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Put the Therapist on Blast or Straight to the Licensing Board?

HS752's picture

I can't make this sh*t up. Therapist drama continues.

SO decided to confront his D's therapist on 7/24 about a three hour session she had with his D, using his insurance billing as the reason for reaching out and not because of what D told him. She was pretty vague, saying D was having some anger issues that she needed help working through (though we both suspect a major crisis based on what D said about the visit). Therapist also says she's reducing sessions to once a week...this was going to be a new approach she said.

On 8/4, therapist sends email to SO, BM, GAL and both attorneys stating D has requested to end counseling, she's having behavioral issues including malingering and manipulation. Therapist requested seeking higher level of care, gave two recommendations and advised D was discharged as of 7/27.

She mentioned none of this to SO in the 7/24 email. 

For anyone new to my saga, there have been red flags with this woman from day one. Was hand picked unilaterally by BM. Treats SO like an outsider and has painted him in a negative light in any communication, especially to the court, after never meeting him or talking to him about his D or relationship with BM.  Never has anything negative to say about BM...etc etc

SO reaches out to Therapist again, in hopes for some transparency and to get some more info about wtf happened, voice his concerns etc. He asks a bunch of questions and requests she provides D treatment records. Because the therapist is clearly siding with and/or protective of BM, he does not trust the therapist to provide anything reliable. When she replies, she does not address a single question, and goes on to blame HIM for the lack of communication between he and her...doesn't even address his request for D treatment records. 

I want to rip this woman a new one. Her incompetent self serving ways has absolutely hurt D...she no longer feels like she has anyone to talk to (therapist most likely telling BM things D is saying in therapy to which BM weaponizes against D).

The silver lining here is that D is done with this wackadoodle. Bad news....HCBM is right into being difficult getting D into new treatment. 

Is it worth putting this woman on notice? Or just take all the evidence right to the state licensing board?


dragonfly878's picture

Honestly- the situation involving your SKID sounds like a shit show. IDK how much of that is the therapist or the situation. They recommended a higher level of care- which sounds like this person may have been out of their league with the situation. I wouldn't waste your energy now that she's no longer under her care and let it go. Protect your energy.

ESMOD's picture

What would your complaint be specifically? what law or official guideline did she violate?

Being biased? that's an opinion thing.. not necessarily factual.  She could claim she felt your DH was in some way demanding or aggressive.. and that made her respond the way she did.

That she painted him in a bad light?  Again.. this is opinion.. hers.. may not be an accurate viewpoint according to you.; but it is what it is.

I guess the only think is perhaps she failed to provide specific records he requested.. but maybe her providing them to the GAL was her only requirement?  I'm not sure.. it does sound like she plain does not care for your husband and blamed him for communication issues.. so honestly.. I would just wash my hands of this.

No amount of reporting her will change what happened.. and there are good therapists.. sucky ones.. some that are better in some situations vs others.. I doubt that anyone would see enough merit in his claims.. since he would be viewed as a "sore loser" when her opinions didn't go the way he wanted??

I would move on and hope to get D help she needs.


HS752's picture

The complaint would mostly revolve around the therapists neglect to obtain a full history or background before starting treatment, not giving SO notice of consent to treat, letting her bias interfere with effective treatment for D, and breach of confidentiality between D and BM (therapist pulling BM into sessions to talk about things D is saying...and then D having to listen to her mom spew lies about the situation).  IDK, the lack of transparency, communication and the nagging feeling that something is "off" has been so troubling.....but you are right...might be wasted energy at this point.

You make some really valid points...we know she was a terrible therapist, probably unknowingly signing up for this shit show.  She clearly has no interest in engaging in honest open dialog with SO...perhaps just moving on is whats best.  Not sure if my SO will agree.....he is pretty bitter about all of it.

Thanks so much for your reply!

justmakingthebest's picture

Therapists are tricky. They don't have to disclose what the discussions are. Not obtaining a full history, once again- good luck persuing that. We couldn't even get actual medical doctors to do that correctly. 

I know you are angry but really the best thing to do here is probably to sit back. Be the calm in this shit storm. BM's like this are either their own downfall eventually or they win and the child is lost. There really isn't an in between. How far are you and your husband willing to go? How much $$ are you going to spend in this?? What is your drop the rope point? 

Those are all things you need to identify. The biggest thing I have learned is that the "beauty" of family courts is, there is no resolution. Ever. There can always be a "change in circumstances". Even when it's over, it isn't. So how far are you willing to go?

HS752's picture

Love this perspective.  Thank You.

ESMOD's picture

minors don't have legal privacy rights from their parents.. so her pulling BM in..maybe was not the best tactic.. but I don't believe it was against any rule.. confidentiality would more be applicable if the patient was an adult... but BM had the right to that access.. and the therapist just was misguided thinking it would help I guess.  It's possible since this was ordered..under GAL/court.. that his explicit consent was not needed? BM obv gave hers.

I really think this therapist likely would have little to no fault found with them on any complaint.. but there are places where you can leave ratings.. like "".. maybe a poor review there in the most anon way?

the reality is he needs to get over/past his anger at the therapist.. he will never get his pound of flesh there.. he needs to focus on what he can do NOW to help his child.. that's t he only path forward for him.

Harry's picture

That this was beyond her comprehension, that she could not help. To find someone else who was better qualified for DD. 
Yout SD need somebody much better. Starting with a MD to control the treatment