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OT - Apparently my kid talks to me

ITB2012's picture

So I have been figuring there's a whole bunch of stuff that DS18 (soon to graduate from HS) doesn't tell me. Been feeling down about how little I know my kid anymore and was really happy about a roadtrip we had to take where we had some one-on-one time.

Ended up talking to a couple of parents of his friends the past few days and I have it better than I think. I congratulated one of the parents on the summer internship her kid got and she didn't know (and it was old news to me). Seems that most of the other parents know vastly less about their kids than I know about mine.


elkclan's picture

I won't know anything about mine. I never really have. When he was smaller, 6 or 7 - he used to flirt with girls of a certain look and age. I'd listen to him chatting up the girl on the supermarket checkout and he'd tell them more about what he did at school than he ever told me. He used to insist they had literally done nothing all day at school. I have to use spy skills to find out what he's up to. Thank goodness for online portals at 2ndary school. 

He's not a bad kid. But he does keep things close to his chest and always has. 

Cooooookies's picture

I was chatting to my DS18 yesterday and he said that no one really knows him.  I said but what do you share with us?  We talk all the time and your standard responses are "everything's fine", "not been up to much", etc.  Since he was 2 he loved to wonder around the house and do his own thing.  He'd quite happily play in his room on his own and has told me since he was old enough to speak in sentences that he likes being alone.  Soooooooooo HOW are we supposed to know the ins and outs of him?!?!
