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What next?

Intoodeep's picture

Sitting here with FH, and he wants to know what to do next......Meeting BM on Wednesday to discuss things.

But what things.....evil cow is still lying and sticking to the fact that he is the father of her 6 year old son.

I know you have all given loads of commets on how great it would be if he carried on contact with the child however not give her a penny.

However what kind of access should he be thinking. He feels that he cannot carry on as normal, i.e have him as much as he did before (you know what BM was like!!!)
But at what point does he decide to see this child on certain days and make it stick without confusing the child even more.

I know that he needs and wants to keep contact with him, but I fear as she is still lying the child is never going to meet his real father and family. Is it right or fair that he grows up believing FH is his dad.
Is it fair that when or if we start a family FH's bio-kids will have to share and sometimes miss out on their father just because BM could not tell the truth.
That may sound selfish, but Im trying to think of what the future will be like as before we knew the truth the futre did not look good. I was stuck in another room, always being put on the back burner because BM had some emergency or illness!
And im scared that she will treat him the same and for the sake of the child he will always go running and our lives are back to square one.

I know I need to support whatever decsion he makes, and I know this is the hardest thing FH has to decide. Im trying to be positive and think tp her things will change, but this woman has a habit of getting what she wants and when. FH always jumps when she is saying jump.

Advice needed on what he shouold do please!?


soverysad's picture

Whether or not he continues his relationship with his son, he should NOT be continuing one with BM. I don't give a rat's ass what kind of emergency she has. She is an adult and she needs to start acting like one. He needs to tell her that he knows she is lying and that he is no longer playing her games.

"God is great, beer is good, and people are crazy" and you can't change crazy!!

belleboudeuse's picture

Well, I may be blasted for this, but:

This is a really crucial moment. I applaud that your FH wants to continue a relationship with this child -- that is so admirable. BUT: it is critically important that he not allow the conversation with BM to give her the impression that she is in control.

Yes, she does have physical custody of the child. And judging from what you've said about her, she will be doing whatever she can to take advantage of him -- lying even in the face of the facts, or if (when) she figures out that she can get more out of him by blackmailing him, she may threaten to not let him see the child unless he gives her more, more, more.

FIrst, I don't remember from your other blogs if he has consulted an attorney to find out what his rights and/or obligations are. I strongly suggest your FH do this BEFORE talking to the BM. Even if that means postponing this conversation. Your FH needs to come into this in as strong a position as possible.

Next, once he is armed with the knowledge of his rights, he will be able to talk to BM in a position of power. And in that, I would suggest that he not give in to any temptation to cave to anything she is going to demand of him. If he is paying her CS and taking some visitation, he can threaten to go to court and have CS eliminated if she f*cks with him. Even if he wouldn't do it, my guess is that this is going to turn into a pissing contest, and she needs to not smell weakness on him.

My experience is that men with children (and your FH counts in this category) tend to want to bend over backwards to accommodate the BM out of fear that they will not see their kids anymore. But the reality is, once they see that calling the BM's bluff actually GAINS them power, they are less afraid and more able to assert their rights. My main advice to your FH would be to not respond to any threats BM gives him, and to be very calm and assertive, and let her know that SHE is the one who has lost power in this paternity test, not HE.

The tone that you set in this conversation could determine the course of everything that happens next.


You are not second best, you are not second class. Do not ever let anyone make you feel that way. - 2BLoved

stepmom008's picture

Damn right! Great post and advice!!

"There are two things over which you have complete dominion, authority, and control over - your mind and your mouth".

Snowbunny's picture


Constantly_guilty's picture

How can she insist that he is the child's bio-father when two tests have proven that she is lying? FH needs to decide what kind of relationship he wants to have with this child. He can be like an uncle that checks in on him and occassionally takes him to a fun event like a baseball game or a movie (if BM will allow him to stay in SS's life that way) or he continues to be a father to the boy. Obviously, if he intends to stop paying support then he will need to go back to court and he will also need to have himself removed from the boy's birth certificate. As long as he continues to be the father of record the court will expect that he continue to pay support.

Snowflake's picture

A zebra can't get rid of his stripes. The chances that BM is going to give up an inkling of the power she has over your husband is about zero. You have no control over that or her. But what you can change is you.

I would fully support your husband, the man you have to live with for the rest of your life. If he is tired of the drama, and only wants to see the kid on certain days, then support his decision. If she is like the selfish little troll BM that my ex has to deal with, she will see that her power is gone when she asks him to do things and he says no. WHat is she going to do, not let him see the kid? That would require her to give up her free time, and chances are, she isn't going to want to. And who is she going to call up for emergencies. Because if she won't let him see him on certain days, then does she think that he is going to jump when she says jump. Its almost laughable.

Don't these BMs know that when they don't want the ex to see the kid, it only further solidifies why the ex hates them, and it makes him detach from the kids. Her kids. My grandma always said a man who doesn't see his kids, will move on and forget them. Basically she was trying to tell me to not play games with my kids, because my SO will move on, and my precious kids will be the losers. I am grateful that my ex is such a good father. I tell him that as well, because he needs to be given credit. Now my dh's bm only calls to bitch him out, and this just makes him not want to talk to her even more, and really it makes him not want to have her drama in his life.

