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jstorie's picture

Dh and SD14 have been fighting for as long as I can remember i recently disengaged and I am not very good at it. I'm really trying. Well Dh has been taking the sd14 outside when things escalate. u can hear the screaming all the way in the house. its really frustrating. but better out there. its not in me and the boy's faces. well he is supposed to keep up with her agenda. i remind him everyday. well guess what i told her go to the table to do her home she sits there and stares at me at the table wads up the paper. it was something that took two mins if she did it right. i have no idea. it was a long drawn out process. so SHE SAYS "GIVE UP ON ME STOP CARING THEY ARE NOT GOING TO FAIL ME ANYWAY THEY HAVE TO PASS ME ON TO 9TH GRADE!" Everytime we turn around she is saying shit like that. she doesn't have to study she is smart! she refuses to do work! if i went to foster care they would give me a cell phone. okay good then just leave and go to foster care. get your damn phone. if you think thats how it really works. you get your grades passing you get a phone i will not pay for a stupid ass phone if you can't even do your school work. 20% 32% 37% 50% 54% those are her grades! i asked her to play with her 2 year old brother when i was helping the 5 year old with his homework and she was awful would not do it. her meme. dh's mom. said man she is a bitch to you. Dh told her this morning. YOU WILL NOT TREAT ME, MY WIFE LIKE THIS ANYMORE. OR I WILL FIND SOMEWHERE ELSE FOR YOU TO GO. I told sd your hair looks nice today. i asked her if she needed to talk becuase she was being hateful. i can be nice. i will be nice. but don't talk to me like i am dirt you can walk all over. my mind is in 50 different places. maybe i should just tell dh lets go on dr.phil so i can get her the heck out of my home. she's 14 in 8th grade we haven't even hit high school yet...and thats when its supposed to get really bad. well things are already really bad.


jstorie's picture

supposably kids in school. she has a friend who went to foster care and they got her everything she wanted supposably. but ya know i am adopted and i went through foster care so she could just be being a snot to me becuase im a little tender in that area.

Jsmom's picture

She needs to go to some type of facility. A severe wake up call. This is going to get much worse. My SD18, started like this around 13 and it escalated. We gave up custody of her when she wanted to live with BM. She did graduate HS with a 1.2 and is off at college. But, she is a train wreck and not welcome here.

This is going to get much worse. My SD threatened to kill me, have my son beat up and was evil to SS16 daily before we figured it out and cut ties.

I wish there was an easy answer. We did everything we could, but we had a BM that undermined us, so nothing actually worked. She is her problem now, but it didn't have to be that way. She could have been a very nice young lady.

jstorie's picture

it feels like the sd is right. they will just pass her through. if they are out of their system. they are not their problems....

jstorie's picture

yeah sd has no contact with bm. judge ordered it when she was 3. bm is bipolar and schizo. it is ashame sd could be the best if she would stop blaming others on her suffering and do something about it herself.

jstorie's picture

she has been in counsling for years. she has been to 3 mental hospitals. one theraputic girls home. she was diagnosed bipolar axis II and adhd. but other mental facilities said no to that initial one. shes needs a good mental evaluation.