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I feel so stupid.

furkidsforme's picture

I've never blogged here before.

I feel so stupid. Recently DH and I had a huge blow up over finding out that he lied to me about money, both business and personal money. There is a long history in our relationship surrounding honesty and money, and ONLY after I married him did I find out that he has this issue.

A huge blow up ensued, in which he threw divorce on the table. We've been married for over 6 years, and in every big fight he is always the one to throw divorce out there, but he does so in a really passive/aggressive way, such as "So I guess this is what you want, huh? You want me to leave?"

Following the fight we had a good few days where he was really attentive, fair, and sadly to say, interested in me. But it's been two days now, and we're back to usual.

For two years I have felt like a basic bother or moderate irritant, and often feel like DH is agitated with me. It doesn't really matter what I do... I can cook or clean or try to make everything just so, but I still feel like I'm the irritation under his skin.

Basically, I feel so stupid for hoping that things had actually changed.

Before we married, we discussed all our debts, credit rating, loans, etc and made a family budget. According to what we worked out we could save $800 a month. A few months in the bills were piling up, there was no grocery money, and my car payment was late. We sat down to figure out where were missing money and he FINALLY tells me- he owes his family $150,000 and he has to pay them $1500 a month!!!

Worse yet- it is partially from money he STOLE from his uncle's business (he was the book keeper) when his ex wife became addicted to drugs and needed fancy-schmancy treatment at some clinic in the mid west. ( As if local places can't do that?) If I had had anywhere to go, I would have left then.

Fast forward two years, and I learn from our handy man that the farm is in foreclosure process. He never said anything. It was over 60 days past due. His excuse? He "didn't want to worry me." He saved the day at the last second, but STILL!!!!

Most recently, I find out all in the same day that not only did he spend $3500 of our savings without so much as saying a word, but he mismanaged our business accounts, AND had 48 hours to pay our property taxes before our farm went to a tax lien sale!!!!

WHY??? Why does he do it? And why do I stay? I'm thinking about just tossing in the towel. I'm only his irritation, until he fucks up and gets his hand smacked for playing around in the money of the business I mostly built.


luchay's picture

Not a lot to say - is it possible for you to take back the financial reins?

Hugs to you, my ex H was dishonest, I found out about the lies well into the relationship (at the it's too late to back out point IYKWIM) so I get how hard it is to trust again after that first deceit - I am amazed that you have lasted this long.

furkidsforme's picture

When I have cornered him on asking how he justified these deceptions he gives me really condescending excuses... like "But you are so stressed out and I didn't want to worry you", or "I was afraid you would get scared", or "I didn't want you to panic".

Motherfucker... I am a female firefighter and a paramedic. I run into burning buildings, scrape brains off the road and wipe blood spatter off my face, and then go eat a tuna sandwich. I break and train 2,000 pound horses FOR FUN, and I ain't afraid of shit besides ghosts and aliens. If it's time to panic I'll effing tell you when it's time to panic.


I suppose I've moved from sad to angry.

Shook's picture

Wow this has got to be the most worrying blog for me. This would be my worse nightmare.

Since you didn't leave him when he was embezzling from you, he will do it again & again. He is robbing you of your security & your future. If you love him, you don't have to leave him physically BUT I sure would get a lawyer to draw up divorce papers (said you don't have to leave but you sure hell better divorce him so you can get back some $ he stole from you & can press charges so you don't inherit his debts) because chances are, he's embezzling somewhere else too.

This guy is beyond respect. He's called a thief. Divorce or you could be implicated somewhere in his mess that will no doubt be uncovered later, historically speaking.

Onefootout's picture

Agree with Shook. This is harsh but he is flat out a criminal and I would talk to a lawyer to protect yourself. And don't feel bad, you didn't know. Later on if you look back you might see signs you missed, but we all miss signs when we're in the thick of it.

Also look up his name on your state court website to see what if any other legal action he has pending or has had in the past. I recommend you focus on protecting your assets first.

Shook's picture

And Onefoot, she's also a fireman so I'd divorce him just to protect the pension...if it's a 3/4 pay pension, hell that's good money! If he owes anywhere, collectors may lean on her future pension.

Fur, I've been blindsided before too & it hurts to uncover some of these betrayals. But if a ranch hand is telling you before your husband is about losing your home, I'd padlock him out of the house & nail your things to the floor, including those pricey horse you own.

Most Evil's picture

Tie up your assets and handle all money yourself.

Then get a divorce!! There is no hope for him, save yourself girl!!!


furkidsforme's picture

Just an update... we are trying counseling, but I have removed him from all business finances and now watch all family money closer. Not a great solution, but headed the right direction.

And Tog- thanks for being super cool and worrying about the Furkids! We would be fine, we would be staying here and HE would be leaving. I think of the furkids first in everything I do, and since I have so many I have to know for sure that my living situation must be solid for their safety. It's not like I could move with 69 horses, 3 dogs, 9 cats, 4 goats, and about 50 chickens.