Why do SK's blame us?? Honest opinions needed!!!
I just posted a comment on someone else's either forum or blog about this. I want to know what you all think of this:
A lot of us here are in relationships with men who were married for years and then divorced LONG before we were ever in the picture. I know the situations vary but the idea is that the marriage was over and we had nothing to do with the divorce. I want to know WHY you think skids blame us for the breakdown of their parents' marriage when it was over before we were around? Any psych majors want to take a stab at it?? I would love to hear your opinions!
- iloveit's blog
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I'm not a pysch major but I
I'm not a pysch major but I think it's because the old thing that kids sometimes wonder if the split was their fault.Rather than blame themselves(even though it's NOT their fault!)they'd rather blame someone they have no emotional attachment to like the SM.It's also easier for them to blame the SM rather than blaming their parents because they love their parents and don't want to believe the parents would disappoint them so deeply by splitting up.Also,while a sm might not be the cause of the divorce,in a skids mind she is the reason why mom and dad aren't ever going to get back together."if sm weren't in the picture mom and dad might someday somehow work things out."OR i could be full of sh*t
WE HAVE A WINNER!!! Hell it's easy for all involved to point a finger at built in scapegoat, SM!!
I've given this alot of
I've given this alot of thought. Background-dh and bm split up when ss was an infant-not yet 1. Dh took primary custody of him. I met dh right before ss turned 2. We moved in and got married a year later. I brought two kids to the marriage as well, ages 2 and 1. Things were great at first. Bm was already involved with someone else as well-she was happy-she was glad dh was happy, everyone was happy. But between ages 4-6, ss and I grew quite close (I was his primary parent because dh worked out of town and bm was only eowe). Dh even went to Iraq for a year and ss stayed with me.
I think at this point bm started to feel threatened that ss and I were developing such a close bond and she started brainwashing him. He'd come back and repeat things she said, and she started getting very crappy to my face, almost verbally assaultive which she would also do in front of ss. When he was 6-he spent 7 continous weeks with her in the summer and he came back completely different toward me. Very oppositional, rude, irritable, argumentative. On top of his normal adhd behavior. I, of course being a good parent, disciplined him. I, of course, was the only one disciplining him. This just served as proof that I was wicked and evil as bm had said.
Bm spoiled him on her w/e's, throw in a dose of guilty daddy who was not around enough and you had two parents that never disciplined and always made excuses. Dh would make excuses for ss's behaviors in front of him. would always question me, in front of ss, as to why ss was the only child in trouble all the time. Again more nails in my coffin.
SS soon learned if he said I was evil and nasty then he got props from bm. Sympahty, hugs, love. So he spun many tales for years to bm which only justified her actions in brainwashing him even more.
SS is now 12-cant stand me. He can actually state, "I know you didnt do anything to me but I spent so long making up stories about you that I ended up believing them. Even though I know they aren't true now, I still feel that way about you". He can trace his hatred of me back to age 6-the exact time that I noticed his change in behavior toward me. There was no significant event-I've asked ss over years time if there is anything I can do differently to improve our relationship and I get told quite bluntly that he is not interested in a relationship with me.
I think part of his continued "hatred" is because of years worth of brainwashing. But I also think it works for him. I serve as a scapegoat for him. He can look back at the years he lived here and absolve himself of any sort of wrongdoing because no matter what it was he finds some way to come back and blame me. He also milked this for all it was worth for years after he moved in with bm. She made excuses for him because he had been "abused" by me. He does not want to live back in our home, but for awhile dh wanted him to. Ss is not willing to tell dh to his face that he doesnt want to be here-so he can use excuses such as , "me and sm dont get along."
Bm told my husband about 2 years ago-that she was sorry toward me as she now knows that ss made everything up. SS wrote her a 12 page letter (at his therapist's request) of all the lies he made up about me. He apolgoized to her (not me, but her). Dh also now realizes the huge mistakes he made as well and does do things differently now. But it does not seem to matter-ss is very set on disliking me and NOT ever blending with this family.
That is too bad and very
That is too bad and very sad..
I hope neither of my skids treat me like this, as I am the primary "mother" figure around them. They are 3 and 5, and the BM is very spiteful.
That's what they've been
That's what they've been programmed to do....
"she wants to get to do big
"she wants to get to do big girl stuff (like sleep with men, get pregnant, have kids, etc.) but doesn't want big girl responsibilities..."
