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Personality Conflict Between SM and SD

Justbeinghonest85's picture

Just married my husband in September, but we've lived together for 2 years and together a total of 3. He has 3 kids 15,13,and 9, and I have one 9 year old. We have custody of all but his oldest who decided life with us was too hard this summer after he was supposed to dig a couple of post holes,that night he ran away to his moms and has lived there now for 4 months.
It has been a struggle adapting to being a mom of 4 from a mom of 1, especially because I unfortunately have pretty much no tolerance or patience (I admit this but am not proud of it) so the adjustment period was like a daily root canal, just never ending frustration and it exposed nerves raw and bleeding. We had real issues with my step son who was 11 at the time. He was the most attached to his mother, so me moving in was really hard on him and he acted like an ass hole a lot, I wasn't necessarily any more mature bc like I said #1 I have no patience #2 I had no idea how to deal. We eventually developed a relationship after spending one on one time together working in the garden 2 summers ago and now we have a pretty great relationship, much more natural and mother-son like.

The kids have to deal with their real moms issues every other weekend when they stay with her. She is poisonous in just about every aspect of their lives. She spends most of their time together on her phone, sleeping or at "work" and when she is spending time with them she is constantly badgering them to run away like their brother did, and come live with her, or talking crap about their dad and me. It is infuriating that she is so immature and selfish. The kids have even told us they don't really like going over there anymore, but feel like they have to so she doesn't get mad at them or have to hurt her feelings. We talked to a lawyer today that said we had to follow the paper work and let them continue spending every other weekend with her. I told my husband I didn't give a shit, that we needed to do what was best for the kids and if she decides to call the police we'd cross that bridge when we got there, I really don't feel like she will put in the effort to do anything about it anyways.

His 9 year old daughter told us a few weeks ago that her and her brother (the 13 y.o) will try to talk to their mom or show her something while shes on her phone and they have to say mom about 10 times before she will look away and pay attention to them and when she finally does shes annoyed at them. That was my breaking point, I told my husband we needed to stop letting them go, but he hesitates. Then we had a parent teacher conference with her teachers today, and they told us that every other week she becomes sad and withdrawn, that she has told them that her mom doesnt really care about them or want them around. They say shes depressed and are setting her up with a counselor. Shes unable to focus on her work and pay attention bc shes depressed and upset about her situation with her mom and I am sure shes upset about mine and her relationship as well. We are just so different her and I. She is very slow, uncommunicative and spacey, so there is a major disconnect between us, and it seems to me to be a serious personality conflict. I HAVE TO BE A BETTER MOM for her. I am failing her bc she just drives me nuts, I am so opposite, I express my feelings all the time, I talk about whats going on and what I think, I use my common sense and I do most things at a pretty fast pace. She literally has NO common sense (and yes I know we are talking about a 9 years old) but even 9 year old's have SOME common sense, she really has close to none. Its like she doesn't think or pay attention, and she is very forgetful, even her teachers have pointed this out. She just looks at you when your talking, explaining or scolding her like a deer in the headlights, the lights are on but NO ONES HOME! I just want to scream "PULL YOUR HEAD OUT OF YOUR ASS" or "WAKE THE HELL UP' but she just looks at you like your speaking a foreign language. Now I am seriously distressed bc the teachers are saying some of this may be due to depression, and I am over here making it worse!!! FUUUUCK!!!!!!!

I am a terrible person, how can I change? I want to be that hallmark movie stepmom, I want to like her, I care about her and her well being but, like her?? No not really... sometimes, when its just me and her for some reason it seems easier to get along with her, probably bc she doesn't know where she fits into our family unit as a whole. And that's my fault, I have been "freezing her out" not really on purpose but the less I interact with her the less chance I have of being annoyed by her and losing my temper and feeling like a raging volcano inside that can't let explode. I have to change now, I have to fill in this gap her mother (... and I Sad ) have created.I take full responsibility for being the evil stepmom, even tho it hasn't always been this way between us, somehow it became this way, and I want to change, I want to be better. For her and for our relationship.


uofarkchick's picture

Girl, you're not terrible, The things I think in my head about my kids some days would make ya blush. You can love your kid but not like them very much, too.

Justbeinghonest85's picture

Thank you, I just want to be better, and unfortunately I think I am in need of counseling to change, but I have no insurance so I am here, looking for tips and advice so I can be what she desperately needs Sad

SM12's picture

I had the same stressors when I went from having One child (My BS) to having FOUR!!! It was all I could do to get through the day.
The SS's were all LOUD and messy and it was overwhelming. I was so miserable. Plus the SS's would all gang up against my BS which made me resent them even more.
They were and are manipulative sneaky and rude kids. DH wasn't helping the situation either because he thought their behavior was fine. It was all he knew.
But it was horrible trying to go from one kid to four. It is just too much to deal with all at once. So please stop feeling so guilty.

