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You never gave your kids an Easter bunny? Well, except..

herewegoagain's picture

Today I find out that my DH's mother NEVER gave him an Easter bunny, egg, or anything else BUT she always has given her daughter from het second marriage at least a chocolate Easter bunny? So the 3 kids from your first marriage never got anything from you even though they lived with you their entire childhood but the kid you had w/your second husband did? And you dare judge me about ME not giving more to his daughter when I had bday parties for her, bought her clothes, Christmas presents, Valentine's day, Halloween & Easter little gifts? You are one pathetic mother! And your daughter is 31 and you still buy her an Easter bunny but couldn't buy one for your 2,3,4+ yr old son? But come mother's day you've taught your kids they should get you a nice gift because after all you have sacrificed yourself for them?

I get angrier by the day at this pathetic woman who treated her kids from her first marriage as a burden, but still coddles her 31yr dare you judge me? How dare you treat your son this way...

PS she didn't get our son ANYTHING either because " she didn't know if he liked chocolate?" I guess they don't sell stickers, eggs, stuffed animals or any other 100s of things...

Sorry, had to vent...pathetic woman.


herewegoagain's picture

No, she had two boys & a girl from the previous marriage...she only treated them this way...although I am also told for Christmas & birthdays she did things for the girls & not the boys...but then again, it's the boys who look like their father the most...

unhappy2happy's picture

Now that's just plain wrong... How sad for the boys.... she is a pathetic excuse for a mother and a grandmother... You don't do for some and not the others... It would be better for her not to do anything at all, then to show favoritism. That just breeds resentment, and hurt feelings.