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Jennlg316's picture

I've been with my partner for almost 2 years, and together we have a beautiful almost year old daughter. We also have my two kids full time, and we have his two kids every four days. This past weekend I feel like i'm ready to pack it in. I'm tired of his 12 year old son either ignoring me or getting mad at me when I ask him to do something, or even when I try to explain how to do something. When I talked to my partner about this he just says it's me. And instead of trying to deal with the problem as it happens, he waits until either later that night, almost as if he puts enough time aside, the problem will go away. I love my partner so much, but I'm starting to think I may not be cut out to be a step parent.


BaaBaaBlackSheep's picture

I truly understand where you are coming from with this because its the same with my partner. The thing is we are in counseling but it seems like that's not working either so I'm on my last leg with our relationship.

Jennlg316's picture

I told my partner that SS is his kid and an be his prob, not mine any longer. Last night I slept on the floor in my kids room and he still doesn't get how much it bothers me. For over a year, since they moved in, I have put up and dealt with more crap than I should have.
I told him all want is a little respect, like my kids give him. By no means are my kids angels, but they know they have to use their manners and respect others. The oly good thing going is that my kids are full time, Dads not involved at all, so I don't have to deal with that.