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I'm so sick of my SS and his lying minipulative ways!

janmom319's picture

My SS15 makes me sick! His mother has custody of him and his younger brothers, SS13 & SS8, and my FH pays a hefty amount of child support. But, for whatever reason SS15, the golden boy, gets to decide day to day who he will stay with....and that is decided by which parent pissed him off the most, who is having the better meal that night....just whatever it is that fits HIS needs best...he gets to choose and its not just him that is included in the is also whatever friend or friends he wants to hang out with too...except for EOW and Tuesdays (those are the only days I put my foot down, I need my space and I need a break from all Skids. I feel asking for 8 days of a month is not asking too didn't go over well with the Golden Boy and he still tries but so far FH keeps with it).

My FH has the kids everyday after school, he gets off work and immediately goes and picks them up from school and we keep them until BM gets off work usually about 8 pm....except Tuesday.

I get home from work and make supper, the rule is if the kids want to eat they can or they can wait and eat at their moms. But, we are not cooking anything else. That rules goes great for everyone except golden boy! If he does decide to stay the night and doesn't like what I cook he waits till we go to bed and he goes in my clean kitchen and starts cooking what ever he wants using the ingredients that were planned to be used for other meals or lunches for night he used an entire bag of shredded cheese....and mind you golden boy is about 100 lbs over weight! He leaves a sticky, gooey mess and doesn't clean up. I can understand a reasonable snack, crackers, popcorn, fruit...etc. But not another meal. My BS21, also lives in the home he has some learning disabilities and just graduated from high school. He has a full time job, works M-f, pays $100 dollars for rent, pays for his phone, pays for everything he needs, helps with chores in the house (skids are not made to do anything) and is saving to move on his own. And even he doesn't go against the house rules. Golden boy goes against them and there is no consequence. He gets told not too and that's it.

There is not a day that goes by that we don't have to hear bout him wanting us to by him a new phone. He wants and wants and wants some more....can i have $20 bucks, can I have money for the store. he is NEVER content, can I go to the movies, will you take me...,

His grades are barely passing or failing...and no consequence to that either.He lies and manipulates and no consequence. He tears things consequence! He takes my sons consequence!

I'm to the point that I really can't stand even the thought of him! To see his big, fat, slobby body come in my house makes me cringe!!


Jsmom's picture

Seriously you need to put your foot down a lot harder than you have been. This kid sounds like a pain in the ass. Say no and make his be with him mom on her time and with you on your time. This is crazy. Also, if you kick in rules, he may leave permanently...Worked with my SD. Not what I wanted, mind you. But the peace and quiet is amazing now.