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in to deep

glam-mom's picture

i have a big big big big problem... so my bf and i have slowly been drifting apart we get along just great but for the past 2 years its been like living with my best friend and raising our kids... we have only had sex 3 times in the past year and whenever a kiss is exchanged its a small peck on the lips. we never do anything together unless its at my expense and when his kids come over on the weekends its worse than its ever been. i tried i really did but his soon to be 13 yr old daughter has been caught doing drugs and drinking his 2 boys constantly pick and hit my 5 yr old daughter and when i try to punish them my bf totally goes behind my back and wont give me the time of day to have any authority... i still think he refuses to punish his children bc of sme abandonment and guilt issues hes dealt with them in the past from being put into foster care when he was with the bm. i am tired of his antics hes always late on helping me pay the bills which means that i am late on paying my bills bc i have to cover his half... he recently got his liscense back from being revoked bc of no insurance and uses the family van for whatever errands he has to run and then i am forced to pay for gas of course... the only reason why i am with him is bc he is a wonderful dad to my daughter and our son during the week when his kids arent around... but heres the thing i am 24 years old and i am a waitress in a small cmmunity and an old friend just started working there and just this last saturday something just clicked inside of me that i was falling for this man... and hes only 20 years old ive known him and his family since i was 14 and i cant describe the way i feel or why i feel it but its a deeply strong feeling and he feels the same way... i am so lost in what to do... i can continue living with my bf and be miserable and live the rest of my life underneath his favored kids or i can leave and be happy and maybe sooner or later see where this other fling may lead to... i havent slept with this man or kissed him... so nothing physical has come between us but to be honest i have never felt this way r this strongly about anyone ever... i have been clean and sober for 4 years and when my bf and i first met we were both into drugs thats what we based the first part of our relationship on we had fun and got high together and when we both became sober i started to notice i have nothing in common with this man anymore and i long to be appreciated and loved but dont want to hurt my children in the process. i know if we break up he will be bitter he has no money a insecure job and nothing furniture wise or even a vehicle and he is a 30 yr old grown man but is 100 percent co dependent and dont know how he would react.... pls help!!!


glam-mom's picture

maybe i just sound selfish ... and in a way i am... im tired of having to pay for everyone whenever we want to do something bc bf doesnt have any money i wanna say hey lets go to a hotel for my sons bday without having to pay an extra 200 for an extra room and food and shit... i cant even take my kids to disney on ice bc otherwise the others will get jealous and if i wanna go i have to pay for everyne... i know my bf is going through a hard time with his kids and doesnt know what to do about his daughter and sons behavior i think its easiest for him to do nothing and noone gets hurt... but regardless if im a big girl or not my feelings r way hurt...

glam-mom's picture

thank u for the advice... i was hoping to get more reponses... i realize what i need to do its just a matter of doing it... i wont rush into anything its just i couldnt believe how i felt so strongly for this other person... thats when i realized i need to end this before i create something horrible haha... its sad and i know its gonna be a struggle but my happiness depends on it and maybe this way he can get his own place and his kids can live with him like he always wanted and they can be one big happy fam that im not a part of... wouldnt that be a dream come true?

DaizyDuke's picture

He sounds like a 30 year old LOSER. by now he should be up on his bills, especially if he's got kids, for crying out loud
hmmmm... BM#1 is 34, hasn't had a job in years, has been evicted mutliple times and sits on her lazy ass collecting any government freebie she can. BM#2 is 36.5 works maybe 15 hours per week, is ALWAYS broke and whining about a negative balance in her checking account, has an unlisted number so all of the people, banks and credit cards she has screwed over can't contact her. but I digress...

My only advice is to not let your feelings for another man cloud your judgment of your current relationship. Remember that the grass is not always greener on the other side. Maybe sit down and list the pros and cons of your current relationship? Maybe when you see it in black and white it will make more sense what you need to do?

sasha101's picture

It sounds like you've grown up and become a responsible adult while he's hasn't and is still acting like an immature teen. This is not a proper relationship and you are not equal partners - you're not his mother or his maid, and it's time he grew up and took responsibility for himself and his badly-behaved kids. He may have guilt issues from the past, but that's not your problem and rather than making an effort to work with you to come up with ways of correcting his kids behaviour, he prefers to do nothing about it and ban you from doing so either, which is a recipe for disaster. He is enabling them to disrespect you and your kids, which shows he has a lack of respect for you too. You may have strong feelings for him, but you will never be happy living like this and deserve a man who loves you and treats you as his equal. You've already answered your own question, that you could continue living with him and be miserable forever or leave and have a happier life, so deep down I think you know what you want to do. He may be good with your kids when his kids aren't around, but how long will it take them to notice the difference in him when they are around? They're young yet but will be affected eventually, when they realise that they're only important when his older kids aren't around, and they will grow up feeling second best to their older step/half siblings. If he's allowing his kids to be out of control, it's also going to mean that your kids are at risk from being around them and will learn far too much about inappropriate things like drugs and drinking.

I think you maybe need to be honest with yourself about this other guy. Are you enjoying his company so much just because he's being good to you and showing you attention, or do you genuinely think there could be a future with him if you were free? People who are in unhappy relationships often enjoy attention from someone else, as they're not getting it from their partner and don't have much confidence in themselves. I'm not saying this is the case with you, but it's worth thinking about. For the time being, I would enjoy his company as a good friend but nothing more unless you do leave your partner, as going further would not be fair on anyone until you're in a position to know what you really want.

