O/T - Hate 3rd Shift!!!
My DH has been on 3rd shift all week and I HATE IT, this is my routine
5:40 am wake up, get into shower and get dressed for work
6:15 am start breakfast for kids
6:30 am wake all kids up
6:45 am kids get dressed and I start getting makeup and hair done
7:00 am kids brush teeth
7:20 am first kid on the bus
7:25 am DH gets home
7:30 am I leave to take other 3 kids to school
8:30 am I start my workday
3:00 pm DH wakes up
4:00 pm DH gets 1 kid off the bus
5:00 pm I leave work
5:15 pm I pick up 3 kids from school
5:30 pm I get home with 3 kids and start dinner
(as dinner is cooking children start taking showers)
6:15 pm we sit down and eat dinner
7:30 pm DH lays down for a nap and I clean up kitchen
8:00 pm kids go to bed
8-9 pm I sit my arse on the couch and watch TV
9 pm I make lunches for DH night at work and for me the next day
9:30 pm DH gets up to ready to leave
10 pm DH leaves for work
10:30 pm I'm almost a sleep
But the next 3 weeks will suck also, he goes on 2nd shift....UGH!!!!!
- just_tired's blog
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Jesus... I'll think twice
Jesus... I'll think twice from now on before complaining about my schedules!!!
Oh when he is on 2nd shift, I
Oh when he is on 2nd shift, I have to pick up kids from two different schools and only see DH when I give him a kiss goodbye in the morning.
My DH is working 12 hour
My DH is working 12 hour shifts.
4:30am I get up, shower, get ready for work, take care of the dog.
5:30am Leave for work
6:00am DH gets home
2:00pm I get off work.
2:30pm I get home from work. DH may or may not be awake.
3:00pm Wake up DH if he is still sleeping.
3:30pm DH gets ready for work.
4:00pm DH leaves for work. Aniki and the dog spend lots of evenings together.
The only saving grace is no kids in the house.
I have his kids 24/7 and my
I have his kids 24/7 and my DS every other week. So I'm never alone...lol
If I had his kids 24/7, I'd
If I had his kids 24/7, I'd get another job just to pay a skid-sitter!!
I don't like working that
I don't like working that much, the kids aren't too horribly bad. Just miss my hubby, but he provides well for us and well with their mom in jail and no custody, having the kids is my 2nd job.
I live in a similar world. SO
I live in a similar world. SO works a 1am-1pm. It get's lonely sometimes, I've noticed that if he has to stay late or I work od hours and miss our hour-ish a day together I start to feel awful. We make a point to carve out an hour togethr a day to make it not so bad. Even when he's away we talk on the phone and send snapchats and whatnot. You learnt o work around it if it's your everyday.
When it's new or temporary it's awful. Get some girlfriends to gab with or talk to us more. I get ti though. It's lonely when they're constantly unavailable.
Wow! DH works first shift and
Wow! DH works first shift and he's usually the only one to work over. But I definitely cannot complain after seeing your schedule!
6 kids in the house full time.. Do they drive me nuts sometimes? Yeah but I'm thankful they're here. DH and I are at home at the same time in the evenings but we rarely get to spend time together. We are trying to work on that now. He was working two jobs until his promotion so I never saw him then besides that (maybe if I'm up before you leave) kiss and coffee in the morning. It's hard sometimes!! Hang in there
Thanks hun Can't wait till
Thanks hun
Can't wait till March he will be back on Days and we are going on a 3 night 4 day vacation with the kids for spring break