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Update on spilling the beans!!

frustratedinMA's picture

ok.. so dh and I went and got the skids on Saturday am. We drive them back to our place (1 1/2 hrs away) and we have them do the pic puzzle.. they put it together in no time, then sounded out the picture puzzle... (puzzle read we're having a baby but w/picture clues).. they figured it out.. and looked surprised. DH told them it was a boy.. We asked.. do you guys have any questions??

SS10, asked When is the baby due, to which we remarked May.. SS asked if I was going to still work, to which I responded that I need to, but will be taking time off after the baby is born for my maternity leave..

Sd10, as if the baby would be sleeping in ss's room, to which I simply replied no.. and looked to dh to expand on that.. NOTHING.. sd then asked, oh.. so are we getting a bigger house? to which I simply responded no.. again.. looking at dh to let them in on the plan. NOTHING.

I think dh froze a little bit, was thinkng that I would pick up and tell them (like I normally would.. but KNEW it would be better received coming from him).. after about 30 mins.. while we are all having a snack.. Dh found his courage.. He asked the skids, how do you like Bunk Beds.. to which they both squealed that they LOVE bunk beds... dh was like.. oh good.. because w/the baby coming, we are going to get you guys bunk beds, and put them in ss's existing room, and redo the room to be a neutral color for both of you.. and you can alternate who gets to sleep on top. We are going to turn SD's exisiting room into the nursery for the baby. They seemed to take this well. We didnt hear any compliants.

We then asked if they wanted to help us finish the baby registry at the store.. they liked that idea, and we let them work the scanner gun (taking turns of course)

DH called and told bm later that night, around dinner time. He said she said to tell me congratulations.. but he has also said in the past that she said to say she was sorry for this that or the other, and those were never true. So.. I am sure she congratulated him.. I am doubtful it extended to me. She hasnt had much of a chance to digest the info, nor did he share w/her the future sleeping conditions at our home. I expect those points to be coming up in the future.. but for now the info went out and was well received, which was a relief to me.

Dh will have to deal w/her if and when she gets upset about their sleeping arrangements... but lets face it.. for children that only sleep there 24 nights a year.. she really can not insist on seperate rooms that are dedicated to them... That doesnt even make sense!


northernsiren's picture

that actually sounds like it went as well as to be expected!!! I'm sorry DH had that panic moment, but squeals of delight over a bunk bed is an awesome thing, no complaints there!!

I don't know how much space you have in the room, but for a while we were looking at these cool futon things, where the bottom bed is a double that can be folded up to be a couch, so if the kids have friends over to play video games, or whatever, it's more comfortable. Just an idea, you probably have something else in mind, but thought I'd mention it as furniture that can grow with the kids, SD at 13 thought they were cool but her room is big, so we didn't end up needing it... "Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." Albert Einstein

frustratedinMA's picture

Where did you find that bunk bed?? I can float it past Dh.. The rooms in my house are SMALL.. but that sounds like a great use of space... esp if its folded up after each usage.. and they have their friend Julia over all the time that they are there.. so that would work out well.

We dont have video games or anything like that in their rooms.. nor tvs.. but still.. I think it would be cool for when they get older.

northernsiren's picture

here check it out:

if you can swing it financially, upgrading the mattresses is a great idea. Although the kids aren't there that much, the baseline ones are pretty uncomfy. For a bit more they'll last until the kids go to college, and be comfortable too....

I think Ikea has good bunk beds too, though I don't see any that fold up like this...

"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." Albert Einstein

bellacita's picture

and that they are excited about a new baby brother! im sure there will be rough moments and jealous feelings, but thats probably true ANY time a new baby comes along! now u can breathe and enjoy the rest of ur pregnancy! YAY!!!!!

"Given the right reasons and the right two people, marriage is a wonderful way of experiencing your life."
~the late great George Carlin

MSloan86's picture

DOnt know where you are in MA, but there is a place called Bunk Beds and Beyond in Auburn MA. They may be the better place to get a decent selection.

Good luck. Hope their attitudes stay positive. 10 - 12 was the biggest change in my SD ever...

frustratedinMA's picture

Auburn is about a 40 min drive for us.. I believe.. I will check that out! thanks..

And going to check out your link Northern..

northernsiren's picture

but there's a couple of good futon places in Amherst/Hadley Northampton area that have bunk beds and stuff, I got my couch at fly by night in northampton and my loveseat at sleepy hollow in amherst.... Smile

I miss MA!

"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." Albert Einstein

frustratedinMA's picture

Good to know.. I am going to check all of those out.. Esp since we need them now by the end of Feb. that is when I have them slotted to go into the combined room, so that DH can work on setting up and preparing the baby's room.

hanginginthere's picture

congratulations! glad to hear it went well! it is so scary to hear that silence and feel all alone, not being supported. i'm glad he got through it. good luck on everything! i'm sure the skids will be excited about the room, especially if you make it cool. it will be like the big kids hang-out, and they will love it. thanks for sharing your story! it's encouraging to me for when i get to that stage.


hanginginthere's picture

congratulations! glad to hear it went well! it is so scary to hear that silence and feel all alone, not being supported. i'm glad he got through it. good luck on everything! i'm sure the skids will be excited about the room, especially if you make it cool. it will be like the big kids hang-out, and they will love it. thanks for sharing your story! it's encouraging to me for when i get to that stage.


BMJen's picture

I'm so glad for you. I was waiting around to see what happened. I'm glad it went okay.....heres hoping it stays okay. I went through the, Why what do you mean that OUR child won't have a bedroom in your house? But your brand new baby, with your current wife will? Our child should have a room and the baby can sleep with you and your wife. BM's are so stupid sometimes.

Most Evil's picture

I am glad it went so well!!! and you are right, they will be ok sharing since they are only there that little. Congratulations, so that hurdle is now over!!

"A lie told often enough becomes the truth." - Vladimir Lenin

frustratedinMA's picture

Yeah.. well I think I might have spoke too soon. I noticed on DH's cell on Monday night that he had a missed call from her.. and it was AFTER the skids would have been in bed. I am thinking that she heard from them on Monday about the sleeping arrangements, and was calling him on that. That is all I can think of.. Of course he hasnt mentioned it.. and it was a check I did of his phone that I found it.. I cant see where he called her back either.

Not sure, perhaps they are communicating on his work phone.. but really..

I asked him what he would do or say if it came up.. he said, that she has NO say in our house, and that OUR child would have a room in OUR home.