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Oh, its all BMs fault? I had no idea

Helena.Handbasket's picture

To listen to SO, you'd think he wasn't SD's parent. He's someone gossiping about another person's child.

I listened to his conversation with SS13 tonight about SD16.

According to SO, SD16 is the way she is because BM doesn't punish her or give her any consequences. BM just lets her bring home bad grades and does nothing.

Obviously, he can't do anything because as he puts it "BM holds all the cards" since skids don't live with us. He can't have an affect because they don't live with us and he can't control anything. I get it to an extent, but really? Its not all BM. How many years has disney dad handed over cash, expensive items, clothes, etc. for nothing in return? No expectations of grades or behavior, no lessons in earning and working for what you get. Reciprocity. HOW DENSE TO YOU HAVE TO BE TO SEE SHE IS SPOILED and its BECAUSE OF BOTH PARENTS? He will never admit she is spoiled. I have disengaged long enough for him to see that his daughter is lazy, lies, manipulates her parents, is only interested in friends and boys, has no goals for college, etc. YET, it hasn't occurred to him that he has played a role in this just as BM has.

His words to SS13 "The one thing that surprised me most about SD is that she actually played me and her mother against each other for her own benefit". I guess I've been so disengaged that my next comment really had no negative affect on SO towards me. It just came out. "Really? Every child learns that trick. EVERY CHILD." Very matter of fact, but to the point. He didn't say anything. Its sad to see people that you find intelligent in other areas, be so dumb when comes to their kid!

I just want to ask
So tell me, when did you start paying attention to their homework and not just leave it all to BM?
When did you begin paying attention to what they did in school instead of leaving it all to BM?
Sports, same?

for 5 years after the divorce (3 years I witnessed myself) you only asked general questions "how was your week?"
You apparently called BM all the time to find out about them, but those conversations ended up being about her. Did you ever have grades sent to you from the school? Go to school functions? Tell them about how important college will be from very early on? Sign them up for extracurriculars? inquire about who they were hanging out with, who the parents were for sleepovers?

No, you sat back as if you were impotent and decided to be the wallet and fun guy on the weekends and during the summer. Zoo, candy, fast food, expensive clothes, expensive electronic toys, cell phones, cash, etc with no REAL parenting. You just decided to leave it up to BM. Then 2 years ago, you suddenly get involved. Your daughters grades go to shit, she doesn't care. AND NOW you want to critique BM's parenting? To your son? You are making that boy think its all his mother. You did nothing. That's actually correct, you did nothing.

At least your son has an actual chance because you can only have one kid who is the center of attention, so his loss of that to SD was a gain in character for him. Plus, he just wants to be opposite of SD. Again, just works in his favor.

But you are right, SO. Its all BMs fault, there was nothing you could or can do. Since I'm disengaged, I won't tell you that it isn't an issue of ability, its an issue of willingness.

You can, but you won't and neither will BM. Unfortunately, you will not see your role.


bi's picture

OMG. fdh has said all these same things. when bm took him to court for more money and he fought it, one thing he did was take a copy of sd's report card and said he was not happy with her grades and that her mom needed to be doing something about it. fine, fair enough. fast forward a couple of years and sd is living with us, much to my dismay. does he care about her grades? NO. he lets her skip school a minimum of once a week and buys into her "i'm sick" bullshit. yeah. he's so much a better parent than bm is. now that little tramp is pregnant. i'm sure her kid will be a real gem, too.

Helena.Handbasket's picture

Please tell me that SD will not be at your house?

Over a year ago, SD moved out of our house to move back with BM. I flat out told SO, when she ends up pregnant, BM will NOT be sending her to us. I won't do it.

bi's picture

absolutely not. i will not have it. there is no room for her. i will not allow her to fuck up bd's life by moving herself and a screaming baby into her room. i will not allow her to mess up my life. she can mess up her own miserable life. she will NOT come here. she can go to her mom or whoever when her bf gets smart and dumps her, but this house is NOT an option. and hrnyc, if you are reading this, don't bother commenting about how it's fdh's house too, and it's his daughter and all your other pukefest crap that you constantly spew. I DON'T GIVE A SHIT. it is also mine and my 2 childrens house, and majority rules. futhermore, i really don't think fdh would want her here, either.

Helena.Handbasket's picture

Glad you have your feet firmly planted! As do I. No way that SD would be here with a baby.

3familiesIn1's picture

Same here. Only DH has his kids 50% of the time. DH and BM are both pointing the finger at each other and nobody does anything.

Kes's picture

Helena - as you know we somewhat share the problem of Disney dads - my DH has made the occasional effort to make sure SDs are doing some homework, but it has never been consistent, and there have been many, many weekends the SDs have been here when the word "homework" has never passed his lips.
You will have the consolation that your own child will probably do extremely well academically (if as naturally bright as you) because there will be consistent support and direction from you. I cannot help a bit of schadenfreude when I watch the slow motion car crash that is the SDs educational "career".