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VENT - Long - Miserable and Stuck

the good the bad the's picture

This is super long…skip it if you don’t like stupid novels…I really just needed to vent.
And if you are brave enough to even read this. Thank you and sorry again for being super long.

So SO and I literally only fight about one thing but its huge for me and this is really ending it for

I don't know if there is a name for it but what comes to mind is - Parental Favoritism, Bipolar Parenting Disorder, Contradiction Addiction.

SS7 is never disciplined, rarely scolded or corrected, he's treated like a helpless baby, the excuses for his behavior is endless.
SO however scolds and disciplines our BS3, its not always, but its often enough to notice the difference. Sometimes it is completely valid. Cuz I don't spoil any of my bios. They are appropriately corrected and disciplined. But sometimes he just has ridiculous expectations of a 3 year old. Many rules that SS7 never had to abide by until he was 5 and even then it was very few expectations of him (feed yourself, that's all I could think of right now and I’m serious, SO was literally spoon feeding him until he was 5). Like say our BS3 might be crying cuz he didn't get something, and even after I tell BS3 nope sorry kiddo can't have that and if he cries so be it I ignore it, let him get it out, but SO will jump in and scold him stop crying. And of course BS3 doesn't stop and most times seems to cry harder or louder, and SO will keep telling him I said stop crying, your a big boy, you can't get whatever you want yada yada yada. And I'll say enough already, you told him once to stop, he didn't stop just ignore the tantrum (this always works for me). And he'll say well he has to understand he can't cry to get whatever he wants. And I'll say, he's not getting whatever he wants, is he? and so what if he's crying, big deal 3 year olds cry when they are upset but your sitting there like arguing with a 3 year old, you sound like a jackass. And I'll throw in when did you ever tell the Princess stop crying or even NO, never, cuz you were too busy saying "what do you want baby, daddy get it for you, anything for you baby"...carrying him until he was 6 years old. He started telling BS3 about half a year ago, no carry, you need to walk, you're a big boy.

SO tries to be slick though, like he won't really scold or correct BS3 when SS7 is around, I think because he knows its obvious. Sometimes though SO will act like he's correcting the Princess like don't do that cuz BS might see you and then he’s gonna do it too...and I'll say does that even matter, he's not supposed to do that regardless. Or if SO realizes that I just saw SS7 doing something that SO scolded BS3 about recently, sometimes he'll act like he's correcting him too but its like he's correcting but he's trying not to sound mean kind of a tone, don't do that cuz this this and this and then someone might get hurt, ok? And it'll get me yelling at him "uh uh, you yell at him the way you yelled at BS3 for doing that! You can't can you? Cuz you don't want to hurt his feelings, you don't want to make him cry? Do you ever think about that when you yell at BS!" Or if SO doesn't say anything at all I'll yell at him, " its ok for a 7 YO to do that but not a 3 YO?!"

Is that NOT the dumbest shit you ever heard.
But then SS7 will finally go home to Disney Mom. And SO and I are back to normal again…sort of.

I used to think that this won't be fixed over night, like this will never be Step Heaven but it needs time. I just needed to be patient.
But I don't think this relationship is worth it anymore.

I've been trying to weigh the pros and cons of our relationship. The top of my Pros was that we both really deeply loved each other, he's generally a great guy, generous, caring, hard working. But the love I had for him is gone...what I feel now is that should he die suddenly, I'm pretty sure I would be sad. Like he went out of town for business yesterday morning for the rest of the week and as we're saying our "see you's", he says I'll miss you, I said don't worry Friday will be here before you know it. Then he asks well aren't you going to miss me too. I told him well its good to spend some time apart. And actually I don't miss him and I'm sad that its already Tuesday.

Its just so hard. I've been trying to stay positive. Trying to be patient, but as you can see, I've really been losing it lately. Yelling at him and in front of SS (and that's bad, I absolutely hate myself for fighting in front of any kids)...AND yelling at them both, why is HE so special, why is HE not judged and scolded and disciplined like everybody else, why is our own son not good enough to be spoiled and doted on, and coddled, and treated like a baby, at what age are you going to make SS7 act his AGE? I feel like I’m a child having a major's not fair, you like him better, you’re mean, I hate you, I wish he (SS7) was never born!!!