SO you have the power to take back your life, and eliminate her from it. See the child at your convenience, not hers.

Intoodeep's picture

This is something he has to decide himself, As the child does not like me even after my attempts to bond with him.
So although I will support whatever he wants to do, it would be easy for me to detach and move on. I knnow how bad that must make me look, however I have spent the last two years putting up with being an outsider in my home,, not being able to make plans because BM will no doubt text and everythiing will be dropped.
I put up with this because he was FH's son, now he is just a BM's child.

If he carries on being the father, I and any children we may have will be forced to live this lie also. Is that fair?

I understand he cant just walk away, but does he really need to carry on being 'dad'?

I cant see a happy ending no matter what is decided.

I feel bad for feeling this way, it's not the child's fault at all, but BM needs to find real father and le them have a relationship.
Child is 6 and has time to adjust.

He is used to calling other men dad...(her boyfriends) and in time he will understand.

TheWife's picture

This may be unpopular, but I agree with you.

If I found out my SD wasn't in fact, Dh's daughter, I would have a hard time supporting the relationship as well, especially monetarily. And I also feel that in no way should you feel like the bad guy for feeling this way, because the ONLY person at fault here is BM, 100%.

~*~When you kiss ass, your breath smells like sh*t~*~

Intoodeep's picture

If he decides on a relationsjip where the child still stays and is a part of our home, It would remain the same as when he comes round now.....I try my best, end up sitting in the bedroom and waiting for him to go to bed so I can walk around freely and have a conversation with FH without SS wanting daddy's attention (he was doing something, realised I was talking and eager to put and end to it!)
It would cause me to resent FH and SS more than ever. Bad thoughts I know.

Our wedding is in 6 mmonths, should we put it on hold for a bit, give us both time to adjust?

TheWife's picture

NO! To do that is setting the precedent for putting your lives together on the back burner for issues dealing with his previous life...

*~When you kiss ass, your breath smells like sh*t~*~

belleboudeuse's picture

I completely agree. Intoodeep, whatever happens, you need to change this dynamic before you move forward. Don't let the precedent be set -- if you go into your marriage with this still being the dynamic, it will never change, because your FH will see that you tolerated the situation as it was well enough to get married. Why would he change when you showed him by marrying him that you would put up with things as they are now?


You are not second best, you are not second class. Do not ever let anyone make you feel that way. - 2BLoved

Intoodeep's picture

I didnt want to, but Im worried how this will affect us. But its true we always have to suffer because of her!

stepmom2one's picture

I think he could make the switch by letting SS know that he is not his bio dad but still loves him and would like him to come over to visit. DO NOT have a regular visitation schedule but have SS call or your DH call if they wish to get together.

If you keep the same schedule the little boy will think that his BM is telling the truth becuz why else would he visit a man EOW? That he must be his father.

Snowflake's picture

You know I have to agree with some of the above posters. If I found out that a kid was not my hubby's, then I would want that child to know. Life is short, and why should you and dh have a strain in your relationship for a child that isn't even his. Its not fair to you or him.

It is not his fault that his ex is a whore who had a kid with someone else. But you are right, if you have kids of your own, then the time that he spends with whore's kid is time that he is not spending with yours.

Intoodeep's picture

I have a feeling FH really doesnt know what to do for the best.
He needs to do right by the child yes, but also by us as a unit.
We dont have power to see into the future, but I can guess FH being FH he will do everything to keep this child happy, of course he will he love him like a son, however he is not his son and how long can the pretense carry on? It will cause arguments because your right if we have children the more time he spends with SS6 will be less time he spends with bio kids.

Also this may make me unpopular, but I wouldnt want my bio kids with FH calling SS6 brother because for one he isnt and two they may feel itsokay to confuse 'their' child but it will not be okay to confuse and taint any children I may have with the tramp's lies.

I feel FH should stay in his life but like someone else mentioned not on a strict secdule.
He can check in every other week and maybe take him for his dinner on an occassion after school.

This will not only reduce the bond but help the child and FH to move on a little easier.
If FH carrys on seeing him a few times a week and has him to stay oone night a week, this will only confuse the child into thinking FH is his real dad and again we are back to square one.
Honestly square one had me running on the opposite direction...but as the name states I got in too deep and couldnt be away from FH. This agreeing to be treated the way I was untill SS6 grew up. Now I will not agree to it....or will I for FH's sake?

Silver's picture


Intoodeep's picture

Thanks, I was a little afraid to put on here my feelings as they do come across selfish. As I have no children of my own and dont know what the bond is like. But yes I do want what is best for everyone however I to need to be happy. Im happy with FH but dont think I could continue to be happy if thuis child is still part of my life. He can be a part of FH's life like you said he could take him out every now and again like a family friend. But to be 'dad' would definatly affect our relationship.

FH knows how I feel to a degree, but I fear if he makes a descion to keep me happy he will then rsent me in the futre.