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I am ready to scream!!!!

hammesamie's picture

So with today being a holiday Stepson did not have school. This was our weekend, and on Sunday morning biomom informed us to drop ss off with a stranger because she had to work and the other options for drop off we use were unavailable. My husband tells her no, that he is not going to drop him off with just a stranger and that she has until 11 to find someone to get him that he KNOWS or that we are going to keep him. So 11 passes, 12 passes, 1 passes and then about 1:30 or 2, the phone rings. It is biomoms dad telling us that he is home now that Scott needs to bring ss home. Needless to say Scott works nights and has to be there at 9 pm, and it is going on 2. It is a 3 hour 1 way trip. He tells grandpa he is unable to do that, that he has to go to work and with the ciommute to work it is just simply impossible to do that, but that they are more than happy to come get him if they can not wait until tomorrow. Grandpa tells him he is calling the sheriff. So the sheriff calls and once again, Scott explains the story to him. the sheriff seems really nice and tells us that he understands and to just bring him tomorrow morning. So we get to IL today and we had told bio mom we are doing the transfer in front of the police station. When we pull up, she is not in her car, so she tells us to hold on one second that she is coming, and her, the grandpa, and the police come out. The officer tells Scott that he is giving him a ticket for unlawful visitation and that he has to go to court. Now, is it just me or does it seem a little unfair to give him a ticket becasue he would not take ss to a stranger??????


hammesamie's picture

I guess I should say that the girl was not a stranger to bio mom but someone Scott did not know
****The best exercise is walking down the aisle****

Riley's picture

Seems unfair to me. Seems unfair that the BM is okay with bending the rules on who the child is left with, but not okay with bending the rules for one extra night (and to keep the child safe, no less). It probably doesn't help with the ex-FIL stepping in and running the show either.

I can only imagine what hell would have broke loose if your hubby had left his son with the stranger and something unpredictable would have happened. He would have been blamed for that too? Yikes what a set up.

Any chance the documents state WHO the child is delivered to? If so, then the ticket will get thrown out if it states specifically the mother.

Oh well, next time you send the child support check, tell her you'll be sending in to a stranger and she how she reacts.

Dawn-Moderator's picture

but we've had to leave ss with some person that Bm said too also. I just figured we didn't have a choice. Dh never wanted to rock the boat so to speak.
Turns out, like you said, one time we were told by Bm to leave ss with Bm's sister(she is not a nice/good person;very scary)and ss ended up with a cigarette burn. DCFS got involved and the whole bit. Of course they dropped the ball but that's another story.
When Dh told Bm that he wasn't comfortable having ss stay with Bm's sister anymore, Bm told him that she was her sister and she didn't care if she was an ax murdered, ss was going to spend time with her!!

So there you have it!!


hammesamie's picture

I am posting what it says removing towns and such-let me know what you think

Alternating Weekends: The Petitioner shall have
alternating weekend visitation from Friday at 7:30
P.M. until Sunday at 6:30 P.M. The alternating weekend
schedule shall be calculated from the weekend of
Sunday, October 2, 2005 and each alternating weekend
thereafter. That the Petitioner may remove the child
to his home in Iowa for visitation purposes but must
return the child to the Respondent’s home in ******,
Illinois at the proper time as stated herein.

****The best exercise is walking down the aisle****

Riley's picture

I'm not a lawyer so my advise it not worth a hill of beans. And so I offer my opinion, which is not based on experience.

With that said, I would take the document to court and submit that you were simply following the visitation order and in the best interest of the child made a decision to not leave him with a stranger.

Hopefully someone with experience in this will offer advise based on personal experience.

hammesamie's picture

Our only problem is, our original lawyer is now the judge, so we do not have a lawyer!!! I don't know where to go with this. Has anyone ever gotten such a ticket?

****The best exercise is walking down the aisle****

luvdagirl's picture

I have never had this ticket, but if the sheriff was contacted and it was worked out through them that it was going to be a monday AM drop that BM knew of and must have agreed to then make sure you have a statement from the officer that dealt with it. The first ticket is like a 75.00 thing in IL(atleast when our bm was ticketed ) but I think they said at the third ticket it is no longer a misdemeanor offense so I would definitely fight it. Good Luck.

There is no reason where logic does not exist