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It never ends

jcamp's picture

I don"t know how to start?I have been reading post on this site for a good while I just have never posted here before.Well here is my life! I got married when I was 32 years old just never found my soul mate before then.I first saw her where I worked, she was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen!! She had three kidds when we were married,she had two previous marriages,one kid first marriage,two kids secound.After we were married for two years we decided to have one of our own. After BS was born she stayed home with the kids until the youngest was two.She then wanted to get a job.When she got the job every thing went down hill she wanted a divorce we had been together for five years.That was the worst time of my life!After about a year apart we started talking and decided to remarry.I always tried to treat all four kidds the same.I always had trouble with the oldest SS because his dad was never involved in his life,he was jealous of the other three kidds,two SK seeing there dad,and BS with us.Now that he has grown up and is living on his own we get along good,he has told my wife he considers me his dad,even though BF has tried to make amends,I must have done something right!On to my wife, she is still my soul mate.After we were remmaried about a year she was diagnosed with MS,three months later she was diagnosed with bi polar disorder.Ever since then every thing has went down hill.Secound husband has always tried to get SS and SD to live with him.It finaly happened oldest SS was leaving for boot camp and my wife wanted every one to go out to dinner for a farewell meal,SD freaked out and said mom could not tell her what to do.She moved in with her dad that night he bought her out, she is a junior in high school and now she has no curfew and can do what she wants! That about did in my wife,MS has got worse,she now has major depression disorder and keeps going down!!The other three kidds do not want to have anything to do with SD even her own BB. My wife is still my soul mate even after 16 years !!!!!!!!!! This is my life. Thats all for now.


sarabella2's picture

It sounds like you have tried to keep everyone together and happy for quite a long time. Don't forget about yourself though. Teenage girls are wonderfully complicated creatures. I have one of my own (15)...and a 9 year old daughter. I also have a SD...who is not so wonderful. Unfortunately, material curfew...are what some teens respond to. Sometimes no matter what you do, you can't change anything. (I am learning this right now with my SD)

I wish you peace of mind, happiness and courage. I wish for your wife, good doctors and better health. I am sure, by reading your entry, that you and she are trying all sorts of medical intervention to help her. Hang in there...and keep writing. Sometimes it makes things clearer when you see the words "written" down.