THANK YOU. I could have spoken these EXACT words to SO a few months back and I'm pretty sure I did! He made a comment about SD20 "having a tough time growing up" and he said this like he was all sad and worried for her. Let's explore this a moment shall we? Last year you bought her a ticket to go to London to see her friends. She stayed for a few months, took classes etc. She took their version of the train or subwway or whatever all over the damn country. She boarded a plane and found her way over there, found her friends, traveled all over a foreign country and managed to get herself safely back here. Then this year he flew her to CA where she did the same thing. Traveled, hung out with friends, drank, partied on daddy's dime but once she was back here she had a tough time with responsibility. I said to SO after that comment,"So what you're saying is not that she's struggling to mature but that she doesn't WANT to and doesn't feel the need because she just wants to have fun." I'm sorry but that's not an excuse. She doesn't get off the hook and doesn't get to blame you for her life sucking so badly because society expects her to be a responsible adult. Give me a break.
Oh yes and I forgot to add,
Oh yes and I forgot to add, both SD's are adults and were when I came into this relationship. I have considered how close the time was when they separated and then when he and I were together but they have been told plenty of times that SO fell out of love with BM and that's why the marriage ended. They hated hearing that he hadn't loved her for maybe 10 years but he also told me...the truth hurts but they need to know it. I agree. Yet they still think that I have something to do with them not getting back together. Does SO need to shake them and say, I'M NOT COMING BACK, NOT NOW NOT EVER, AND YOU NEED TO SUCK IT UP! Aside from telling them, BM is a lazy, entitled, neglectful person who thinks the world revolves around her...how can they see their parents as incompatible? He tries to tell them "nicely" but as I have said...time to get mean or if not mean at least abrupt. Be forthcoming...don't love her end of story. Time to move on SD's...but they won't.
I don't know if either of my
I don't know if either of my skids every BLAMED me for the breakup of BM and NN...if they DID, it would be because of BM's lies. They were broken up when I first met NN.
BUT, looking back and knowing what I know now, I definitely believe that BM was a negative factor in the relationship-building between me and my skids.
Once again, BM's insecurities were paid for by the skids.
In the case of DH - the
In the case of DH - the second Stepson was one of the causes of their divorce. Because BM confessed that she had an affair and the littleson was prob not his. He still thinks that littleson isn't his. Which it wouldn't take a brain surgeon to figure that one out.
I have told him that inevitably Littleson will find out - prob from medical issues - such as he doesn't have the same blood type as his dad and will then be angry at BM from keeping his real dad from him.
Anyhow - so it wasn't my fault at all. They were separated and divorced when she was one month preggo with littleson.
skids blame me b/c bm told
skids blame me b/c bm told them to mainly. but the same as many have posted, in their eyes sm is the reason daddy doesn't love the "playing the victim" regardless of circumstances bm anymore.
dh has told skids flat out, i'm not the reason just him and bm do NOT get along and it's best they don't talk/see each other at ALL. while mil is trying to make us ALL one big happy family with me of course sitting in the back seat. FUCK her
I'm in the same situation as
I'm in the same situation as you and it's hard. I have often wondered if the real issue here is that the kids actually know their parent's marriage was crap and what we represent is that the father is now happy and moving on and these skids aren't the ones making their dads happy! I really believe that. I think some skids enjoyed their parent's unhappy marriage because they got more attention and more princess daddy's girl syndrome, then we come along, and make their dad happy and they are jealous! They know we didn't break up their parent's marriage, but they feel we broke up the daddy/daughter marriage! LOL! Read stepaside's post about the daddy/daughter marriage, it's frigging hilarious and so true!!
So I think that's the real issue going on, we have broken up the fantasy relationship these skid's (especially SD's) want with their dads!
Hope that helps...
I think this is a great point
I think this is a great point and very true. I have considered exactly this from time to time along with my own little theories about why they behave the way they do. These days disengaging isn't really on the top of my head because if it's even possible I'm past that. I don't know if that makes sense. I disengaged and then talked about that while telling people what I was doing and now that I have it's almost like I've let it go and I've been on the other side for longer than I was obsessing over it. All I think about is my SO and my classes and my 2nd degree and getting engaged/married. You know, regular relationship stuff. It was really hard for us to have normal relationship things because skids were always stirring up trouble and making a racket. It has since calmed down after they started to lose a little interest and SO and I settled into our own life. They rarely cause drama and if they do it is of course considerable and they are loud but then they go away for a bit and it seems to be the pattern. What I do enjoy is the fact that the rest of his family is wonderful to me and I like them all very much. Skids are the only ones who have a problem with me and I guarantee if they knew me outside of this they would like me. The fact that it doesn't matter who I am (as SO says I could be anybody) to them is my issue because it shows lack of class and immaturity but...I expect that from them. I don't expect normal behavior from them, nor do I expect that they will step up and respect their father by giving me a chance. You are absolutely correct, skids make their dad unhappy when they behave this way. He's always talking about how awesome they are and how much he loves them but...why try to convince me? Is it even me he's trying to convince in the first place? I know he loves them but it's almost like he has to say it to himself over and over again. They disappoint him with their attitudes and while in other areas he is proud of them...this is one where I know he wishes they would grow up and accept things so even THEY can move on.