I've even tried strategies to help us cuz I was really hopeful about this working out. Some have been working with the Princess, he is minding me more, knows my "Death Stare" (as my bios call it) when he's doing something naughty I do the look and if he sees me, he usually stops, he's not being so rude all the time, in general he's learning to not be a complete jerk. But he is also smart he knows Daddy lets him get away with anything, I know when I'm not in the room, he is wreaking havoc, and even if I'm in the room he is often testing his limits, daddy will give an excuse for him, Oh my Precious didn't know, oh I didn't see the Princess doing that... My older kids have even told me that I shouldn't leave BS3 alone with those two, because they are worried BS will be neglected, ignored, grow up with a complex, and might even get himself hurt since SO is always preoccupied with the Princess. Cuz if you didn’t know, the Princess is just a wittle tiny baby and he can’t let him out of his sight…

I’ve talked to one of my sisters who owns a large preschool (married, has 3 bio sons and 1 step daughter full-time), she said at first that it might be guilty dad/single dad syndrome (her amazing hubby didn’t have this, he expected the same out of all of them, all the kids were disciplined), then my sister visited from out of state and stayed with me for two weeks last year. After seeing that I was not exaggerating, she said she was baffled.
I talked to my other sister a child psychologist or psychiatrist (long term relationship, no kids)…she tried to psycho-analyze this shit and gave excuses for SO!! She asked me what I was doing to HELP the situation instead of yelling… granted yes I’m a bitch and I do yell when I get mad but she should know of all people it takes a lot to get me to that point, I’m generally so damn understanding and patient, shit will happen over and over before I really let you have it (this is definitely my biggest fault). I helped put that free-loading moocher through school…didn’t ask for a dime for rent, I told her to give what and when she could, and I had to clean after her messy ass. A slob and she was at the time what 28…what an ungrateful bitch.
Then I also talked to my other sister, financial aid counselor (married, 6 bio kids, no steps), she told me to pray to God because she has no clue what’s wrong with him. All her kids are disciplined as well.
No sense in talking to my brothers (both have 2 bio kids each, no steps) they both love my SO, he’s a mans man…

I know I probably have the answer to my own dilemma. This crap is over, its been over. I don't think I even love him anymore. I just look at him sometimes and I'm disgusted. He is not a real man. How could a parent treat two children completely different. One is treated with utmost patience, always overly concerned for him (he got a scratch at school OMG, he doesn't want to sleep in his room alone OMdoubleG), no discipline or consequences, no real rules to follow, rarely hears no. Even though SS is mean, talks back, whines and cries, daddy still even now has to lay in bed with him until he falls asleep cuz SS just wants him to, had a BABY MONITOR in his room until almost 6 in case the poor baby woke up in the middle of the night, one time restarted my laundry when it was at rinse and spin left, SO said he just wanted to push the button (example of can’t say no to the Precious Little Princess) we’re in a drought you jackass!, still takes a shower with him cuz he’s scared to be by his poor little self so I guess they are saving water here, last week held a tissue to his nose and helped him blow his nose, really, catch the snot of a 7 year old... And a billion other examples to boot.

And I know I could leave, I have savings, about $80k, not enough to buy a house but enough to get me out of here in a rental. I’m in Northern California, technically I could leave the state and buy a house in the country for cheap. But this is where most of my family is…and my job. I’m embarrassed to say, I have no degree, I got really lucky with this job, got it 15 years ago and moved up via hard work, people in my company are required to have a BS or higher, even entry level, like mail room, file clerk, data entry, etc. I’m afraid I couldn’t get a job anywhere else.

The biggest thing stopping me is if I leave, we would have to share custody I guess? That worries me. I don't think him being a jackass is enough for me to file for full custody or request supervised visits.
If I'm here then I can keep things in check I guess. I’m probably the biggest idiot here for staying.


the good the bad the's picture

Well good for you, 10 months will be here before you know it!
Your right BS3 doesn't need to go anywhere because he is both our kid and gets to see mommy and daddy every day, so I could see him using that justification. He hasn't though, but he has tried blaming the Princess's spoiled behavior on BM. Like he is either trying to convince me that he doesn't spoil him or really believes it himself.
Thanks for bearing through my vent.

robin333's picture

It's hard to respect a man that doesn't act like a man. And I think it's normal to get upset (and defensive) when bios are held to a higher (unreasonable) standard.

If you stay, can you go to counseling? Would your DH do that? He's capable of having standards but only with your DS? He needs to see that, understand it-ya know, own it and fix it.

I'm sorry you are where you are. Take care of yourself!

the good the bad the's picture

Thank you...
In the beginning over a year ago when I realized it was happening and only getting worse, I mentioned counseling, but he says he doesn't want to go. He's in denial, never admits that he is strict with one child and lenient on the other.
I wonder if I can't go to counseling on my own on how to deal with it...

