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Thinking of leaving my marriage

hazeleyes's picture

I have been with my husband for 6 years now (3 years married). My husband has his son everyday except sundays and Wednesdays.  When I met his son he was 4 years old. He had 'quirks' but I thought it was just because he was young and would grow out of it. When we finally got married, I felt his behavior was still a little off. He talks obsessively about a certain subject, constantly picks his nose, places objects that he finds on the floor in his mouth, cannot stand or sit still to save his life, needs an excessive amount of reminders, doesn't care about how others feel(empathy) etc. I finally told my husband that he should get him tested for autism. He pushed back but finally after 6 months he agreed. My stepson was diagnosed with very high functioning autism (Aspergers). As the years have gone by, my tolerance and patience for his son has dwindled. I know that a lot of his behavioral issues are because of his autism, but it's hard to be patient when I see him behaving 'well' when it's something he truly cares about. If I ask him to pick up his room for example, he just lays there or will pick up lego pieces 1 by 1 and take HOURS to do a simple task. My husband thinks I nag him too much and will dismiss things I say in front of my stepson. It's hard because my husband works a lot so I feel he doesn't have to deal with my stepsons behaviors all the time. I take my step son to school and pick him up. 

 My husband and I had my son 8 months ago. Since then I have grown even more frustrated of the situation. I just can't see myself dealing with his son for another 8 more years. It's made me grown to dislike my husband in a sense because he is always taking my step sons side. 

Im so unsure on what to do because I don't want my son growing up in a split family, but 85% of the time I feel mad/annoyed. 



Areyou's picture

You’ve been very patient for a long time. I would tell DH exactly how you feel and what you’ve been thinking. Tell him because he doesn’t back you up, because he sides with his son, you will be leaving the marriage. Tell him the only way you will stay is if he supports you when it comes to SSs behaviors because life is too short to live like that. You choose peace. If life with him isn’t peaceful, you’re out.

SilentlyCoping's picture

I soooo feel dor you.  It is very frustrating I know.  I dated a gentleman years ago for a while with a son that has Asperger's. I also dated a gentleman who's son very severe autism. That boy could not communicate at all, could not talk. But the one with Asperger's was much more frustrating. It did seem like he was almost purposely to find you when you told him to do something. And, he was not shy to express his opinion. No filter as I'm sure you know.

I would say, if you still love your husband, don't give up on your marriage just yet. Seek  Behavioral Counseling for your stepson and seek marriage counseling for the two of you. It could do wonders.

hazeleyes's picture

Yes, I feel like he is constantly defying me. It's hard because I know there are times where he manipulates a lot of situations and he is brutally honest, and other times where I'm sure it's just because of the autism. He's told my husband and I that he can do whatever he wants at his moms house. It's very frustrating having a kid who is so smart and seems normal in a lot of aspects. 

still learning's picture

Learn to choose your battles with ss. If his room is messy and he's not picking up then have him stay in there w/the door shut until DH comes home to deal w/it.  Defer everything possible to his father to deal with. Driving you nuts, put him in an after school program, summer day camps, church camp, anything to get him out of your hair and socializing with other kids. I did all of this w/my own bios who I love but drove me batty at times!  My son has similar issues and behavioral therapy worked wonders for him.  There are resources available, use them and remember you don't have to do it all yourself.