Things stand still for SD's because they want them to. There is no incentive for them to get to know their father's future wife. What would they gain from that? Nothing. It's been said on here before that the reason there is competition for these young women with the SM is because they don't have a healthy relationship with their father to begin with. Until I started coming here I didn't realize that. I thought that because he was so close to them they had a great relationship. But just because they are close doesn't make it the healthiest. They depend on him for 100% of their needs JUST LIKE they would a husband. Now here we are in that disgusting situation where they act as the wife and it's a twisted, strange, and uncomfortable situation for the new SM because there is a constant push/pull and struggle for status in the relationship. They play games in an effort to be crowned Queen Bee and daddy sits and watches while SM is constantly trying to prove she is worthy over SD's. However...if you don't play what happens? If you don't engage them and go along with what they want you to do...do you lose your place? Do they conquer and assume your role if you step aside? These are questions I am continuously asking myself.
Hey ilove it, you mentioned
Hey ilove it, you mentioned you are getting engaged/married, congratulations! What do you think will happen with his kids, I assume they wouldn't go? I think you would be better off if they didn't attend and much happier, what do you think?
Great points you made in your post!!
Thank you, we're not engaged
Thank you, we're not engaged yet but at least I am hoping that pretty soon we will be! It's what we both want so I'm trying to be patient and let him plan it the way he wants to
I personally would not even want them to attend my wedding. I would be too concerned with what they might do to sabotage it and honestly I think my SO would be distracted. It needs to be our day and I don't want SO's parents worrying about their grandchildren and taking the energy away from us. That wouldn't be fair. I think I would tell SO that I am uncomfortable with them coming to our wedding. They probably wouldn't want to go in the first place anyway though so I'm not all that concerned. I don't know how I would tell SD's myself but I doubt it will even ne an issue. I am so happy with him right now and they are nowhere near me so I'm hoping to keep it this way and therefore can decide when "I" am ready to meet them or give them any kind of attention. It's no longer their choice, I've taken that away from them. They don't deserve for me to jump at the chance to meet with them at this point and they need to be aware that they have hurt me and their father in the past and I will not tolerate being treated like crap.
I think much of the problems
I think much of the problems with step daughters came from their own experiences of how dad will handle certain situations. DH is 60 yrs. old and we have been married almost 12 yrs. DH and their mom split up when all 4 of them were under 8 yrs. old. So it has been well over 30 yrs. ago. So what did they learn??? Every time Dad split up with a wife or girlfriend mom and dad would end up spending time together. So there was always that chance they could be a family again. {if they could get rid of the new wife} Dad always handed out money to them as if he was the "free bank" when he was single. Wives complained and made the "free bank " stop when he would get married. {need to get rid of that new wife} Dad has a need to NOT look like the bad guy. He loves a pat on the back. He is the "fixer" So when mom did not want to deal with them in their teen yrs. Dad fixed the problem. He just picked them up and brought them home for the new wife to deal with. {without consulting her,without a court order or change in child support,without informing ex that she had created the situation with her own wild lifestyle} When the new wife objected in front of the kids, he felt embarrassed so he made the dramatic act of moving out of the bedroom that night. {bet that news traveled to the ex in no time} When that wife died 2 yrs. later, the daughters became "ladies in charge" until he married a yr. later. {who did this female think she was to be giving them orders?} Since Dad was gone so much with work and all his community activities he just wanted to come home to a calm environment and"live his life in peace" This new wife just could not do her job. Seemed all she did was complain about his children and demand he fix the problems. He did. Wrote wife a check, got divorced after 8 whole months of marriage. Before that divorce was final the remaining daughter was removed from the home and placed in a correction facility after he lost his temper and his discipline methods were considered too harsh. She was considered also to be totally unruly. So until she returned home, mom and dad were once again coming to see her together,showing up in court together, and I have no doubt she heard from mom that they were spending time in bed together. The attitudes these adult middle age daughters now have come from the lack of boundries during their formative yrs. Years later when I married their father their attitude had alresdy been established. In their minds, all girlfriends or wives are temporary. He really loves their mom even though she had other kids and marriages/divorces since. He puts them first and loves them [even though he only visits them 1 time a yr.] Thank god we moved out of state. Their illussions are theirs to have. In reality dad has little contact,knows he does not have a close relationship with them, and admits now that he never was a "hands on daddy " and still just wants to live his few remaining yers. in peace.
