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Thank god for this website! (a quick introduction)

HayleyBei's picture

I can't believe after nearly 2 years of suffering in silence i have actually found a website full of people who are going through exactly the same thing i am. It's very easy, after a while, to start believing that it's YOU who is the problem.....not them.

By "them" i am of course referring to my step nightmare. A 14 year old SD and a 15 year old SS.

I knew living with them was going to be a challenge, being that i am only 26, still young myself. I just didn't realise how challenging. They seemed like perfect angels at first, little did i know of how much of an impact they would have on my life. And not in a good way.


katielee's picture

I was caught unaware, too. I have a sd11, and honestly thought I was a shoe-in as a stepmother because I spent MY kids' teenage years taking care of dozens of their friends. (Our house was the hang-out:)) I was blissfully unaware of all the step-family dynamics and the weird, unfamiliar feelings I was going to have MYSELF.

Welcome to the site. I am new myself but have found a lot of good advice and support here:)

jaschipmunk's picture

Me too. My situation is just like yours, only a SS11. Since I had raised 3 of my own and had their friends always around, I thought it would be a piece of cake. Boy was I wrong! I don't blog yet, but just reading through everyone else's stuff helps quite a bit!