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My Bio's school had a fire

justmakingthebest's picture

This sucks on so many levels. The school board's plan is to move the kids to another middle school in the district and rotate days. So current school kids will go to school Mon/Wed./Fri. My kids go to school Tues/Thurs/Sat. -- We don't know how sports are going to work. I am thanking God right now that I now have a long distance parenting plan because I would feel awful if my kids weren't able to see their dad (they used to go see him 2x a month but he was almost 4 hours away- so it was kind of an ordeal). 

The school board still doesn't really know if this is going to work, they are trying to get waivers for classroom hours for both schools to keep them out of school all summer. It is all just a hot mess. 

My biggest issue is now I have 2 teenagers home all day doing nothing but eating me out of house and home!! How do they survive in school? They eat/snack at home every 30 mins! And the bickering. OMG. SO MUCH BICKERING. 



DHsfamilyfromhell's picture

I am so sorry to hear this. When my boys were little some idiot burned their primary school down. Some was rescuable  some not. It took a year for it to be re opened. 

The solution was for the local authorities to open up a school that had been temporarily closed for refurbishment. 

They moved their existing children in to new buildings. Added some temporary ‘mobile huts’, and let our kids use the slightly older (but safe) building. 

Fingers crossed for you they come up with a good plan. Maybe once they know the extent of the damage and the rebuild time they might be willing to locate some temporary huts somewhere to alleviate overcrowding. Or another effective plan.