Monchichi's picture

What an awful situation. My SO was like this until I got therapists involved. Both children's psychologists explained the damage unfair parenting can do to a child. Can you not try get a counsellor/ therapist involved?

the good the bad the's picture

Thank you! It's good to know that there maybe help after all.
Maybe I will bring up counseling again if it did help your DH..
I had even forwarded an article to my SO on Parental Favoritism and the damages on BOTH the favored and unfavored child, and he got pissed saying he did NOT treat them differently.
He just doesn't see it...

Disneyfan's picture

On sister tells you something you don't want to hear, and you call her a slob, free loader, bitch... If you feel that way about her, why did you even bother to ask her opinion? :?

You're not going to change how he feels about/treats his sons. Yelling and trying to force him to be mean/harden the older kid won't get you anywhere.

Even if he did an 180 tomorrow, what's the point of staying with some of you no longer love? You couldn't even force yourself to tell the man you'll miss him while he's away. Remaining in a loveless marriage isn't good for you or your son.

the good the bad the's picture

No you're right I do sound petty. I do actually value her opinion. Generally...
But actually the convo we had didn't start with me venting to her and expecting her to "take my side". Me, her, our daycare sister, and SIL, were out on a spa day and daycare sister asked me how were things at home, if things were better. And I hadn't even talked to psych sister or SIL about it yet so I had to do back story with them. The convo took a weird ugly side as if psych sister was analyzing me as patient she didn't really know... Mentioning that having a bad temper will not solve anything, and I needed patience, understanding, etc. Even after I mentioned this was going on over a year and that I talked and talked to him. She even said, on treating both kids the same, well if you are expecting SO to do that, do YOU even do that? I said yeah of course I neglect my 5 kids equally. Of course we were all laughing cuz they know I don't do that. So I decided to change the subject...

But all that judgment from a grown woman who left a used pad stuck to her underwear that ended up in my kids laundry and into the wash (at the time she was living with me, my girls had not started their menses yet) and I didn't get mad at her...didn't get mad or yell at her the second time it happened either. So that's what I meant of all people she should know how patient and understanding I can be.

And yeah I know he's not going to yell nor do I really expect him to, but after all our talks and him not making any efforts, I'm pissed beyond hell and I have no idea how else to show him "look they did the same thing, you yelled at this one, but your talking to the other, the SEVEN YO, like he's an infant, like you don't wanna make him cry or sad, so you have to use the baby baby voice". I had already talked a hundred times, I had even told him to choose "favor/spoil them both or unfavor/discipline them both".

And yep I'm starting to NOT love him, but that's why I feel stuck. I feel I should leave but then I do want things to change and work things out. I don't want my son growing up in either, a broken home, a loveless home, or an emotionally damaging home...

B22S22's picture

I have to agree with notthemomma - 1) "If I'm mean to him, he won't want to come back." and 2) "He's only here X days a week, I can't make him behave when he gets to do whatever at his mom's house."

I lived with both of those, and I will be honest and say that even to this day I hold a lot of resentment towards my DH (we've been married 8 years, his kids are nearing 20, mine are still in high school).

A realization that I made a couple of years ago, and then was somewhat confirmed by cryptic statements made by DH, is that he felt he lost control of his kids a long time ago (he and BM divorced when the SKs were around 2 yo). No matter what he tried to do, he always came out on the short end of the stick. If he disciplined, the kids played him and refused to come over. If he would inquire about behaviors, grades at school the BM would cut him off. And I'll honestly say that DH probably had no desire to pursue any of it. The less he had to deal with the BM, the better in his book.

However, he felt he had more control over how MY kids turned out and he had and still does take a much more active roll with them... but it's so lopsided because he expects of MY kids what he never dreamed of expecting from his kids.

I'm not saying my DH is unrealistic in his expectations... I'm quite the disciplinarian, but I also know not to go to war on every little thing with my kids, I try to wisely choose my battles. So, it's not HOW he's disciplining because he doesn't do anything over the top (tells them to stop doing "x", will suggest if they don't get their grades where they need to be they'll be missing electronics, etc) but that he's parenting MY children when he basically refused to ever parent his.

Based on prior conversations, I know my kids see this too. They've even said they don't have a problem with DH's talks and discipline, simply because they know I'd be calling them out on the same thing, but they'd get angry because he'd "talk" to them, but never his own children. My DD even said DH needs to try minding his own business and his own offspring instead of being all up in her business (had to laugh, she said this when she was 12).

