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DH Got His Balls Back!

katielee's picture

Over the past few days, my DH seems to have cracked down on SD12, but last night took the cake.

SD12 didn't get her schoolwork done AGAIN. She smarted off to the teacher AGAIN. Of course I was the one who had to suffer the embarrassment of hearing all this at school AGAIN. I texted DH, not really expecting too much but hoping the DH I married would man up and do something about it when he got home from work. And guess what???

Princess got her butt paddled last night.

This morning it's like I have a new SD12, all smiling, sweet-spoken, good attitude... total shock to this stepmother's system.

This post might attract a bunch of haters in the non-spanking court, speaking all kinds of doom and gloom about how spanking ruins lives and blah, blah, blah... but all I know is that yesterday my stepdaughter was hateful, spiteful, and lazy and today she's a model child. I think it was a spanking well-needed and well-deserved. And he tells her there's more where that came from if she doesn't get her work done and behave today and in the future.

I am so glad my husband finally found his balls.


tryingmom's picture

Attitude adjusted! Hopefully she'll remember that when she slips back into her lazy entitled mode. Dirol