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Damn - U would think this chick would grow up - but nope - same old crap different day

imagr8tma's picture

as usual. BM is ramping up her bull crap for the summer again this year. Even after all the bull of last year - causing a new court order to go into effect that specifically gave DH more visitation and ordered her to stop all attempts at parental alienation in Sept 09 - she is at it again.

She has blocked his vistation this month so far.... and will do so again this weekend - as she has plans for SD to be in a fashion show in March - so now here comes the same old bull. Sd cant come cause of a fitting for the fashion show.... next month will be a dance competition at the end of the month and the fashion show.... she is supposed to give DH the first two weekends - but i am sure she will claim (SD has practice and can not come on her court ordered visits).....

She puts SD in these events - does not gets DH's approval as the court order states and then blocks his weekend visits. BM feels that if she can schedule things on DH's weekends then he does not have a right to visit with SD or exercise his court ordered visitation. She acts as if - DH only gets to see SD when she and SD are free and have nothing scheduled on the calendar..... never mind the court order stating 1st, 3rd and 5th weekends.

So now we are going to let her "run" the game and get away with murder - since we will be back in court this summer I am sure. Just to show the judge just how little she cared about the new court order and second chance she got..... (you can look back in the blogs and see the details leading up to the new court order). Her actions now are showing just how little she cares about the father's relationship with the child, and how no matter what she can not facilitate a positive relationship even when court ordered to do so.

Not only that (one of my recent posts mentioned facebook is sinking her) now she is on there proclaiming how sd is looking for a new dad..... LOL! Just nuts.

I have never seen someone dig their own "grave" so quickly and knowingly! It is hard to just sit back and watch this and have her take DH's visitation away now three times in a row.... but when we get to court - i will be so interested in hearing her explanation for continued alienation.

She pulled it in October stating SD was so sick she could not travel... got a dr's note.. . had her out of school for 5 days but then had her out (pics on facebook) trick or treating the next day... I guess it was a miracle healing..... now she is blocking these weekends - the same games again - this time it started out as SD couldn't come cause she was sneezing..... yes, sneezing then it switched to weather - that did not even happen on Friday. It is just amazing how she feels she is entitled to just determine what and when she will follow the court order.

So now that we are back to just fact building for an upcoming case again..... we are seeing just how low she is willing to go again.... and then she covers by saying - God is on her side and she is only doing what is in her daughter's best interest.

Geez louise..... some women never cease to disappoint and amaze at the same time. Just convuluted and disturbing!

But we continue to be silent and let her help us win the case... .slowly but surely.


folkmom's picture

why can't DH take her to the practices? seems like he could.

i would not let her run with it. that just loses time for DH and SD...bring her in for contempt immediately. the judge can explain again..

onehappygirl's picture

At least continue to attempt to pick her up. Do not take BM's word for it. Go to the pickup point, and when BM does not show up, document it.

Love me or hate me, I'm still gonna shine!!!

imagr8tma's picture

we live out of state - so we have been going to the pick up point - getting receipts for the time in the court order - waiting 30 mins getting another receipt - and then leaving. We can not force her to drive to the location.... and the paperwork is being prepped for more than contempt charges.

She been alienating DH for almost 7 years now... hence the new court order to stop alienating DH. He has gotten the most visitation he can get - which now she is blocking.....

AND has done other crazy things like take SD to a counselor to try and make false abuse allegations stick - didn't work.

So now we are going to attempt to have custody switched so SD can get out of that toxic enviornment.

The one good thing - is that we do travel to SD's school to still see her - and talk to her on the phone almost nightly. So there is still a connection. But DH should not be forced to drive 4 hours - one way - to the school or other events to see SD - in lieu of visitation the court order gave him.

I think BM doesn't believe that we still drive to the pick location 1.5 - 2 hours away and are documenting that she is not showing up... plus keeping text, emails and information from the school, dance company, and fashion show coordinator....

She has been to court - and gotten slapped on the wrist for blocking visits, not driving, alienating for 6 years now.... This time we have to show up with the proof again - there is nothing left for the judge to give DH (for out of state - he is at the max of visitation and holidays - to compensate for BM acting a fool and alienating him from SD's life) Next will be the switch of custody due to her alienation and lies and failure to respect the court order and judge at least......

So we continue to document - as DH has done for the past 7 years almost. Lawyer is helping it to be a close and shut case as much as possible.

********She doesn't have to love me or even like me - it doesn't change a dang thing..... So get over it and move on BM!************

imagr8tma's picture

folkmom - we have attempted to get her to let DH take her to the practices or events - especially since we are driving 4 hours to go to the events on those specific weekends.

BM is not having any of that. She acts as if DH is just a sperm donor and can not do it...... when we come in town for her events....she may let DH see SD for maybe an hour or two... but will not give him the "clothing or gear" for us to keep her and bring her to the events (like dance recital etc....)

She does not think with common sense - unless DH gives her extra money - is the only time he may get to do what a normal dad would get to do in her opinion.

Other than that - no matter what the court order states - she thinks DH's visitation revolves around how BM feels about him getting the visitation. Period.

********She doesn't have to love me or even like me - it doesn't change a dang thing..... So get over it and move on BM!************