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negative opions

iamnotyou1's picture

Sad my husband and i just had a fight again over his 20 year old son that does not live with us. his son jake has been to juvenile prison and recently jailed again fo violating his op for beating up his girlfriend. last night jake came to the door wanting to stay the night. we have small children in the home. my husband sent his to his grandmas house. i was in bed,didntknow but heard loud talking last night. he tells me this morning that jake came over to stay then night he was fighting with girlfriend, he told him to go stay the night at his grandmas house. after telling me this. i said oh, and immediately he said back to me with rudeness, you dont want him here! thats exactly what was said. at that moment i took that as a sign of resentment. i do not believe i am overreacting and im not toleration jakes behaviour and he is not bringing his violence to our home! i am upset and feel betrayed from husband... jake is stepson. please input!!!


iamnotyou1's picture

thanks so much!!!! im starting to understand more now its not only our children i fear for its myself too, and dad not backing that up is rejection. he want to make think im not allowing him to have an opionion, its so much more than an opionion

Done WIth It's picture

He sent the bully over to grandma's??

Has anyone spoken checked to make sure she's still breathing?