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DH Rocks!!!!!!! (DH & BM email convo)

Gia's picture

So... for those of you that don't know my situation, to put it simple, WE all live pretty close, and BM and I have been alternating the days we take SD5 to her prek, although her preK is about 3 minutes from her house, and like 12 from mine, if she drops her off, I pick her up and take her to school next day, and then she picks her up, and takes her to school the next day and so on... so she is here every other day and every other weekend...

Anyway... today I was supposed to drop her off and then she was going to pick her up. I have an appointment at the Dr tommorrow. So DH was going to send her an email last night to tell her that she was going to pick her up from school today and then both drop and pick up tomorrow because of my app. Well, she emailed him BEFORE he tried to send the email, she said this:

"I think it would be best if I bring SD5 back tomorrow evening after picking her up if that is ok with you. I think it is a bit too hot for her to be out at the softball field tomorrow night. Its and early game at 6:30p. Last week it was sufficating at 7:30p and it is supposed to be hotter than it was last Tuesday. If this is in agreement I would probably be dropping her off around 5pm. Let me know what other nights this week she is staying there also."

Well... have in mind this woman is D R A M A T I C... GEEZZZ... We live in Florida, but it has not been THAT hot, not at 6:30... I would understand like at 1 or 2 p.m... Maybe she is that hot because she is the one playing, but SD5 would just be at the playground or playing around ... WTF??? Too hot for her at 6:30 ... the lil princess can't sweat a lil bit????? HAHAHHAHAA

*****So DH has been trained to let me see/know things before he answers Wink So he showed me the email, and we both agreed that she was ridiculous, he sent her this email****

"I was actually going to email you....

Gia has a doctor's appointment on Wednesday morning (made today), so we need you to do the drop off and pick up on Wednesday...Gia has no problem watching her tomorrow can pick her up after the game...

we are leaving for our anniversary next Thursday through Monday...we have a schedule for the rest of her school year proposed...I'll let you know what that is, and we need to talk about the summer..."

She said:

"Well what I can do is just go ahead and take her.We'll just try to make sure she doesnt run around too much and drink more water. Do you want me to bring her there Wednesday night? SD5 graduates June 4th so there is not much more to plan out for the month. Would you like her one or two days this weekend since you will be gone next weekend?"

***Notice how DH was asking what is the summer arrangement going to be like, we ALL know her graduation is soon, THEREFORE we need to arrange the summer, was that so hard to understand, seriously??***


HE sent this email to her... Which is whyyyy I'm creating this BLOG ENTRY... HAHAHA


he said...

put one of those beer helmets on her head, but fill it up with bottled water..............................

OMG what a great line... she has not responded to that... HAHAHAH Wink Dirol Dirol }:)


Gia's picture


~You can see clearly only with your heart. What is truly important is invisible to the eyes~ Antoine de Saint-Exupéry's

BlueberrysBaby's picture

That's great! I can just picture the great big hardhat on her little head Smile

Blueberry's Baby

Loststepmom's picture


eyelovegeezus's picture they have one for wine Wink That would be my kinda helmet! LOL P.S. I have just started to help DH respond to BM's emails as well.....he does very well, though....all on his own! I guess he learned after 10 years of dealing with her in marriage.

imagr8tma's picture

That is tooo funny.