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what do u think?

jaja512's picture

Ok so I'm thinking of questioning my step daughter today when I pick her up from school about how she got in trouble and had to talk to the principal but I found this out on a Facebook post and when I replyed to her post she deleted it from her Facebook.


sonja's picture

If she deleted it, then she knows you already know and she should be expected to be questioned right? I wouldnt let that type of behavior slide, kid or skid.

jaja512's picture

Yeah I confronted her and she said it had Nuthin to do with her she must think I'm stupid cause why would she be called in to the principals office and why would she delete the post. And top it all off I texted her saying when need to talk when I go get her she had a attitude when she got in the car What do we need to talk about!!!!! I swear I would of loved to slap her in that seat.

Inneedofgrace's picture

Bratty indeed! The way I see it, if you have the mommy responsibility of picking her up from school, you have the mommy right to call the principal yourself and find out whats going on. And you certainly have the right to question the little brat about it. Wouldn't it have been great to turn to her in the car and say, "You don't have my permission to ride in my car with that attitude. I will give you a moment to self-correct, but if you choose to be disrespectful towards me when I'm doing you a favor by picking you up from school, you will be making the choice to get out of my vehicle.". Then put the car in park, give her exactly 2 minutes and drive on. If she kept acting like a snit, I'd calmly pull over, and say, "you have chosen to walk home. How unfortunate. Please step out of the car now." If she didn't get out, I'd physically remover her and then drive away.

jaja512's picture

This is what she would do if I told her to get out of the car tell she had a better attitude she would simply walk home and once she got home she would be all dramatic and her dad would bitch me out for kicking her out of the car.