At this point you understand your SD needs some extra attention or help. Quit beating yourself up about the past and move forward in a way to help her.
Spend some one on one time with her. Fine a common interests. Show some interest in her daily life.

I understand wanting to freeze out the kids who you don't understand. My MSS and OSS are so odd. They are creepy quiet when DH isn't around and when they aren't fighting with each other. They will walk right past me or any adult and ignore they are there. So I choose to pretend they were no longer there. I'm not proud of it but it is a coping behavior. But this kid seems to need some help. And she is not being rude, mean or manipulative. She is just different than you. So make sure your DH spends a little extra time with her. You can find some common interest or activity and maybe that will help. Good luck to you!!!

Justbeinghonest85's picture

Thank you, that is our plans (spending one on one time) along with getting her a counselor. I appreciate you sharing your story, it helps knowing I am not the only one that has these feeling and struggles.

WokeUpABug's picture

Wait, what? BM has court-ordered weekend visitation and you are pushing to withhold her kids against the wishes of your DH and advice of a lawyer? Kids you don't even like that much? This seems crazy to me. BM does not sound like a great mom but does not sound abusive either. And if you think she is abusive go through the proper channels and call CPS. This is bound to backfire on you if you withhold kids.

Justbeinghonest85's picture

LET me make one thing clear. I LOVE these kids. I want whats best for them no matter what, and I am good to them. I just struggle with connecting with my SD, thats why I am here to get advice on how to make our relationship better. As far as their BM goes, if she was a healthy influence for them we would never even think of this, but when my step daughters teachers are concerned after watching her mentally withdraw on weekends she goes to BM's house and she has told us the stories and tells us she doesnt want to go, YEA its something we are looking into!

notsurehowtodeal's picture

Have you even considered the consequences of withholding the children? BM could call the police - and even thought they probably wouldn't forcibly remove the kids, it would be stressful. BM could start court proceeding against DH for violating the court order. (It is an order, not a suggestion.) She could end up with more custody than she has now.
She could take it out on the kids the next time they do visit.

After all, how bad can she be if DH let the oldest go live with her? Has that part of the custody order been changed through the court?

If DH thinks it is that bad for the kids to spend time with their Mother, he needs to start the process of officially changing custody. He will have to do it, not you. If you interfere too much a judge is not going to be happy.

kathc's picture

Totally get where you're coming from, your feelings are totally valid but PLEASE don't act on them.

Yeah, she's probably a huge scumbag who ignores her kids when they're forced to visit. BUT I've been around long enough to see plenty of kids who will say that to make you feel better ("we like you and dad better because mom sucks") and then tell mom what a meanie you are. You don't know what's being said over there because you aren't there.

And, no, don't just withhold the kids. Not at their ages. When they're teens if they choose to not go, you call her and tell her they don't want to go and you don't see how you can make a 15 year old go. But while they're still this young, you must make them go unless you can get a court order to say otherwise. I've seen custody changed because of withholding and that's the last thing you want.

robin333's picture

Is there a CO? If there is you shouldn't be advocating withholding visitation.

Has your DH gotten Sd into therapy? If not, he needs to make that a priority.

Acratopotes's picture

sorry OP - I'm a Evil SM and stopped reading when you said it's difficult to change from mom of one to mom of 4...

you are still a mom of 1... you will not be mom of 4... the 3 skids are not your children and never will be they have a mother, safe yourself allot of stress and hate and accept that fact... the 3 bonus kids have a mum and it's not you

Justbeinghonest85's picture

Thanks for all the honesty even the harsh opinions. All in all it was mostly unneeded as the people telling me to "back off" or "how dare you withhold the kids" have no idea the crap she has put the kids through so I can see how these decisions may seem offensive. I will not back off I will continue to STEP UP as the mother figure she needs, her mother is a selfish, narcissist and this sweet girl deserves better. All I can say is we are reasonable people and would never make the kids stay away, we gave them the option, SD had an emotional break through and expressed all her pain towards her BM and decided to stay home this weekend SS decided to go which was fine. Oh and btw when DH told BM she wasnt going this weekend her response was "ok". Yes we talked to the lawyer because we want to be informed of what the channels would be and what to expect if we did take action. The reality is it was DH's desire to do so and I really wasnt in favor of it, as I figured if the kids didnt want to go she wouldnt fight it. We are good parents and want our kids to know they have an option and a safe place. I will not feel bad for our decisions or offended as you guys do not know us or the full extent of our situation, there for there is no point in getting my panties in a wad over your comments.