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Pulling out my hair...oh wait it's falling out on it's own!

tterry316's picture

I'm new to this site but I like how there are like minds and support available for Step Moms like me. In time I'll get the short hand but for now.. It's not at the top of my list.
My husband tells me his ex is not bringing the kids back from summer vacation. She took them across the country and dropped them off with her cousin and went on out for deployment.
My husband is sick to his stomach. I have 2 Bio-kids and 3 skids. The oldest are no problem but the youngest gave me heck when they were here with us for 2 years. She is very very very very manipulative to be only 10 years old. My hubby was snowed over but I didn't fall for it. When she got in trouble she cried when he got home. What did he do.. allowed her to jump in his lap and become "baby-girl". I was pissed everytime especially because this made me out to be the wicked witch from the midwest.
Well boy did he get a rude awakening this summer. When they were (once again) being watched by the BM cousin, she ran off for 2 days and told that (adult )cousin to leave her alone because she was bothering her and making her angry. My hubby's eyes were finally opened.
Now here's the prblem..SD has manipulated her BM, doesn't want to come back w/us, other SD and SS don't want to come back w/o their little sister, all 3 leave in another state, BM pulled a sneak move and dropped them off w/o hubby's permission, hubby says I need to 'not really kiss the Step-kids behinds" but in other words I should, and now there's a big to do about a little girl who needs a little discipline.
I feel like screaming. Drama.. I can't stand it!


tterry316's picture

I would rather wash my hands of this issue but my hubby is a active father and wants to be in his childrens' lives. everytime they come it's drama. Am I wrong for feeling this way? Or am I over reacting. I told my hubby that I'm not their mother and have no desire to be their mother. he wants a fairy tale, brady bunch family unit. I constantly remind him that we live in the real world. I told him that his children don't have to like me but they will respect me.

SisterNeko's picture

Be yourself. You shouldn't have to kiss butt to anyone. Just be who you are and they don't like it it's their problem. My SO is very supportive of the way I 'parent' his kids and has said when they are at his house I am 'mom' and what I say goes.