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So it's Sunday and I haven't done anything. SS has been gone to MIL house and I'm scared now that he's coming back. Who knows what all was said when he went over there this time. I'm such a horrible person according to them. I have heard so much negativity from her that I don't even want to go to holidays over there. She also tells SS lies and he acts upon them. It's a conspiracy! I don't want SS to go over there but that's the only place he can go. He has no friends and it's all my fault. We don't go to church and that's all my fault. So if he doesn't go over there, there is no chance for a non fighting weekend. I don't like who I am around him. It's like the whole environment changes in the house when he comes home. I don't like the crying. I don't like the lies. I don't like the manipulation. I don't like it at all!
