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BM=Control Freak!!

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Control!! It all comes down to control.
Looking back on it I guess I always knew it, but hind sight is 20/20 and it is clear as day!! BM acts this because she has lost control of BF.

As I look back I see it as, as our relationship got stronger and our bond
became “unbreakable” she stepped up her game. She’d call BF for EVERY little thing; the world was ending if one of the boys had a sniffle, or a scrape, 1000000000 million trips to the ER for nonsense. Countless DR visits for common colds or stomach bugs, EVERYTHING was a big deal, and it was all to hold some sort of control over the father of her kids. The man she didn’t want, the man she kicked out on New Years Eve and then spent 6 moths or so playing head games with.

As time went on and WE grew stronger it got worse! There was a spell when she was bed hopping and was as sweet as pie, tried to be OVER friendly with me, but is was only because she needed some place to dump her kids. She would play nice with BF when she wanted something from us and as soon as she didn’t get her way it was ALWAYS the same. “well you’re not seeing the boys” even with a CO in place. I told him time and time again there is NO reason to be this friendly, who’s she sleeping with or who she’s dating is none of your concern, that’s what girlfriends are for let her talk to them, and I’m NOT one of them, but he didn’t listen he wanted to keep the peace! I always knew she’d do this, and tried to protect him, my concern was mistook for insecurity or jealousy!

In the end after being dumped by 2-3 guys in a matter of months (she doesn’t know how to treat people so it’s no surprise she can’t keep a man), she was back to her old tricks, tormenting us, calling for every little thing and then it happen, one time she didn’t get HER way and she has alienated the boys from there father, we will fight, we will stand strong.

In the end it was all about control, She could NO longer control BF, so She used the one thing She did have control of his children. She’s nothing more than ANOTHER bitter, vindictive, baby momma, and that’s all she’ll ever be to him nothing more. She’s pathetic and a sorry excuse for a Mother!

Thanks for letting me share and vent!!