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OT- The Family Stone, Lost.

justmakingthebest's picture

My engagement ring belonged to my great grandmother. It was given to her in 1924. My great-grandparents story is one of true love. He was a struggling inventor and she was a French model. They met in NYC. She was Catholic and he was not. She left her country, faith and family to be with him. They loved each other deeply until her death. 

My grandmother wore her mother's ring (along with her own) my whole life. Since I was a little girl she would point to that ring and tell me it would be mine one day. I used to tease her as I got older. I would take her hand and ask if she was still taking good care of my ring. She would give me a sour face and then we would giggle. I was so close to her. Even though I had been married before, she never gave me that ring, and I never asked for it. As she was in the nursing home, before she died and DH and I would go visit she would always tell me that he was the right one, she loved his smile. She gave that ring to him so that we could get married with it. 

Fast forward to Early March of this year, I went into Zale's for my wedding band inspection and had them clean both rings. They saw that I had lost the tip of one of the prongs, asked if I would like it repaired, I say sure, send it off and thought I would have it back in a couple of weeks.

Well- COVID. Yep. My ring is gone. They launched a special investigator for the last month, they have no sign of it. It is gone. I called the store about 3X a week since they re-opened and finally yesterday I was told to come in. 

I cried... Like a lot. The poor manager was crying with me. She felt so bad, it wasn't her fault at all. I was never mean to them when I called and she thanked me over and over again. She got approval to let me get a new ring. She pulled out this giant book of custom designs and I actually found one that is "vintage" style and pretty close to the filigree pattern that was on mine, and it was the platinum like mine was. The I picked diamond the same size and is one of their best cut and clarity- so that is good. I feel like she did the best she could under the circumstances. I have been promised by corporate that if it is ever found, it will still be returned to me but I am fairly certain that it is gone forever. Hopefully I will have my new ring in a few weeks. 

It is just one more horrible thing to chalk up to 2020, I swear. This has just been a horrible year. 



SteppedOff's picture

Hoping your year improves.

Felicity0224's picture

Oh no, I am so incredibly sorry. I really hope it makes it's way back to you one day, somehow. My rings are both vintage family heirlooms too and I would be heartbroken. 

thiscantbenormal's picture

So sorry about the lost heirloom. I bet you feel gutted about it.

I'm wearing a family stone from DH's side but its not as old as yours.  Simple ring with extremely low market value but it has some sparkle. DH's cousin was offered another family ring that was practically identical to mine and said "I dont want that ugly thing".  She's such a charmer.

thinkthrice's picture

wonder who made off with it.  Sounds like an inside job...

Exjuliemccoy's picture

What a nightmare! I'm so sorry.

My mother had an unfortunate ring incident, but nothing close to yours. She and my stepfather had just married, but the wedding band was too big and needed to be soldered to the engagement ring. They took it to a jeweler who had been in our small town for many years. When the time came to pick the set up, they found the store closed. Rumor was the jeweler was ill, but it turned out he'd filed for bankruptcy and fled. All customers who had jewelry, watches, etc in his shop for repair lost their property.

I'd expect a whole lot more from a national company like Zale's. This is a crime. Has it been reported?

justmakingthebest's picture

I spoke to my company's attorney (he is awesome and a total bulldog)- basically what they did is all that I would get in court. Covid related things, like this due to store closures, is being considered an Act of God- therefore, they aren't responsible for more than the replacement. 

DPW's picture

I'm so sorry. I have a ring from my grandmother too. I'd be devastated to lose it as I would like to hand it down in the family eventually. 

Did the investigation turn up where it went missing? Like with the courier or something? 

justmakingthebest's picture

It was repaired and sent to my local store but it was closed, so it was re-routed supposedly to a depot in Kentucky. That is where is goes missing. There is no signature receiving it but the courier shows that is was delivered. It is just a mess. 

Imdone21's picture

Oh my gosh! That is awful! I would be so upset. I hope they find it somewhere and get it back to you.