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Explain this one

ITB2012's picture

OSS held up by DH as the pinnacle of responsibility since he has a part time job. This is the almost 18yo who also cops out of his one extracurricular continually and does no hygiene activity without prompting. DS and YSS do not have jobs but are in multiple extracurriculars and participate fully in them. 

Last week BM had to go out of town and asked if the skids could stay here. Sure. Fine. 

This week DH and I have to go out of town overnight and DH suggested that DS watch the house and pets. 

If the skids (17.75 and 16) are so fine and responsible why not have them stay alone and if DS (18) is not responsible enough (per DH) then why have him take care of things?


thinkthrice's picture

These guys LOVE to break out the electron microscope and examine SM's bios for miniscule "flaws" while their own children are axe murderers.  Nope.  I wouldn't let DS do it.  

Chef tried to accuse Awesomeson of "draining the lawnmower battery"  when he was briefly staying with us just before he went to AF basic.  Seriously???   Meanwhile his ferals are all PIECES OF SHIT and will look GREAT in ORANGE (matches their hair)

Harry's picture

To do pet sitting.  Since SK can’t be alone by themselves.  Can’t have snowflakes melt. Or higher a pet sitter.  I would think DS could used the money.  Also SD are not allowed to be over your house if DS is pet sitting.  You can make him some meals to reheat 

ITB2012's picture

I didn’t even have to argue for that. Which is why I’m okay with it. DS will be fine. The pets will be fine. He will make some cash and we have someone watching the house and the pets.