Update since the Friday from HELL
So as I'm sure most of you are aware of the total crap storm that brewed Easter weekend, all that drama and SD14 decided to not come. There were many MANY talks that happened the entire weekend ( all calm thank god) but I did come down on him HARD on passive aggressive MIL. He apologized and has since had a talk with his mother about her unwanted advice and her comments about his wife (me) . We have had a few counseling session which are going great, DH didn't object at all. Things have been peaceful in the house besides the chaos of having 4 kids lol. I have not seen much of MIL but SIL has come around more for the kiddos, I was shock SIL stayed out of the drama . I did tell DH that if he EVER threatened me with divorce again he better follow through with it and have his bags packed because I do not lay with that word. The following weekend after Easter he drove to Dallas with DS 7 and BS12 to see SD14 play , he had a serious talk with her while he was there about her visitation. He said that she needs to come and if she doesn't come then she can not come outside of her weekend to come . Supposedly DH said that SD has been wanting to come. Over all things have been going good! I ever went out and got me a sweet new ride and I received a bonus at work today !!! So that brings me to say that SD is coming this weekend and I'm don't know how to feel about it, she hasn't been since last year . I'm just gonna mind to myself but already BM is making it difficult for DH ( shocker!) also Sunday is DH birthday , I am just hoping for a calm non drama weekend .
- JustanotherSM17's blog
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Hoping for a peaceful weekend for you
Civil and polite, that's my mantra.
I hope your baby is better.
Thank you , I am hoping for
Thank you , I am hoping for the same. She is completely better thank god!
Of the 180 or spineless guilty daddy back slide!
It’s your CO visitation
Your visitation is more important then volleyball lesson , BM should of made arrangements so DD Visitation does not interfere with her volleyball lesson .
'TWO. You must be respected by SD. there must be a " Hello" . 'Good night"...." good morning "...and "Goodby"...just maybe a "thank you"... How much you want to be involved it's up to you. I would have little hope after a year. So be nice, be helpful. Let SD screw up. [or not]. In the end you still have to live with your DH abd your family . Of course you will exchange those pleasantries with the whole family.