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Well, Here we go again.... the Holiday Drama

imagr8tma's picture

So we had to pick up the little one on last Friday.

BM wanted to do the pick up early at 5 pm. No problem, my dh went to get her. I didn't ride this time cause i am not going to take leave from my job for that triffling heffa.

Anyways, of course she doesn't drive to the court ordered pick up location. We figured that would happen again.

So when he gets there, he gets daughter and then the BM (bitch beast - i stole that one from someone else - but it is fitting for her) starts in on the Christmas visit drama.

She is supposed to meet DH at the court ordered location at 2pm on December 26 and they are supposed to meet back there at 4pm on January 4.

Well she tell him, she is not driving the day after Christmas and he will have to drive the entire 4 hour trip if he wants to get her on 26 December.

Then tells him that he will have to bring her back on 4 January early so she can cheerlead that afternoon at a game.

So he didn't argue, He called her lawyer to notify her of what the BM said. The lawyer agreed her client is to follow the court order. BM will not pick up the lawyer's telephone call now. She knows what the call is about.

So DH sends a letter to the court..........
Well the letter detailed her contempt of the court order since the last court case. She has not followed any of the rules layed out. AND even though she has not - we have to the T.

It is just so sad, that she pulls this at christmas. But sd5 is a party of this family we love her very much. AND nothing is going to stop her christmas from us.


bellacita's picture

as i started reading i thought...hold her ass in contempt for not following the orders...but u beat me to the punch! if she doesnt show up at the location as per the orders, u can call the police and have them escort u to remove SD from her home...maybe traumatic for SD but desperate times...desperate measures.

"Given the right reasons and the right two people, marriage is a wonderful way of experiencing your life."
~the late great George Carlin

SM#1's picture

thats what I would do.