have a wedding per se, but if he backs out of getting married its over. Good luck, I'm hopeing this is just a fight and maybe he'll get his act together but try my suggestion and keep us informed!
Totally unrelated to the original post, but...
Thanks to gay rights and same-sex unions, the "girlfriend" or "boyfriend" actually can claim similar rights in many states now and that's probably going to become more popular as this group continues to expand the fight for their cause. Even stepmothers could gain additional rights to their stepchild(ren) as the result of same-sex partners and certain court rulings that give rights to the non-biological partner for visitation, etc. It's a changing world... Some of it scares me, some of it gives me hope.
~ Anne ~
Ladies and gentlemen, take my advice: Pull down your pants and slide on the ice! -M*A*S*H (Sidney Freedman to the OR staff on dealing with stress)
I don't know, but personally...
I think if someone is bold enough to call something off that is already in the works, partly paid for, and they call it off! BIG HUGE FREAKING FLAG! I mean, you're talking about a wedding, a lifetime marriage commitment. If someone gets the jitters over it... BIG HUGE FLAG! I mean, sounds like the fellow wants his cake and eat it to, and neither one of you are communicating to each other. He's looking for a way out... let him.
Honey, I think you seriously need to evaluate this situation and not let your emotions lead you into further heart ache. You're heart broken now, but what if you get married, and then this man justs dictates that the ex can be involved in all your 'family' activities? Then what? You'll be forever frustrated and heart broken, that's what, and you'll be back here again pleading for more help because you won't know what to do... but the answer has been laid right before you. This is speaking volumes! I'm sorry, but everyone that I've known that had this sort of drama during their wedding, meaning one person was hesitate, or called the wedding off, etc- they got divorced shortly thereafter within a matter of a few years- 6 at the most.
The damage is done, and I don't see how you're going to be able to recuperate after this and not hold any resentment against him or the ex, or the son later down the road. I just think that you really need to look in your heart on this one, cut your losses and move on. If you're concerned about all the monies you put down, then request that he pay back half of all the fees and you be sure to give him back any jewelries he gave you. It's only fair that way.
But, let us know how it goes. Only you will come to a decision, and I rather you take a break away from it myself. Time will tell.
To me, this would only cause me to be that more stubborn about respecting myself and finding someone that TRULY put ME and my wants in consideration. I don't get that vibe from this fellow. Yes, he may be a nice man, or treat you well, but in my opinion... asking an ex to come to HIS wedding... BIG FLAG.
Man has the intelligence to change his life,
Sometimes, he just fails to use it...
Love Sucks Sometimes
I'm sorry to hear it couldn't be worked out..but the fact is you are probably better off..if he is allowing her or his son to control him..more than likely it would end up with you being miserable. I'm jaded and hostile though..so just ignore the woman in the corner
What's with these men...
I'm afraid you should have never let him send the invitation...now that that's done it will be harder to get out of it. I just don't understand why these men are afraid of their exes. I mean I know why they are afraid they will withhold their kids or ask for more money, etc. But I just think if they put them in their place right from the beginning and let the ex know they will put up with no bullshit, then we wouldn't all be having half the problems that we do. My BF isn't any different. His ex has been giving him a hard time about he and I taking trips together and him never taking his kids on trips. He can't afford to take his kids, then he would be paying for 3 people, and on our trips, we split everything 50/50 because he pays $1,400 a month CS and can't afford to treat me to a weekend. So now that's all he's talking about I need to take the girls somewhere... Then she put into his head that his youngest 12 will most likely follow suit with the 17year old and not want to come stay with him on his weekends any more. He asked her if that was true, and the skid said no it isn't. But he still can't get that out of his head, so he is treading on water with her. Wouldn't want to upset her..now would we?
Again I think if they would just set the ex straight from the beginning things would be okay..but once they've played their game..it's almost too late.
Good luck. I would do whatever I have to do to not haver that woman at my wedding. Even call her myself and tell her that the invitation was sent in error and you and your BF would rather she not go to the wedding, but that you are making arrangement for _____ to pick up SS and take him home after the wedding.
It's better knowing now
Dear Frustrated,
The decision to get married should be a joint decision. You sound like a keeper to me and if he can't see that then it's a true shame. If he's having doubts now at least you know now and not years into the marriage. I understand that this is heartbreaking for you but you need to let go of this guy. If he's smart enough he'll come back when he's ready to commit. And if he does come back you need to make sure that he's sincere - he needs to prove his committment to you. If he doesn't come back you're better off and I bet somewhere in that broken heart of yours you know that. Move out, move on and let go. Take good care of yourself, surround yourself with family and friends. Let yourself be taken care of and loved by your family and by your friends. Glynne