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omg i dont know what to do

jaja512's picture

Ok so SD 13 is on Facebook cussing like crazy and I've hurd from people that she told a guy if they were together for 3 week she would give him head idk what to do. I don't want to tell her dad becuase he believes she douse Nuthin wrong we got in to a fight becuase he's daughter was bad mouthing his mother her grandma and I told him she should have Nuthin but respect for her grandma and he flew off the Händel he tell me he took care of it. He's way of takin care of it is tellin her to be quiet and she said she didn't care that's he's way of taking care of it so idk...


knucklehead's picture

So dad doesn't want to hear about it and won't discipline her even if he knows what's going on.

Here's what you do:
Stay off SD's FB page.
Block her so you can't even SEE anything she posts.
Remember that she has parents, even if they're shitty ones, and THEY alone will decide what to do with her.

buterfly_2011's picture

Ignore her page. Block her. You will never be considered a parent. Your opinion means nothing to any of them. They are her parents. Don't take responsibility where her parents are lacking. You will not and I repeat NOT get a thank you.

Anywho78's picture


knucklehead's picture

OMG, I just shot coffee out my nose!

I didn't even know what "head" WAS when I was 13!

Jsmom's picture

Definitely print the page....But, stay out of it. We get nowhere when we try. I still believe the enemy you know is better than the enemy you don't and that goes for SD's as well. If I see her on Facebook once in awhile at least I know what she is up to and can be forewarned about her...

Helena.Handbasket's picture

Dad has made his decision and if you say anything you are the bad guy.

Stay out of it and stop looking at her fb page. Its their problem not yours.