I hope you can work things out. Leaving would be hard, specially with young kids, but it's got to be better than living in this unhappy situation which will not get any better unless he wakes up and starts acting like an adult, which from what you say sounds very unlikely.

Good luck

Rags's picture


I am a man. I have been married to my amazing (single mom) wife for nearly 17yrs and dad to our (her) 18yo son since he was 1yo.

I also have an XW who, though she and we had no children, was not interested in a passionate adult committed relationship. For our entire relationship (1yr of dating, 1yr of engagement, 2.5yrs of marriage)I can count on less the two hands the number of times my XW and I had sex.

Sex is like the seasons IMHO. There are ebbs and flows but the passion is critical. My XW and I had none. My wife and I can't keep our hands off of each other. That does not mean we are jumping behind every bush, door or car we walk by but we crave each others company and we each crave intimacy with the other.

You are a young woman. You have two children that count on you and a BF who takes advantage of you. You know the answer to your question and do not need us to tell you what to do.

Go, firm up your life and find a man who can be a true equity partner in your life rather than a drain on your life. I would not recommend that you jump from your BF to your 20yo paramour. Give yourself some time to grieve the end of your relationship, find yourself, re-bond with your kids, and work on some training or education before you jump back in to a committed relationship.

I was divorced from my XW for ~3.5yrs before I started dating woman with long term relationship potential. I dated a lot in those 3.5yrs but not anyone that had any long term potential. I sold my business, went back to school full time to finish my degree and moved to a different state.

Then within a few months after the 3rd anniversary of my divorce I met several young women who were amazing and definitely had long term relationship potential. One has been my wife for nearly 17yrs. One was the governors niece and a couple of others were professionals (Doctor, Lawyer and a business owner). My wife was the only one with a child. But, she was the one that stole my heart.

You will know when you are ready to get serious with a man and when you are ready there will be several who are worthy of you. The one you choose should be stable, mature, a viable life partner for you, an equity provider for your household and a good example, mentor, advocate and disciplinarian to your children.

I married an 18yo single mom who was on gov't assistance, worked 2jobs and who was a full time college student. In a few months I will celebrate the 17th anniversary to a woman who is a graduate degreed CPA, confident, beautiful and professionally successful. Our son is 18 and is about to report to USAF basic training them go on to some double secret job training. His mom and I are looking forward to having his back and to, for the first time in our marriage, being empty nesters and being able to do what we want, when we want and not running a kid around or committing a significant percentage of our income to supporting him. We are proud that at 18 he is going to be self supporting.

IMHO your current BF is not an equity partner to you, he does not help provide for your family effectively and is not a person you can make a life long commitment with.

My wife and I have had a single sexual disconnect in our marriage. 2yrs ago she was obviously frustrated and had been for several months but did not want to talk about it. Finally I took her to dinner with the expectation that we were not going home until she told me what was wrong. She had already decided that it was time to tell me what was wrong since I had been asking and bugging her for months. It turned out to be a stress/satisfaction issue. I actually chuckled when she finally got it out. Sexual performance I can fix and we did. Stress is something different and each of us has to deal with work related stress more separately than sexual issues in the relationship. The stress we are both still working on.

You are a young woman who obviously has responsibilities and a good work ethic. Please do not allow a man or anyone else to be a drain on you. No matter how nice he is to your kids if he is not self supporting and additive to your household income as well as a passionate partner for you and a good example for your kids then find someone who is worthy of you and your children.

All IMHO of course.

Best regards

hismineandours's picture

I would take the other guy out of the equation for now and just think about your current man and whether you want to spend the rest of your life hitched to him. My dh and the bm got together the same way that you and your bf did-drugs and partying. When they sobered up-they realized very quickly that they did not like one another and had nothing in common. They split before ss was even a year old. They had already actually split but when she turned up pregnant they got back together.

Some things are just not meant to be. If you do not love your bf then you may want to think about getting out. I would sit down and seriously think about what your expectations are out of a partner. When you come up with a nice firm idea of that go to your bf and ask him if he can be these things or do these things-if he says yes, ask him what his plan is. If you truly dont believe he can offer you what you want-then he's not the man for you. It's better to get out now while your children are younger than wait until they are older.

stargazer42's picture

My advice....if you feel like you are settling by being with your BF then YOU ARE !!!!

You don't need us on this site to tell you. You have already told us that you would be miserable living the rest of your life with him.

No one, no matter what their age, needs to resign themselves to misery. But particularly someone as young as yourself.

I hope you find the strength to do what you know is right. Good luck.

skylarksms's picture

I think you are way too young to be putting up with that kind of crap.

And think about your own child. YOU cannot punish these kids. BF refuses to. So your poor kid has to take the brunt of this?

Put on your walking shoes, girl. And get GONE.

glam-mom's picture

well i did it! i broke up with him! and he took it hard at first but is doing better now. he seems to understand and we agreed to be good friends and wrk like a time but hes still here tomarrow will be a week but he literally has nowhere to go and i am trying to help him find assisstance of some kind. we havent told his kids and probably wont til he actually find a place so thanks guys for all the great advice...