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Woooo hooo! I'm going out of state for 2 weeks!!!!!

HurtAndLonely's picture

My sister's husband was in an explosion accident at work and has been in ICU for a week now. They have a 2 yr old and a 11month old and she is currently pregnant. Whew! Lots of kids back to back I know. She called me tonight begging me to fly a couple states away to my homestate and help her, so she could be with her husband at the hospital and I would look after her kids. She offered to pay for everything just to have help. They make good money, BTW! I was thrilled to accept!!!! I get to see my neice and nephews, she also has a 6yr old and a 8yr old who live with their Dad (her first marriage) who she sees EOW! I love them all to pieces! It will be nice to be around some "normal" children again and get a break from all of this. Having recently moved, I haven't found a decent job yet so I agreed to stay for 2 whooooole weeks. I did have an interview last week, but have yet to hear back from them, so I decided what the heck??!! Why not??!! That's what family is for, right? Help each other out whenever you can!!!

Update on my situation: SO has been getting better about being a little tougher on SD6. We haven't had a problem at the dinner table for about a week now. Thank goodness!!! Smile SO gave her a chore of wiping off the table before dinner and clearing it off, HE has been enforcing this, not me. Typically, SO pays her for brushing teeth/picking up frontroom 25 cents per "chore." SD6 asked if she would get paid for it and I politely told her "No, that's what a family is all about. You don't get paid to be a part of a team/family. Everyone does their own part." SO didn't say a word.

Another thing is SD6 always talks back whenever asked to do something. I asked SO if he would have her pick up her things out of the living room, backpack, coat, etc... He told her to and she freaked out and said "NO!! I don't want to!" Normally he would ignore this behavior and just argue with her. He told her "You are going to stop talking back to me, now go to your room." He left SD6 sitting in her room for 30mins. I couldn't believe it! This little girl has a max of about 2min "timeouts." And then comes waltzing back out once she has calmed down. What kind of punishment is that anyways??? I almost fell over when he did this! She of course cried the whole time screaming "DADDDDDDYYYYY". He just ignored her!! I was so proud of him!!

Anyways, just wanted to give somewhat of an update. Things are improving VERY slowly, but i'm going to stick with it and will make sure he does too. I really, really hope things don't fall apart while i'm gone and it's back to the same old crap once I return back home. I probably won't be on much for the next 2 weeks. Hopefully no more drama will go on at STalk while i'm gone. lol Hope everyone has a great next 2 weeks, but that is doubtful since "great" weekends don't exist when you're a stepmom!!