Things did get better. I would call DH out on it every single time (never in front of the kids, but he always knew "that look" meant we would be conversating later) and ask him to list the reasons why... and saying "because they might not come over again" is not a valid response. Obviously he felt "x" behavior was bad enough to call out my son, but his son did same behavior and nothing was said. Was this really responsible parenting? He got it... but not the first time around, or even the 10th.

the good the bad the's picture

Thanks for's good know that things got better for you. And that I just shouldn't give up just yet. I just need to do like you and keep trying.
I know I shouldn't be yelling or even talking about this stuff in front of the kids.
I feel so at the end my rope. Sometimes I think I'll just mind my own kids and not worry about his but when I see his treatment and different expectations of the two boys. It gets my blood boiling. If I would hold my tongue and bring it up later when we're alone, he would say I didn't notice that, I don't remember that, or even say I did TOO correct SS7 for doing xyz, just like I do to BS3...

NoWireCoatHangarsEVER's picture

Yes you will have to share custody and your problem won't really go away. He will still do it when you are divorced except you won't be able to step in and fight for equal rights and treatment for your son. Your son will be on his own with those two every other weekend, two weeks out of the summer, and on Wednesdays. He will get a new step mom one day. What if he gets someone like Dtzy's Son's stepmom, eh? He may not get one like us.

And you will be a single mom out in the dating world. Let me tell you how dating when you have kids goes. Not very well. iT SUCKS. Guys will give you their phone number and then take it back when they find out you are a single mom. You will hit on by married men ALL THE TIME because "hey, you must be desparate and lonely for sex" now. and say, you do meet MR. Wonderful. Well, he probably has kids already too and they might be teenage girls!!! Entitled selfie taking teenage mini wives which could be worse than ss7.

It's a jungle out there. It is. And yes, you can be alone forever and happy with your own company and secure in your skin and you don't need a man to be happy, but sometimes sitting on your couch night after night watching Downton Abby gets a little lonely .

see if he will work on his problems . See if you can rekindle those lost feelings.

the good the bad the's picture

Lol yeah this is actually my second, I was single for about 4 years in between and just dated here and there...I totally experienced the cold shoulder when they find out I had 4 KIDS whatevs, they weren't worth the time anyways.

But yeah I'm hoping to work this out somehow. Just haven't found any good tactics yet.

ClutterMusings's picture

Girl, what? We must be in the same situation.

I really can't shed any light because I am still stuck in at as well. Our BD1 is parented different than precious SD6. It's causing a WHOLE HOST of issues. I mean, yeah I want BD1 to be parented correctly and H and I are on the same page on BD1...but what about wild and precious SD6? She has been parented out of guilt and acts crazy! WTH.

Not to freak you out but...

My H would sleep with SD6 up until last year because she was "pitiful" "scared" and just NEEDED "daddy." So, I told him for YEARS that he and I needed to have quality time together and WHY ON EARTH did he keep sleeping with SD6 when HELLLLLOOO wife is right here?! WTH. I caved and just let it go the best I could because why bother? It's his kid, right?

Well, H was cheating on me and used that time I guess to talk to his "girlfriends." Had nothing in the world to do with protecting and comforting SD6.

I'm pissed about it.

It's amazing when I told him I was leaving this God forsaken marriage that...WHATDOYAKNOW...he doesn't have to coddle SD6 to no end and stay with her all night because...She is too freaking big. H was just doing it to cheat on me and also to piss me off because he knew that I wanted us to focus on marriage. Spiteful.

Not saying this is what's going on with you OBVIOUSLY! Just amazing that these men KNOW FREAKING BETTER AND WE KEEP FALLING FOR IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm curious to know how your situation is going, please! Sounds like we have some of the same issues going on and I need as much help/advice as I can get on it!

P.S. Why is he showering with a 7 year old? Ew. That's just awkward. Am I the only one who thinks a 7 year old is too big to do things like that with? Such as sleeping in the same bed, showering, etc etc. I mean, not saying anything is going on, just rubs me the wrong way for some reason. I am PRO Independence in kids though.

Hugs. Try to focus on YOURSELF today. That's what I do when I am down about things.

the good the bad the's picture

Thanks...sad to see others in my shoes or actually in my BS3 shoes.
Yes I thinks it's weird to still shower or sleep with a SEVEN yo. It's just mind boggling.

Sorry to hear about the infidelity- you are not alone on that either. My ExH, had an affair, we tried to work things out, but 2 years later, our relationship got worse, and it wasn't until after we separated that I found out he had had a child with the woman. And he had still been seeing her even after he claimed he stopped and that it was only an emotional affair... They broke up shortly after, so I felt karma avenged me.

Maybe we can share ideas, brainstorm.
I am thinking my next steps will be to bring up counseling again with him, we'll see how that goes. And just having another heart to heart about how this is really affecting our relationship.
I did also find these two great articles and I shared with SO, don't know how he really felt about, except that he said he is NOT that way???

Unfortunately I haven't found anything that has helped yet but two heads are better than one.
Thanks again, and you take care of yourself as well.