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The first day of being the bus driver

Harleygurl's picture

With this new 50/50 arrangement between DH and BM I am committed to taking SS7 to school in the mornings. Let's just say that we are off to a whiz-bang start and frankly this might get very informative and interesting!

The morning started with DH sleeping in an extra 20 minutes but he did get SS7 up and dressed. SS7 eats breakfast at school because BM won't work and help support her family and would rather live off the government. He however did not put the dog in the garage or make sure everything was in SS7's backpack. I received a text about the back pack. I sent a text back thanking him for getting SS7 ready, forgetting the dog and the back pack, and tacked on the lack of cleaning the bathrooms from yesterday because I'm fairly sarcastic.

Get SS7 in the car with his usual load of crap about how much it's the best day of his life, my car is beautiful, and so on and so on. SS7 has learned suck-up statements work on BM to get something he wants or to get out of a punishment so he tries them out on me pretty regularly even if he doesn't want anything or isn't in trouble. He just learned this behavior and whips it out. I generally ignore him. I am one of the least mushy people on Earth and don't particularly like suck-ups in any format.

However, and here's the upside of having to take him to school, he blabs the entire way and I suspect that I will learn a lot of BM's dirty little secrets without any investigative work. Yesterday we learned that BM pretty much doesn't do an damn thing in her house. SS7 even has to cook dinner for all five of them on occasion! Otherwise it's up to her overworked husband. SS7's literal words were "Mommy pretty much just sits around." And no I wasn't digging for info. DH, myself and SS7 were eating dinner and talking about cooking.

Today on the way to school he delivered a disseration on how much he loves destruction and violence (yep, playing Left For Dead at the age of 5 has been so beneficial! Thanks BM!) and how much his BM LOVES wine. How she drinks it ALL the time. Out of the mouth of babes. Tee Hee! She might not be able to keep her June Cleaver fairy tale going much longer now that SS7 will rat her out without any encouragement. So the moral of the story: SS7 now has appointments with a child psychologist, as recommended by the docs at the ADHD appointment on Friday, and kids are observant! They will give you up without even meaning to, so conduct yourself in a manner than it true and real; not a fairy tale that anyone with half a brain can see through!


kathc's picture

LMAO you have to love when they offer all kinds of snicker'worthy info without being prompted!!!