Now that is a sad, sad story
Now that is a sad, sad story goddess
However...the bright side is, if he only sees them once a year YAAAAAAAAY you don't have to deal with them very much! But it's too bad he doesn't have a relationship with them. If any of these daddies would have taken parenting classes or had counseling perhaps things would have worked out differently. I think it's too bad because moms and dads I think do things sometimes that they believe is best but it's really negatively influencing or affecting normal and healthy behavior. When this goes on for such a long time and kids get manipulative but are not corrected for bad behavior they don't believe they are doing anything wrong. It's too late at 12, it's too late at 20 and it's certainly too late at 40 years old. Those people will never change and they had an opportunity to be decent people but mom and dad screwed up big time because they couldn't get their act together to begin with. The result - sad, weak, ignorant people...it really is sad.
Maux I continue to be floored
Maux I continue to be floored by the behavior of you skids. Everytime I read one of your blogs or posts on these forums there's yet another unbelievable fact about the shit they have pulled over the years. I am terrified that I will find myself in a similar situation but I am hoping that SD's will find themselves and be independent.
SD20 travels the globe on my SO's dime but I am blaming him for that. Guilty daddy sends her out of the country when she wants and right now she's on the other side of the US "indefinitely." Which means, she will come home when she feels like it. Lucky for me, she's gone and I don't have to really deal with her because she's so far away but that also means when she does come back there will be PLENTY of marathon daddy days to catch up on. It bothers me but for right now I'm trying to focus on just enjoying SO without her around. SD23 lately has been clingy and she's trying for daddy Sundays since she's demanded his time the last few weeks thus...my weekend is interrupted. That's the worst because that means I get only one day with him. We both work so we live for the weekends and when she comes around crying and guilt tripping him she ruins my weekends with him. Every once in awhile after it's been quiet for a bit she pulls this shit and once again there is tension between SO and I. In a few more weeks or maybe a month she'll go away again for awhile and the cycle starts again. She tries to be sneeky but she's not that smart I know what she's trying to do. I can squash the marathon daddy Sundays if I try hard enough. I just have to make plans for us on Sundays or Sunday nights so she doesn't get all day. It's not that I don't want her to spend time with him but I just don't need for it to be every weekend, it's uneccesary and she's getting too old for every weekend. She needs to be with her friends or try to find a guy to date instead of being this clingy. It's bizarre and I'm super uncomfortable with it.
When I first got together with SO SD20 stamped her feet and cried hysterically asking how SO would "have any time" for a girlfriend!!! When he asked why the question she claimed that he was going to be so busy with her and her sister SD23 that that him having a girlfriend would cut into that time and that SD20 still "needed him." ARE YOU F*CKING KIDDING ME??? I was furious and I almost walked after that comment. SO fortunately put his foot down and told them he loved me and that I would be in his life so he would just have to make room for all of us. So far he honestly has tried very hard to balance it all and there are times I do feel bad that it has to be that way because it's hard for him but other times I remember that he in part has caused a lot of this between me and them. There's so much animosity at this point that I have no interest in them or what they are doing in their lives. I don't care if they are prostitutes or lawyers or any of that. Not my kids so I have nothing invested in them. It's sad but...what can you do? I'm done being angry or upset it's SUCH a waste of my time and I will make the most of what I have left on this planet for sure!
We moved their cheese. That
We moved their cheese. That is it.
We are a constant reminder that their mom and dad are not together, we are a target that they can dump a life time of their own failures on, we distract their "devoted" parents from catering to their every whim, we upset their other parent by making a happy and great life with the other parent's X..........
In my case I was the first person SS-18 ever called dad(dy). His mom and I started dating when he was 15mos old and married before his 2nd b-day. So, I don't have the problem that many people who marry or date someone with older children may have. I am his dad. He does not agree with entirely with the opinion that his mom and I have of his SpermIdiot and SpermClan but he has no respect for the idiot. Though he is aggressively defensive of the SpermGrandHag.
Just my thoughts of course.
Best regards,
That's a good
That's a good point....constant reminder. From what I have read on here, there could be no hope for the furture if others complain their 30-40 year old skids are the same way! WOW. It's a good thing I don't care enough about them to let them make me believe I did anything to them or anything wrong!